Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Well, DANG!

So I flopped on my list yesterday.

True confession time.

Youngest and I hung out, watched HBO and snacked and ate all sorts of leftovers.  On a very funny note, what we were watching was Leftovers.  Coincidence?  I think not.  LOL.

The rest of the list was okay.  Run WAS hard and WAS worth it.  Did some chores ... had a productive day.  Then not.

Also, the HORRIBLE Georgia pollen that even turns white dogs yellow (true story) got to me.  My sinuses are shot.  Pain, headache, snot ... not even medication helped.  My eyes are goopy and swollen this morning.  Yuck.  It lasts a few weeks.

Back to Leftovers (the HBO series, not my food).  Wow.  It's INTENSE!  Not for the faint hearted.  IF (and that's a big if) all the crazy has some point and some wacky conclusion ... it's going to be great.  If there is a dumb explanation and all the intimation is just a tease ... not happy.  I don't even know how many episodes there are - I think this is a couple of years old.  It's just hitting my radar now.  I think a google search is in my future.  I need to know if I'm wasting my time.

I'm almost finished with the second book in a Trilogy (The Brilliants Trilogy).  It's good, but not great anymore and I can't decide if I need to read the 3rd book now.  If I don't read it now, there's a good chance I'll never read it.  I have a long list of books waiting patiently.  Maybe some petal-to-the-metal and get it read.

Tonight is a Releash fundraiser and the kids are going.  Youngest is keeping me company with Ellie and the eldest and his girlfriend are interested in one of the dogs highlighted tonight.  It should be another fun night.  Dinner on the patio with dogs (and pollen - that's the bummer part).

So my list for today ...

Lift workout and long walk with Duke.
To-do list before my girlfriend arrives (still have some stuff to finish up)
To-do list of house stuff because the rest of the week is COMPANY
Finish the second book in the trilogy.

Not so inspiring, but today is a survival day.  I feel crappy and have a long list of to-dos.  I'll call it a win to get through that list and in bed in one piece.

Later gators.

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