Sunday, October 20, 2019

Let the packing begin ...

Last early morning wake up before our trip.  I'm letting myself sleep LATE over the next couple of days so I'm well rested.  Basically, we skip a night's sleep flying overnight.

My usual trip nerves are in full swing.  Packing nerves, plane nerves, etc.  Every single time.  The bigger the trip, the bigger the nerves.  Packing starts today -- that should help a little.

No football gathering this weekend.  Eldest has a cold.  Bummer for him.  Patient Zero needs to stay away though.

We met yesterday and secured the rehearsal dinner night.  It seems like it's going to work really nicely -- from cost to room to food choices.  It's getting exciting and REAL.  I need to get a dress for the wedding and the rehearsal.  Shopping with a specific goal is not my best kind of shopping -- that panic is for another day though.

Since my travel nerves are flying high, ALL the nerves are flying.  Wedding stuff, renewing my RN license, holidays, leaving the dogs.  Stuff I don't need to have nerves about at all.  I was tossing and turning last night.  Up to run outside and go to A Course in Miracles class -- maybe both of those will help.

Yesterday was a full out rain day and high in the low 50s.  It felt great.  Our little Duke gets cold when it's under 90 (southern boy to his core) and hates to be wet -- he wasn't happy.  We lit the fire pit for the first time since we've moved.  It's back to the high 70s today -- short lived cold front.

My "beauty" prep is set for the trip.  I decided to keep my orange toe nails (I like them) and no spray tan.  I'm switching up my packing so my pale legs aren't an issue.  Got my fingers, eyebrows and hair all set.

Weather in Rome isn't going to be great.  Warm-ish and rain.  Clothes packing is so complicated for fall temperature swings.

I'm torn about a possible decision to NOT pack workout clothes.  What?!?!  It takes up so much room (with running shoes) and I don't know how much time I'll have to workout.  We have early mornings all but 2 days and the workout option in Florence is outside running.  We're staying along the river and there's a great path for running -- BUT, it doesn't get light until almost 7am and we have early mornings.  The day we travel to Florence is the time change in Europe (we'll get it twice this year LOL).  That helps with morning light, but still might not be early enough.  Is it worth the suitcase room for maybe 2 or 3 quick workouts?  Haven't decided.  I'll try to fit everything, but fall clothes take up more room and I'm always super duper tightly packed in the carryon with spring clothes.  We'll be walking like crazy in Rome -- not too worried about movement those days.  Florence is all private tours, so not nearly the walking.  It's going to come down to suitcase room.  I have a few ideas to consolidate -- I'll see where that gets me.

That is all from nerve-central this morning.  I wish I knew WHY this happens when I travel.  I don't let it stop me from traveling and the minute we arrive, all nerves are gone, but the lead up is wacky world on steroids.  Happy Sunday - later gators.

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