I read The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. It's an interesting concept -- something I sort of practice already, but not so "formally."
Her book is small, but still could be summed up in about a 1/3 of the pages. There is a TED talk that gets great reviews and I'd go that route rather than the book (save a few bucks).
The tool is designed to help you do something you overthink and talk yourself out of doing.
Working out.
Inviting someone over for dinner.
Raising your hand for a question.
Asking for a raise.
Starting the project.
Something that might trigger rejection. Something that you know you should do, but can't bring yourself to do it. Something that is easy to complete, but you keep procrastinating it.
Mel's start was getting out of bed without snoozing. One change and things snowballed for the better.
When that "feeling" hits that you know it's good idea to take action but you think - "I should do this BUT" ... then you start the countdown. 5-4-3-2-1-GO. And MOVE into ACTION. Don't think, just do. Why? Because your intuition is already pinging you to do it. Don't let your insecurity and your fickle brain talk you out of it. INTUITION doesn't steer you wrong. Even if you get rejected, etc, ... the win is in the DOING.
Counting backwards is a MUST. If you count UP, you can keep going. Counting back gives you no choice.
I KNOW she explains this better!!
I do something similar for working out. I'm not allowed to let my mind wander with reasons for NOT working out, until I've actually started the workout. Works like a charm. Of course, I don't stop once I've started and the excuse-thoughts dissipate quickly.
With other things, I say to myself "get up Trinity" (from the Matrix) and that cues me to MOVE!
I like her SIMPLE idea and it's catchy. I don't use my techniques enough (other than working out). I'm going to give it a try!
Dogs are calling 5-4-3-2-1-GO... LOL just kidding (not about the dogs, but the countdown). Later gators!
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