Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Back at IT

What is IT? ... my normal grind, but my OLD NORMAL GRIND.  You know, the health, happy, productive NORMAL I let go of recently.  That's what I want to have again ... please, pretty please. (Good news is that it's all up to ME!!  The bad news is that makes it somehow harder answering only to ME.)

I spent the week between Christmas and NYE having a practice, build-up week.  Dabbling in back-to-healthy.  I don't normally dabble.  I do or I don't do.  (All or nothing ... I know you so well!!)  But I read an Instagram post about having a practice week and it resonated.  I don't think I'll do it again, but it was something to try.  (It felt like too much work without enough results.)

Yesterday was the real deal for the long haul.  And it felt hard.  At night.  As usual.

This week is a challenge.  The first week back always is a shocker to all those lovely bad habits that I love and hate all at once.  I keep focusing on that ONE WEEK goal.  Here's the good news -- sticking to it for ONE WEEK makes HUGE strides to changing direction, feeling better, etc.  ONE WEEK. (Now technically ONE WEEK minus ONE DAY.)

ONE WEEK I can do.

After one day ...
My new watch is looser.  Good-bye swelling - water holding - inflammation.
My belly bloat is already improving.
I woke up more easily.

Duh says my body.  Treat me well and I do well.

Of course, my biggest WANT is to have my clothes fit again (yes, self-esteem and vanity blood-sisters).  My second biggest WANT is to have my mood more stable.  Lately, I'm all over the map with "moods."  For example, hubby and kids are heading on their yearly ski trip tomorrow and I'm all sad.  Since when do I get sad having the house to myself?  It's not a normal reaction for me.

I've been super sensitive to social media stuff too.  Also, NOT me!!  Was that text dismissive?  That comment sounded a bit mean.  Why am I the last to hear about this?  I'm the only loser who didn't do anything for NYE.  Etc. Etc. Etc.  Strange.  I think it's the food-mood connection.  (Didn't plan that rhyme, but I LOVE it LOL)

Time will tell.

In other news ...
My productivity list is going well.  I'm cruising through my CE for license renewal.  My teeth are starting to look whiter (thanks Crest Whitening Strips).  I'm reading lots.  It feels good.

In other, other news ...
If all goes as expected, I'm getting 2 foster girls today.  They've been delayed due to health stuff.  Hopefully, progress over the weekend.  Sweet girls.

My workouts are still dragging, but I'm plowing through.  The weather is COLD -- way too cold to run outside (careful what you wish for ... um, endless summer hex).  I'm on the search for a new routine.

I'm super chatty this morning, but this post is long.  On that note, I'll say see-you-later-gator.  Day 2 begins.

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