I make the usual suspects. Why? That's what the boys like - tradition. Don't mess with tradition at Thanksgiving. I add a new recipe each year for my enjoyment (usually only me, lol).
I know what to buy, when to make it, how to make it. Easy. I challenge myself to have all the cooking dishes cleaned up before we sit down to eat. After dinner clean up is a snap. Who wants to stand in the kitchen with a stuffed belly doing dishes - not me.
Over the years I've changed my cooking method with the turkey. I normal buy one cooked turkey (for left-overs and in case I mess up LOL) and, of course, make one on the big day. Last year the turkey was so good, I'm making 2 ... one earlier in the week (for left-overs) and one on Thanksgiving. You prep the turkey the night before and leave it in the refrigerator UNCOVERED overnight. Set out the next day to take off the chill, start in super hot oven, cover breast with foil, turn down oven and see you at 165 degrees (or a couple degrees less as it continues to rise). NO basting, no fussing, no mussing. It was perfect.
Here's what I make (if you are curious):
Sausage stuffing
Cheddar mashed potatoes with bacon crumbles
Balsamic roasted whole onions
Sweet potato mash with pecans and cinnamon
Cranberry sauce
Butter garlic "butt" rolls (looks like a bum when cooked)
Apple pie with cream
This year's addition is from the eldest's girlfriend ... her signature salad. Sounds great. We did away with a salad a number of years ago and I'm glad to have one back in the mix. You notice we are super low on the vegetables. My add-on dish is usually a veggie, but salad works too. I gave up trying to get the boys to eat veggies on Thanksgiving. It's a battle on a regular day - forget about Thanksgiving.
I also have some Thanksgiving rules. No appetizers EVER. No eating after a SMALL, early lunch. Nothing. Nada. Zip. You come to the table on the verge of starving. Dinner must last at least an hour (not including dessert) - we are super fast eaters. No wine until the turkey is out of the oven (that one's specifically for me - long story). Christmas music while I cook - football is downstairs.
Thanksgiving week is also Christmas photo week. I DREAD it every year. Last year, we used a professional for the first time and I LOVE the pictures. The card was the best we've done. I was perplexed this year. Include the girlfriend, don't include her. Boys are men now ... do I still do a card with them? Should I just do the dog. I hate to have a heavier picture of me (probably biggest reason LOL). Everyone we send the card to is on social media with us (except maybe 3 or 4 people). They know what we all look like, what we've been up to, etc. How exciting is it to get our card?
So ... drumroll ... I had an inspired moment. I've seen some similar ideas with birthday gifts. This year we are donating the money we would spend on cards (and it's a lot) to Releash Atlanta. I LOVE this on ALL levels!!! Charity and a timesaver. Hubby loves the idea. We might do a card every few years if I'm in the mood.
I imagine I'll get fewer cards over time as we'll be taken off some lists. You know what? I don't really care. We see our friend's lives (some in way more detail than we want!), see their kids, pets, etc. I don't need a card. I get very few good ones anyway. Lots of just-a-card (what's the point), lots of recycled-from-Facebook pictures ... neither interests me. I have one friend who does an incredible card. She's hardly on Facebook (so seeing her family is fun) and her cards are thoughtful, creative, beautiful - LOVE getting her cards. And my aunt hand draws her cards - also love them. Those cards are displayed all year on my picture board. The rest - meh. Bah humbug.
I also saved hubby from figuring out a Christmas present for me. I caved and bought an expensive espresso machine (under $600 though, which is cheap in the realm of automatic machines). It's been on my list for a long time, but I keep changing my mind. The deal is done now. I won't open it until Christmas though. I also ordered some good coffee beans from Mystic Monk Coffee. They have a great selection of decaf. Lots more on both later -- stay tuned! (Some of the flavored decaf is ground, so that I'll have as coffee before Christmas - the beans are for the machine.) And, of course, I bought some espresso cups too. My new machine will require it's own post - so much to tell, so much to drink! I can't wait!!
Quick update from yesterday. I smoked my to-do list. It felt great! Bad news is the eating was still off (left-overs sucked me in). Good news is they are all gone now (silver lining). No excuses today (should have been no excuses yesterday too - ugh).
I woke up in the middle of the night feeling crappy. Head pounding, sore throat - Advil didn't touch it. Then this morning ... let's leave it at I've been to the bathroom
Speaking of workouts, I decided yesterday to forgo all classes until after Thanksgiving. I'm taking a break, reseting, getting back to more running. I made a schedule for working out and I made a list of some new classes to try. I don't think the lift classes are going to work for me. Since my youngest "borrowed" my reflective vest (with promise to return it the following week - nope), I ordered a new one. $6. No brainer. Running outside is appealing to me and I'm going with my gut on this one. I can't wait another week to get my vest back (if he even remembers it).
That's life in a nutshell today. Happy pre-Holiday prep folks. Later gators.
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