I'm majorly BLAH this week.
First week of having a foster means hibernating. I need to acclimate the little pup, spend quality time, not too much crating, house train, etc, etc, etc. This means I go out very little, cluster my errands for only one trip out and become a house hermit. Being a hermit magnifies the blahs.
Add to this problem, this week my family is on vacation, my two best local buddies are MIA (foot surgery and their vacations) and it's colder than a witch's *$%. All decreasing my "doing stuff" ability.
My only "out" this week was lunch with a friend. The rest of the week was yucky clothes (I'm cleaning up dog stuff all day), reruns of Frasier and talking to myself. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but I feel closed off from the world.
Now add a few more goodies. I pick up a new foster today (start the hibernation clock over), hubby is out of town all next week, youngest goes back to school Sunday night. It feels like a lonely week coming up too.
Adding again to my woes, I've not been reasonable about my eating. Eating good food, but way too much of it (hello home all day and bored). So very little "good" happening for my work effort.
I'm plugging through some stuff. Releash Atlanta is kicking up some work, my CE credits are getting done, but I'm really blah overall. I've caught up with peeps on the phone and that's been nice. I need more though.
And when I'm blah, I tend to see the glass half empty. Lunch with my friend was good (I thought so at least). Good conversation, stuff in common, etc. Yet, the end of lunch we said good-bye and that was it. No "that was fun, let's do it again" ... no "thanks for suggesting this" ... no message after the fact. Now my good lunch feels less-than-good because I'm focused on this no-second date situation. I feel the ball is in her court to ask to do something. What if she didn't enjoy herself? I don't want to become that pushy person you need to make excuses to avoid. If she gave positive feed-back, I'd be more than happy to lead the invites. I wanted this WIN ... a complete win. Hello crazy ME -- we've been spending lots of time together lately LOL.
In conclusion ... I NEED TO GET MY BUTT IN GEAR!!!
Hmmmm, where have I heard this before?
Sorry for the Debbie Downer rant.
Last night, I told myself to get a run of a few really good days together and then the momentum will change. Just a few days and I do so much better. Today starts that little streak ... a promise to ME!!!
Really good days means:
up early
be productive
be busy
workout hard
eat well
Wish me luck ... I know it's up to me and not luck, but ME doesn't seem to be getting the job done ... so some LUCK might serve me well.
Morning brings the chance for a do-over, start-again, do-better. Good morning ... pretty please.
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