Christmas cookies. I LOVE them! Over the years we've done a number of variations. When the kids were young it was all about cut-out cookies to decorate and Santa cookies (our Santa wanted chocolate chip).
Then some years it was make all new recipes and as many variations as I could muster. Cue the cookie plate gifts to the neighbors.
Then there were the Cookie Swap years. Those were interesting. Some swaps had delicious cookies (church ladies I'm talking to you) but most were duds - burnt, flavorless, store bought, etc.
Then came the I'm-a-nurse years. So many holiday requirements, extra shifts, etc and things got whittled down to one favorite for each person.
I'm currently back to building up my cookie making. Everyone still gets a favorite. Hubby and eldest want chocolate chip (I make them all year long, nothing special) and youngest wants oatmeal raisin (is he really my child - who picks cookies with raisins??!?). My pick is a German twice baked cookie with cinnamon and almonds (looks like a biscotti, but it's softer). I added in a family staple from growing up ... Magic Cookie Bars ... who doesn't like these! I also make my gram's favorite Forgotten Cookies (meringue). Then I choose some fun trendy ones. Toffee pretzel bars and such. Sometimes peanut butter makes a showing. This year is also adding the eldest's girlfriend to the mix - white chocolate macadamia nut ... finally a good choice!!
P..S. Last year I decided to switch up the recipes for both chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies. Both were really good, but the chocolate chip was SO MUCH WORK (special flour, rest/chill for 2 days, three kinds of hand grated chocolate, small batch baking -- and crazy hard to scoop). Back to easy this year. I'm keeping the oatmeal recipe though - good flavor and just as easy to make.
I simply LOVE cookies. Other than cake, it's my favorite dessert.
I have a dough making day followed by a baking day. Christmas music blasting. House to myself. No sampling until the next day - it's the rule otherwise a sugar coma takes over and I don't enjoy the process. Everything gets frozen (except a preview plate) and I'm in cookie bliss.
I usually start in early December because I quickly run out of steam over the holidays. Social stuff, family meals, etc. I do all the cooking since we don't travel on the holidays. By New Years I'm over it all and ready to get back to healthy cooking.
The cookies come out a plate a week until Christmas and then the mother-load for Christmas Eve and Christmas day.
But for now, the holiday spirit is going strong and I can't wait to get to baking. I'm on the hunt for a new recipe to add to the mix if I get inspired. Food Network is on all the time while I cook!
I decided to make my cookie choice gluten-free and the rest regular. That might help me control my cookie munchies. I'm also freezing the cookies using the Food Saver. No more "sneaking" from the zip backs. "Forced" control - fingers crossed.
Today is the microwave install AGAIN! Remember when I said it was so much easier than I thought ... well, I was right the first time. This time I'm not clearing the counter until they are in the house with microwave in hand. I have a morning appointment so maybe this will happen today.
I rallied and did a mixed lift workout yesterday. A little legs, a little arms. Today is a run day. I wanted to run outside before hubby left on a trip, but my reflective vest won't come until this afternoon. I came downstairs this morning and there was a new vest waiting from me from hubby (he had a late business dinner last night). What a nice man - I'm a lucky girl. Great husband and now lots and lots of vests lol. It was too late for the outside run though. Bummer.
I tackled another strong to-do list yesterday and "planned" out this week's errands and chores. Seeing it in writing and manageable relaxes me.
I also did my BACON holiday prep. FIVE lbs cooked and ready to be frozen today. I bake it to about 90-95% done and then it's ready for an easy crisp-up before I use it for lots of holiday stuff. It will last me until Christmas and beyond. It's messy and a bother to do so cooking in a big batch works so well. Big time saver! Since most of the fat is rendered off, the second cooking isn't messy at all. Gravy and bacon all set. Moving right along toward a less-stress holiday season.
I'm making another batch of Instant Pot beef stew. It was so good and I gave a lot away to the kids, so no frozen left-overs. Fixing that today.
Chip already has applications. He's going to be adopted in a heartbeat. Now for the tough choice of deciding who gets a first shot at him. I love this little guy and I'll love him more after his bath today!! Woo hoo. Goodbye smelly dog, hello oatmeal honey!
I feel like I'm slowly rallying this week. Slowly moving back to healthier habits. I didn't want to need the preverbal "diet" come January, but I'm resolved to that at this point. My goal for the holidays is no more backwards sliding. And maybe a little forward progress on the waist-line. My focus this week is a better nighttime routine. I'm mindless munching - healthier choices, but not necessary.
Hump day. Let's make it a good one. Later gators.
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