Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dog Stuff and Such

Chip was adopted yesterday.  Leaving him was the hardest part.  He was sad and scared, but by the end of the night was cuddled in his new mama's lap.  I hope he knows I love him still (and always).  He's had so much loss and my heart gets sad thinking he feels abandoned again.  In a week, he won't even remember me.  Be happy little man.

Chloe had her meet and greet.  It wasn't a home-run.  Lots of questions still.  Her potential adopter is handicapped and it scared her.  She eventually got comfortable and I'm hoping she loves her when she sees her this weekend.  The adopter has an odd roommate situation.  Two adults, 4 dogs.  One that can be aggressive.  Definitely not a done deal.  I won't leave her if she's not happy and safe.  It's sad because this woman needs a companion to love and has tried for over a year to adopt a dog.  My stomach is all in knots thinking about this -- both for Chloe and this woman.  Life stuff is messy sometimes.

In other news ...

Massage today.  60 minutes since this is a new person.  I like the 90 minute, but won't do that until I know I like the style.  I have a 90 minute for next week.  I gifted 2 massages and I still have 13 in the bank.  Oops.  But it's a good oops.  Lots of massage in my future!

My reward yesterday was cyber Monday shopping.  Got a few gifts off my list and a couple of treats for me.  My "girl" gift this year is cashmere wraps.  Perfect for traveling and perfect for the south when winter coats aren't necessary often, but you need something.  And styles are fuller, fancier sleeves which is hard to stuff in a coat sleeve.  Cyber sales were awesome.  I hope they're nice.  My son's girlfriend and my BFF are both getting one from me.  I also got a few bracelets which will be on reserve for last minute gifts, but probably will end up on my wrist!!

I'm feeling my workout boredom again.  I ran outside on Sunday, lifted yesterday and today is uninspired.  Maybe a treadmill interval run?  I need a couple of different workouts.  I'm also dreading my mid-week outside run.  I need be running by 5am to keep traffic at a minimum since it's a weekday.  Ugh.  Why did I think this was a good idea?  That means up by 4am.  It's not hard to get up (I naturally wake up at that time).  It makes for a long, boring day though.  Maybe it's my days that are boring, not my workouts.  Hmmmmm ...  I really need to get back to work.

I have house decorating and cookie baking on my to-do list.  I'm not confident enough to bake yet -- I need another week under my no-sugar belt.  Decorating can wait until hubby is home to help with the boxes.  EVERYONE is decorated already though -- makes me feel behind!  Holy early Batman!!  (As my Christmas music is playing in the background LOL)

That's all from chez moi (practicing my French for our trip).  Later gators.

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