Saturday, June 13, 2020

A Little Sleep In

Dogs woke up at 4:30 and went on a potty break.  Normally, I'd stay up to get ready for an early walk.  I couldn't do it -- decided to go back to bed and we slept until 7 o'clock.  Morning walk will be short and sweet.  I'll take them for a car ride later today for something fun to do.  One day missing a long walk won't kill us (we'd miss if it was raining).

Lots of phone fun yesterday.  Caught up with a few people -- for combined over 5 hours (that might be a record for me).  I was actually tired of talking LOL, but it was nice to catch up and an unexpected surprise for the day.

The zoom call with our Italy group was a bust.  I had connection problems that ended up ending my involvement after about 20 minutes.  One gal forgot (we had to reach out) and there's another who dominates the conversation -- expert on everything, interjects on every comment.  It's particularly annoying on a video call.  No one gets to finish their thoughts.  I wasn't bummed to lose connection.

Today is a full day of NOTHING.  I think that's why the idea of starting my day so early was particularly unappealing.  Since it seems like I caught up with every friend yesterday (hah), I don't expect to talk to anyone but hubby later today.

I planned to take the pups for a Starbucks run (haven't been since February), but then found out Starbucks wasn't allowing any BlackLivesMatter support from employees.  They allow LGBTQ+ support.  Last night they rescinded their policy -- speaking up and speaking out ... it works.  Looks like that's back on the table for this weekend.

I'll get my act together soon to do something more on my posts.  Enneagram, new goodies, books, etc.  I've been slacking with the pups and our new morning schedule.  I'm even boring myself.

Hope you have a great Saturday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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