Thursday, November 23, 2017

Pie Success!!

Let me tell you all about my amazing pie success LOL.

First, I prepped the foil drip pan like crazy.  Took out the racks, molded that sucker, fitted it, measure it.  Then I got out my pie plates only to discover I bought a new gadget for pie overflow.  I may have no memory lately, but I'm smart about things ... I put it with the pie plates so I couldn't forget about it ... well done ME!

It's an oversized metal circle with a lip.  The center is a hole to keep air flowing.

I used my Kitchen Aid slicer, peeler, corer attachment for the apples and it worked really well.  Pies baked, overflow contained, ovens still clean.  SUCCESS!!  Thank you PIE GODS!!

I'm up early to run outside.  Weather is cooperating nicely.

There's an excited buzz in the air - I love this holiday.  Family, food, festivities and grateful.  What could be better?!?  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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