Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Good Morning

Working on a new morning routine.  We (me and the dogs) have been walking EARLY -- out by 6 o'clock.   This means MY stuff gets pushed back, but this seems to be the best (and only) option to avoid dog traffic and the summer heat.

I ordered Monti a new harness that should secure him from pulling out -- this will give me a little more control seeing other dogs.  Monti doesn't react, Duke does ... but Monti doesn't want to move if he's sniffing a good spot.  He puts on the brakes and back pulls out of his current harness while I'm trying to move Duke back from certain dogs.  Little stinker.

The boys are getting along beautifully.  The last test is leaving them alone to grocery shop.  This is more about Monti and separation anxiety than them having an issue together.  Fingers crossed.

Cuteness overload!!

Today is a food prep day.  Pork in the pressure cooker, banana muffins for hubby and bacon.  Clearing the refrigerator and getting ready for another shop on Friday.  I think I'll head to the grocery store instead of Costco.  It's a toss up, because I'm low on things from both places, but I'll drag out Costco until next week.  I'm actually spacing shopping because of Monti, not COVID.

This is a little of what I was mentioning yesterday.  My new routine had to change AGAIN.  I started going more frequently to the store (2 weeks ago) and now need to drop back.  Hopefully, he'll be calm enough, soon enough and this won't be an issue.

So some crazy gossip-news.  Rachel and Dave Hollis are divorcing.  This is only "news" because half their brand is selling an "exceptional" marriage -- as recently as 2 weeks ago.  Books, a joint podcast, a marriage conference, life coaching -- all on how they keep their marriage exceptional.  Sex advice, how they date each other, how divorce is never an option, how their marriage is the keystone to their lives.  Then, bam, we're "ending our marriage."  Wow.  Goes to show you, can't believe everything you see and add extra skepticism when it involves selling stuff.  I lost interest in her soon after the RISE conference (which was good, BTW).  I check in now and then ... more from curiosity than inspiration.  Her newly found fame changed her a lot.  This was a shocker.

Anyway ...

Have a great day.  Stay well.

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