Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Quick Hello

I finished The Lake House -- did I say this already??  It was good -- long, but enjoyable.

Next up ...

One of my favorite things about Jenna Bush's book club is that the author of the current selection recommends FIVE of her current read recommendations.  This was one of them.  It's magic meets 1980s meets high school girls.  It's a YA subject matter, but it's written so well.  The author has a great sense of humor and I really like it so far.  Magic AND the 80s ... come on ... perfection!!

My BFF sent me a birthday box filled with goodies to open all month long.  Choose my mood, choose my option.  So fun!  Love her!  I haven't opened anything but the "starter" envelope.  I'll start opening once it gets a little closer.

Prime is streaming Just Mercy for free right now.  I have the book and my plans were to read instead of seeing the movie, but I never did.  It's heavy and I've been in some low places this year and didn't pick it up (looking for feel good books).  I think I'll watch instead.

Got my monthly -- on time again this month.  Still "different," but hitting a regular schedule again.

Full day today.  Cleaning crew is back.  Masks and precautions.  Meeting 2 friends at a park for a heart check -- so much sadness.  Then EMERGENCY bug appointment.  Millipedes have hatched in our basement -- HUNDREDS of them.  I killed about 50 while I worked out yesterday.  I'm not afraid of them like I am spiders -- thank god.  Speaking of spiders ... big one on my leg while I sat on the porch.  I ran inside, stripped down and called the bug guy.  We're due for a June service outside too.  This means LOTS of people in my house today.

Next few mornings are EARLY.  Today because of cleaning crew.  Tomorrow is early voting.  Friday is early grocery store run.  Good and bad.  It's nice to be up and about early, but then it's a LONG alone day.

Stay well.  Later gators.

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