Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Light is Still On

My tank is low - the light is on, but I have a little left before I run out completely.

ME time yesterday was my journal post, a lift workout at home (before all the dog walks, etc) and one chapter of reading before bed.  Couldn't get anything more squeezed in ... but the good news is I got a ton of stuff off my list yesterday.  This should free me up a little going forward.

In other news ...

Ellie's probable mom is coming over today.  I say probable because Ellie continues to change and I don't know if she's up for an active (and bit destructive LOL) dog.  We'll see.  I hope so!!   I love this little girl, but it's time for her forever home.

We're supposed to all go to lunch (including Ellie).  The termite inspection is at noon.  What are the chances that's on-time?  I bet I don't get to go.  Either way, I'm getting out today for some FUN.  After the visit and inspection works too - something for ME.  Both my best girlfriends are heading out of town today, so it's just me-myself-and-I for a good time.

I need to pick up the pottery from our GNI group.  I can't wait to see what it looks like!

I ordered another Jim Rohn CD program.  I want something to listen to in the car and I'm not tech savvy ... no phone stuff for me.  I love TR, but I've listened to it so many times.  I'd like something new.  I hope it comes before my long vet drive tomorrow!  Listening to youtube and podcast stuff at home is difficult - the car ride seems like a good option.

I'm coming to the end of my eat-less 5 day challenge.  It didn't go quite as expected.  I guess it was a little vague.  I ate less, but I don't feel particularly accomplished after this challenge.  I need to figure something better going forward.

That's today in a nutshell.  Let's have a good one!!  Later gators.

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