Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Countdown Continues

Good morning.

Dogs are walked, fed and settled for a morning nap so I'm in my office trying to get some "normal" in my day before a workout.

I've been spending a lot of time learning about racism and other things are taking a backseat (like Enneagram research).  Hubby is working from home next week, so I'm planning to start back on some fun things once he's back in VA.  We're planning to do nature outdoor fun while he's home (assuming we can find non-crowded spaces and weather is okay).

I won't spend a lot of time talking about what I'm reading, watching and listening to with #BLM because that information is plentiful right now (yes!!), but here's a quick update.  I'm starting Austin Channing Brown's book this week.  I have a few movies and series to watch too.  Podcasts galore, new Instagram accounts, etc.  I will talk about what I'm changing in a future post though.  Knowledge and education is a start, but ACTIONS are the goal.  That's harder to figure out, more uncomfortable to do and is a marathon (not a sprint).

In other news, I finished We Ride Upon Sticks (Quan Barry).  Turns out the author is a black woman.  Supporting black professionals is one of the actions I'm taking -- this happened to be timely, but wasn't on purpose.  And what I mean is making an effort to look (in this case) for black authors -- not just those who write about race, but supporting black writers in the fiction area -- hearing their voices.  As sometimes I look for female authors to support a less supported minority and hear the female voice.  Anyway .... the book was great (!!)  Original, interesting, FUNNY.  Loved it.

I also started watching Killing Eve on Prime.  It's not free on Prime, but I think there are some streaming options that are free.  I need easy so I'm purchasing it.  It's fun and strange and GOOD!!  Until recently, I had no idea what it was about -- I thought it was a period thing about the Bible's Eve.  Oops ... not even close.  Glad someone recommended it.  Think Dexter and Homeland had a baby -- twists, turns, likable murderers, can't trust anyone.

This morning my neighbor (friend) is coming over for a quick coffee on the porch.  This afternoon is the toilet fix of the failed fix from Friday.  It'll be good to have the master toilet back functioning.  Friday was air in the line -- now it's totally broken.  Dang.

Looks like hubby was planning on takeout and pretty much nothing else on Saturday.  I mentioned that wasn't what I would expect for a 50th birthday celebration.  He suggested take out from A DINER (!!)  Good lord.  I'm set for disappointment, but still remain hopeful which is why I'll probably be disappointed (BTW -- this is very Enneagram 6 which is what I "test" as ... more to come).

Can I chat one more minute on my birthday disappointments (birthday pity party for one)?

(1)  Saturday's party -- see above.
(2)  A girlfriend was planning on a sleepover and evening of fun this week.  Then it was a takeout dinner and an evening together (her getting a ride so she could have drinks).  Now it's whittled down to a happy hour drink and snacks on the porch.  It's about expectations -- this is a lovely thing for my birthday, but nowhere near what it started out to be ... therefore, DISAPPOINTING.
(3)  Thursday evening and dinner at the kids' place -- my actual birthday.  I ordered extra sweets from the bakery and kept the day open from plans.  Canceled because of work issues.  I understand, but it's disappointing -- and, truth be told, I was on the fence about it anyway.  Then I decided to go along with the fun -- never mind now.  Youngest is coming over here and bringing dinner.  That's nice, but again, not what I was expecting.

Enough complaining -- for today LOL.  Stay well.  I'm off to do a workout and helps this lousy mood of mine.  Later gators.

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