Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Hump Day

Today was supposed to be dentist day.  They had to reschedule because of a family emergency for the hygienist.  I hate the dentist, but I've already rescheduled once (gave my appointment to my youngest).  Now it's been too long (I go every 3 months).  I'm on-call for appointment openings so maybe next week, otherwise it's next month.  Fingers crossed.  Too much build-up is hell on my snaggletooth!

Yesterday was long.  Eldest got the epidural and, hopefully, that continues him on the road to recovery.

It was a day everyone needed something from me.  Time, favor, attention, text, phone call, look up something, fix something, more attention.  You get the idea.

I woke up this morning with my tanks low again and already text messages flying.  I don't have reserves right now.

In the name of trying to get to my GOOD PLACE, I'm prioritizing my self-care this morning.  Everything and everyone will have to wait.  It's important because the rest of the week continues doing-for-others stuff.  I could easily take no ME time and that's not my GOOD PLACE.

The dentist was cancelled, but that time filled up completely with favors, etc.  Sometimes I still struggle saying 'no.'  I won't lie about my schedule, so saying no because I want ME time seems selfish and weird.  So how do I say no?!?  Question to ponder.

And, saying 'no' when I'm also focusing on saying 'yes' to stuff is a balance I don't have (at least today).  Variety vs certainty vs ME time.

Low tanks muddy the water for me.  Decisions, priorities ... it all gets confusing.

My INTENTION for today is to make some ME time.  Fill my tank a little so I can focus more clearly.  Journalling is step one - thanks for listening LOL.  Until tomorrow ... later gators.

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