Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Drama 101

Lordy, yesterday was a drama day!

Little Duke had a potential adopter who was declined because his dog was not neutered and had bred him with a genetic issue.

The guy went ape-shit!  Super, duper long story but the short version ... he made horrible threats against the rescue and against me.  So much so that cops got involved, possible restraining order and lots of lawyer crap.  Some people SUCK!  Hate is a big word, but I hate this guy.

Now Duke is off all sites and might not get his perfect match - he'll get a great match, but I thought he could find PERFECT.

Turns out little 17 lb Duke loves to run.  We've gone running for 2 mornings - my 3 mile loop with only occasional stop to pee (him, not me LOL).  I need a break today - Duke won't be happy.  That little dog can RUN!

I've been super busy with Releash Atlanta stuff and foster dogs.  Busy feels good!

On another note, finally started The Crown with my friend.  SO GOOD!  I can't wait to watch the season!!

Short and sweet today!  Later gators!

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