Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday before Thanksgiving - Oh Boy - Let the FUN begin!

And like that, the grocery stores were PACKED and CRAZY yesterday.  Today should be even worse.  I'm up early to hit Costco first thing this morning.  I have a couple more stops, but those should be manageable.  Some perishables will wait until Monday, but it will be a quick shop so no biggie.

Some of my shopping is for my youngest's birthday celebration (the big trip isn't until December when finals are finished).  Turned 21 on Monday.  Party Friday, ALL day Saturday ... ugh.  He'll be hungover and tired.  I'm making a hangover/birthday/football dinner that should be fun.  Burger sliders with tons of yummy fixings (bacon, cheese, carmelized onions, etc), french fries with a homemade cheese sauce and a throw-back dessert of Monkey Bread.  He loved it when he was little.  I haven't made it in years.  And, of course, some munchies for the game.

If I have time this week (or maybe next week), I'm making a new quick bread (thanks Mrs. Kringle).  Pumpkin and ginger - yum.  I didn't have any molasses or I would've made it the second I saw it, but I'm all set now.  Do you know I've never bough molasses ... strange?  It's perfect for my ginger addiction this year.  I'll use gluten-free flour to keep my wheat load as low as possible.  Sadly, I'll be the only one eating it ... boys are picky non-ginger-loving weirdos.  Pumpkin Gingerbread 

The dogs are doing great.  Fun hike yesterday, lots of dog playing.  Dogs make life better.  It's just a fact.  Here's some picture overload:

My nails look great (in case you were dying to know LOL).  Fun fact, the nail tech looked at the color (brown, burnt red) and said it was from last year's fall collection -- The Election.  It was the Hillary Clinton color.  Perfect.  I'm glad I stayed away from the oranges or I might have gotten the Trump color.  HaHa.

Workout today is a quick treadmill interval run.  I'm trying to plan out the week so back-to-back run days were needed.  I was tempted to run outside, but crazy wind this morning as forecasted.  I hate running in the wind.  I'll run in cold, hot, rain and even snow ... but keep me away from wind and ice.

My crazy sister decorated for Christmas already.  And she's finished shopping and wrapping all her gifts.  The shopping part is her MO - done by Thanksgiving.  The decorating is CRAZY!  I listen to Christmas music early, but when I sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, it's fall decor only.  I told her she was nuts.  She gave me the preverbal finger.  I love my sister!  Happy "Christgiving" to her.

Good luck to us all managing the holiday rush this week.  Stay safe and stay sane!  Later gators.

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