Thursday, November 30, 2017

Early Morning Run

Why do I even question the joy of an early outside run?  It was perfect.  Finished by 5:30 am and the day is ahead and looking good.  I love a finished workout.  It's a moment of "oh crap" when the alarm goes off, but the rest is nothing but GOOD!!

I'm a little more confident with my eating.  It still feels like I'm a bite away from going off rales again, but I'm moderately optimistic LOL.  I've reeked havoc with my stomach (first too much junk, then too many nuts, then lots of veggies -- all giving me pains and bloat).  Hopefully, by this weekend I can report some progress - in discomfort AND pant fit!!  Lordy my pants are hopeful this works -- I'm asking a lot of them lately.  They need some relief LOL!

Today is nothing but errands.  Yesterday was home chores.  I don't have a "treat" planned for today, but the early run qualifies.  I missed it that much.  Yesterday's treat was catching up with a dear friend -- 3 hours on the phone.  Nothing like a great, old friend to leave you feeling uplifted and happy.  Love her to pieces.

I might try a Lift Studio class tomorrow -- circuit with a different instructor.  I'm still on the fence, but it will get me up and out the door early.  That's really appealing as I sit here finished with my early workout.  (Did I mention how much I love the early workout?!?!)

I'm lacking for words today and this is all I've got.  I think my tight pants are restricting blood flow -- it's all I can think about -- not even joking.  I forced and squeezed myself into jeans instead of sweat pants as "motivation." Not a good feeling, but the pants truth needs to be told.  UGH!!  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Lauer?!?!?

Holy crap.  I woke up this morning to the headline Matt Lauer was fired for inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.  I'm dumbstruck.

I realize I don't know him, but I've watched the Today Show for years and years.  When we lived in NY we did the wave-at-the-plaza many times (got talked to on TV even) and met Matt Lauer several times.  Not my favorite in person.  He was always cold compared to Katie Couric (but who isn't).  It seems he's mellowed a lot over the last few years, but I still think his ego is too large.

Ego -- yes.  Sexual harasser -- never would have guessed.

But HOLY CRAP!  Is every powerful man a creep??

And then the follow-up thought is how is our CREEP of a President still in office?  How did that creep get elected?  I digress, but this is just upsetting to me.

That's my post for today -- written with my jaw dropped open.  It's best I stop writing before my rant gets out of control.

Thank the lord I married one of the good guys.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dog Stuff and Such

Chip was adopted yesterday.  Leaving him was the hardest part.  He was sad and scared, but by the end of the night was cuddled in his new mama's lap.  I hope he knows I love him still (and always).  He's had so much loss and my heart gets sad thinking he feels abandoned again.  In a week, he won't even remember me.  Be happy little man.

Chloe had her meet and greet.  It wasn't a home-run.  Lots of questions still.  Her potential adopter is handicapped and it scared her.  She eventually got comfortable and I'm hoping she loves her when she sees her this weekend.  The adopter has an odd roommate situation.  Two adults, 4 dogs.  One that can be aggressive.  Definitely not a done deal.  I won't leave her if she's not happy and safe.  It's sad because this woman needs a companion to love and has tried for over a year to adopt a dog.  My stomach is all in knots thinking about this -- both for Chloe and this woman.  Life stuff is messy sometimes.

In other news ...

Massage today.  60 minutes since this is a new person.  I like the 90 minute, but won't do that until I know I like the style.  I have a 90 minute for next week.  I gifted 2 massages and I still have 13 in the bank.  Oops.  But it's a good oops.  Lots of massage in my future!

My reward yesterday was cyber Monday shopping.  Got a few gifts off my list and a couple of treats for me.  My "girl" gift this year is cashmere wraps.  Perfect for traveling and perfect for the south when winter coats aren't necessary often, but you need something.  And styles are fuller, fancier sleeves which is hard to stuff in a coat sleeve.  Cyber sales were awesome.  I hope they're nice.  My son's girlfriend and my BFF are both getting one from me.  I also got a few bracelets which will be on reserve for last minute gifts, but probably will end up on my wrist!!

I'm feeling my workout boredom again.  I ran outside on Sunday, lifted yesterday and today is uninspired.  Maybe a treadmill interval run?  I need a couple of different workouts.  I'm also dreading my mid-week outside run.  I need be running by 5am to keep traffic at a minimum since it's a weekday.  Ugh.  Why did I think this was a good idea?  That means up by 4am.  It's not hard to get up (I naturally wake up at that time).  It makes for a long, boring day though.  Maybe it's my days that are boring, not my workouts.  Hmmmmm ...  I really need to get back to work.

I have house decorating and cookie baking on my to-do list.  I'm not confident enough to bake yet -- I need another week under my no-sugar belt.  Decorating can wait until hubby is home to help with the boxes.  EVERYONE is decorated already though -- makes me feel behind!  Holy early Batman!!  (As my Christmas music is playing in the background LOL)

That's all from chez moi (practicing my French for our trip).  Later gators.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Diet Cleanup

I have a mini stretch between now and our trip to California.  Time for a diet cleanup ... the real kind, not the kinda, sorta, maybe kind.  It's not enough time to "fix" everything, but it can make a big difference.  I'll feel LOADS better, slim down a little bit and stop the overflow of my muffin top.  All good things.

My future self will thank me for this mini Whole30 (20 actually).  You are most welcome future ME.

I started on Saturday unofficially.  And by that, I mean I ate well but didn't pay much attention to portions (i.e. too light on vegetables, too heavy on fruit and nuts).  Today is the full deal.  3 meals.  No snacks.  Bam.

I have a freezer FULL of Whole30 food. Yea!!  I've been feeling so lousy, that I'm actual glad for a cleanup.  Not sure if that's in the category of good or bad LOL.

Evenings are going to be hard for me.  I'm solidly into overeating at night again.  I try and try and then I eat too much.  Cold turkey works best to stop the unnecessary habit.  I won't allow myself a choice.  Choices aren't my friend.

Some good news -- I gave hubby a gingerbread larabar and he liked it.  Go figure.  Now they are his and I don't feel guilty about buying them.

It looks like my barbell lifting classes are canceled indefinitely.  That changes up my workout schedule ... bummer.  Back to the drawing board.  I want to lift a minimum of 2 days/week and run outside a minimum of 2 days/week.  That takes care of 4 days (look at me doing the math!!).  The other days I need to fill in the blanks.  A rest day (or 2 depending on how I feel) and maybe another class at the gym, circuit at home or interval run.  I'm going to do some experimenting.  I have 2 months left on my membership and then I'm letting it go -- not enough to keep me there anymore.  I can always pay for individual classes.

Since I'm beginning a diet cleanup, I'm focusing on non-food rewards.  Massage tomorrow!!  Everyday will be something fun.  Mostly little things, but something I can focus on instead of munching.

This week also starts my online CE credit classes.  I'm saving them for late afternoon when I tend to start snacking.  Idle hands -- no bueno.

I started watching the second season Stranger Things.  I didn't expect to like it because what I liked about season 1 was the suspense of not knowing what was going on.  Still suspenseful.  Really good so far.

I finished Matchmaker (Elin Hilderbrand) and it was disappointing.  It was predictable from the first chapter and followed that predictability the entire book.  Onto another WW2 book.  My Mother's Secret (J.L. Witterick).  Based on a true story.  Interesting style of writing - so far, so good.  It's short so I'll need to find another soon.

Lots of dog happenings this week, but a story for another day.  Later gators.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Weekend Roundup

Turkey day 2017 is in the books and it was delicious!  Everything turned out just as I hoped. We cooked, we ate, we drank, we laughed, we played games.  I forgot to get pictures of the table and the red sugar rimmed cosmo drinks (so festive!).  Nuts.  I used a tip from the Today Show and floated cranberries with spring of rosemary as a centerpiece.  Cheap, easy and festive.  I'm doing it again for Christmas.  I used three mason jars.  We have some pretty glass bowls, but they are too big for our narrow table.

Hubby was a good sport!
All dogs front and center for the bird.
Notice my CLEAN kitchen.  All sides in the ovens. 

Friday was leftovers, movie watching, dog playing and all-over-relaxing day.  We watched Get Out.  Interesting suspense movie with a message on racism.  Worth seeing (it's short - gets right to the good stuff and doesn't drag the ending.)

Saturday was a big hike with the dogs.  Everyone kept up and had a great time.  All three dogs ignored the HUGE buck that crossed our path (thank God, since our dog was off-leash).  The weather was perfect for hiking.

Today is an early outdoor run.  It's lighter earlier and it's getting colder ... both making it harder to motivate for outside. Chloe has a meet & greet this morning too.  Fingers crossed.

Tomorrow begins the diet clean up.  It unofficially began yesterday, but officially starts tomorrow.  Guess what tomorrow's post is about?!?!  LOL.

Hope Thanksgiving was a great holiday for everyone.  Christmas is knocking at the door.  I'll decorate when it's December ... I'm lazy traditional in that way.  Later gators.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Pie Success!!

Let me tell you all about my amazing pie success LOL.

First, I prepped the foil drip pan like crazy.  Took out the racks, molded that sucker, fitted it, measure it.  Then I got out my pie plates only to discover I bought a new gadget for pie overflow.  I may have no memory lately, but I'm smart about things ... I put it with the pie plates so I couldn't forget about it ... well done ME!

It's an oversized metal circle with a lip.  The center is a hole to keep air flowing.

I used my Kitchen Aid slicer, peeler, corer attachment for the apples and it worked really well.  Pies baked, overflow contained, ovens still clean.  SUCCESS!!  Thank you PIE GODS!!

I'm up early to run outside.  Weather is cooperating nicely.

There's an excited buzz in the air - I love this holiday.  Family, food, festivities and grateful.  What could be better?!?  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Pies, Packages and Pups

In no particular order ...

Packages.  One good, one maybe not so good.  I ordered a funny shirt to wear on Thanksgiving.  I'm the queen of splatter when I cook and I ruin so many things with a splat of grease.  Once I'm dressed for an occasion, I use an apron.  This year the apron is too tight (I'll save the boohooing for another time).  Bring on the novelty shirt.  That's my good package.

The other package was bought in a moment of stupidity.  I couldn't find the gingerbread Larabars anywhere and I LOVE them.  A better treat than a bowl of cookies (so I told myself).  This is a big box.  Too many.  I'm the only one who'll eat them.  If I can't exercise control, they are going to the food bank.  Not a smart purchase.  But a tasty one!

Pups.  Love them.  Chip is such a wonderful dog.  I'm going to have a hard time saying good-bye to this one.  He stole my heart.  He's a lot like Parker (my dog-son).  I can't get enough of him.

He is the biggest cuddle bug.
Pies.  My curse.  I hate making apple pies and my family LOVES mine.  No other apple pie comes close.  Believe me, it's nothing special.  It's what they are used to and their favorite dessert.  Why do I hate making them??  Pealing, slicing in the food processor, crust making, assembly and every-single-time I get overflow in the ovens.  I've tried so many things to prevent oven disaster.  Foil, foil covered pans, different pie shells, fewer apples.  Always a mess.  But they are good.  That I'll concede.  I make them for Thanksgiving and Christmas and sometimes for a special occasion. 


Update from yesterday ...  the treadmill run went well.  It felt HARD, but good.  Zapped my mood away as it often does.  Today is a lift day.  I like to run on Thanksgiving so this times well.

The turkey is really good even though I almost screwed up.  I was too lazy to use my oven thermometer so I timed the cooking and checked it early to see where we stood.  We stood DONE.  And over temperature.  Ugh. My bad.  But the turkey is still moist, tender and flavorful (I got lucky).  Tomorrow's should be even better LOL.  It's carved and waiting to be Food Saved for left-overs.

Today is JAMMED with cooking, prepping and all things in-between. Combine that with cleaning crew and my day is full.  On that note, time to start those pesky pies.

Have an amazing Thanksgiving!  Wishing everyone safe travels, good eating and lots of grateful time too.  Later turkeys.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Turkey #1 Day

I mentioned before, I usually buy a fully cooked turkey to have it for left-overs (and as a safety net if I flop the bird LOL).  Last year, my turkey was so much better than the cooked one, I opted to make both this year.  Since it needs to sit overnight, I started it yesterday.  Today is cooking day.

I'm not as pumped with this idea as I was last week.  First of all, I simply don't want to bother with it today.  I've got a huge case of the lazies.  Secondly, I think it almost steals the thunder from Thanksgiving day.  House will smell of turkey .... we'll all sample some as it gets carved ... Thursday will feel like a strange do-over.  I'll see how I feel about all this once the holiday is over.  I wonder if making the second bird the day after is a better option?

All my cooking went well yesterday.  Pumpkin Gingerbread looks like chocolate, so I doubly disappointed the family -- made me smile -- and I get it all to myself.  I'm freezing 1/2 the loaf today.  It was delicious and moist - yum!  Monkey Bread is a new favorite that I need to stop making IMMEDIATELY.  It practically can't get anymore unhealthy and too much gluten for me.  That seals the deal on gluten (which should have been sealed many pizza moments ago).  All the symptoms are back (excluding the sore - thank the lord above for that - knock wood).  It's probably where my laziness is coming from today (duh).  Maybe it's not the turkey's fault!

Speaking of lazy, I have no desire to workout.  I will.  I always do, but I don't want to -- not one bit.  Gluten combined with sugar is a problem for me.  Learn this already!!!  Ugh.  It zaps everything from me, plays with my mood, my energy, my motivation, my pants buttoning.  I want to go back to bed and see the world this afternoon.  I need to remember the connection between too much gluten and my mood -- I'm sad today for no other reason.  I feel overwhelmed and a bit crazy.  It's too much gluten (with a side of sugar).  But sugar alone doesn't have this effect on me.

I need to get my mojo back ASAP!  Tomorrow is pie day and that will require my utmost energy and patience.  No gluten or sugar today.  The only thing I like about pie making is I can't "sample" any (cookie dough and I have a love-hate relationship).  It's a safe day LOL.

I'm going to take me and my mood and walk the dogs.  That might perk me up before my workout.  Treadmill intervals.  A good sweat does wonders.  I need a lot of "wonders" today.  Later gators.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Here's What's What

Good Monday Morning!

I had visions of sleeping in this morning, but my doggies had other thoughts.  As they love to do -- once I'm totally committed to being up and about -- they are cuddled up for a two hour nap.  LOL.

Then I thought, I'll just watch the Today Show.  Atlanta is preempting it to show the Georgia Dome implosion.  Strike two.  I hope this all isn't an indictor of my day.

As predicted, youngest was super hungover and basically ate a few bites and went to bed.  Hopefully, he feels better this morning.  We haven't done gifts yet and we ate all his cake.  Snooze you lose in this house (cake at least).

The Monkey Bread was as yummy as I remember.  It turned out great.  The cheese sauce recipe was a bust.  Great texture, low flavor.  I tried to beef it up a bit, but it still wasn't enough.  The sliders hit the spot though.  I found a bag of totally ripe avocados so I made guacamole -- one of my favorites.

Today is the final gathering of ingredients and the start of the prep (for the first turkey at least).  Tomorrow begins the three day kitchen run -- I can feel my back moaning already.  I'm making an egg bake for today (works for any meal), a small batch of Monkey Bread (I'm a push-over) and the ginger pumpkin loaf.  After that, this week is about freezer stash, fend for yourself and stay out of my kitchen.

Later gators!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday before Thanksgiving - Oh Boy - Let the FUN begin!

And like that, the grocery stores were PACKED and CRAZY yesterday.  Today should be even worse.  I'm up early to hit Costco first thing this morning.  I have a couple more stops, but those should be manageable.  Some perishables will wait until Monday, but it will be a quick shop so no biggie.

Some of my shopping is for my youngest's birthday celebration (the big trip isn't until December when finals are finished).  Turned 21 on Monday.  Party Friday, ALL day Saturday ... ugh.  He'll be hungover and tired.  I'm making a hangover/birthday/football dinner that should be fun.  Burger sliders with tons of yummy fixings (bacon, cheese, carmelized onions, etc), french fries with a homemade cheese sauce and a throw-back dessert of Monkey Bread.  He loved it when he was little.  I haven't made it in years.  And, of course, some munchies for the game.

If I have time this week (or maybe next week), I'm making a new quick bread (thanks Mrs. Kringle).  Pumpkin and ginger - yum.  I didn't have any molasses or I would've made it the second I saw it, but I'm all set now.  Do you know I've never bough molasses ... strange?  It's perfect for my ginger addiction this year.  I'll use gluten-free flour to keep my wheat load as low as possible.  Sadly, I'll be the only one eating it ... boys are picky non-ginger-loving weirdos.  Pumpkin Gingerbread 

The dogs are doing great.  Fun hike yesterday, lots of dog playing.  Dogs make life better.  It's just a fact.  Here's some picture overload:

My nails look great (in case you were dying to know LOL).  Fun fact, the nail tech looked at the color (brown, burnt red) and said it was from last year's fall collection -- The Election.  It was the Hillary Clinton color.  Perfect.  I'm glad I stayed away from the oranges or I might have gotten the Trump color.  HaHa.

Workout today is a quick treadmill interval run.  I'm trying to plan out the week so back-to-back run days were needed.  I was tempted to run outside, but crazy wind this morning as forecasted.  I hate running in the wind.  I'll run in cold, hot, rain and even snow ... but keep me away from wind and ice.

My crazy sister decorated for Christmas already.  And she's finished shopping and wrapping all her gifts.  The shopping part is her MO - done by Thanksgiving.  The decorating is CRAZY!  I listen to Christmas music early, but when I sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, it's fall decor only.  I told her she was nuts.  She gave me the preverbal finger.  I love my sister!  Happy "Christgiving" to her.

Good luck to us all managing the holiday rush this week.  Stay safe and stay sane!  Later gators.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Outside Run

It's already in the books!  Yea ... FINALLY.  Boy it felt good.  This morning was the perfect weather for an early run.  Just one car on the road, but lots of people packing cars.  Guess it's a big travel day.

Chloe is a super duper love bug ... happy, happy, happy.  She loves to kiss -- french kiss if you aren't careful LOL.  Chip is a bit put out by a new attention seeker, but by the end of the night they were playing nicely.  I'll post some more pictures soon.  It was a WILD afternoon!

Both Chloe and I are getting pedicures today.  Her nails are so long - that family just pisses me off.  So before our hike, I'm heading to the groomer to get her a trim.  After the hike it's my turn - my toes are a fright.

Just a quick hello (and a run brag LOL).  I hear dogs.  Later gators.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Happenings on this Friday

Happy Friday!

This morning I'm having my girlfriend over to play with my kitchen stuff.  She wants to see the Instant Pot in action (hello hard-boiled eggs), Food Saver and sample my matcha tea blender drink.  Fun morning, but I need to get myself in gear earlier than normal (at least 'normal' lately).  For whatever reason, walking dogs seems to add a lot of time to my morning routine.  It shouldn't in theory, but the pre-walk prep, walk and post-walk seem to take FOREVER!

Little Chip had some anxiety over the last day or so and continued it with his meet & greet yesterday. The family loves him and we are still in adoption talks.  He can't leave for another week anyway, so I'm going to monitor the situation and they'll probably meet him again before the decision is final.  He was also throwing up yesterday afternoon and evening.  I had to stay home from my GNI group since the little guy needed me.  This sweet boy had a hard day.

So much cleaner after his bath!
I got a call last night from Releash Atlanta.  Emergency foster needed for an adorable little girl.  She was adopted over a year ago and the family doesn't want her anymore.  They actually said they have never bonded with her and need her gone because they had another baby.  OMG people.  On so many levels this pisses me off.  At least they are returning her and not taking her to a shelter.  I pick up little Chloe this afternoon.

This is Chloe at her foster home originally.  Look at that joy!!
My COFFEE is here!  Yum and double yum.  Their flavored decafs only come ground so I ordered two flavors to use as coffee (Festive Christmas Blend and Carmel).

I had a cup of the Christmas blend last night with my bar "treat."  Larabar has a gingerbread holiday flavor that I really, really, really like!  I also recently discovered RXBAR (thanks free sample at Costco).  I bought a box of the peanut butter.  I like the coconut chocolate or mint chip better, but they weren't available.  Online reviews say they come stale so for now I'll keep searching the stores.  I figure a bar and coffee are better than what I've been doing lately.  I can't seem to completely say NO to snacking at night, but this is a good compromise for now.

Some say the RXBARS have a strange texture from the dates.
I love the chew of them  - it's actually my favorite part.
Speaking of all things holiday.  I'm super into ginger-flavored everything to eat and I LOVE the Christmas tree scent.  I got a new candle at Trader Joe's and found room spray at Target.  Yes!  I started using both already.

It has a pump spray for a little puff of scent.
Much nicer than the stream of spray. $1 - totally getting more!
I also ordered a couple new 1/2 sheet pans with racks for holiday cooking and baking.  (It was a big shopping week ... so it seems.)  I have a bunch of small sheet pans from when I had the mini-ovens.  It's time to add to the collection to speed up cookie baking.

That's my Friday in a nutshell.  I had to move some of my to-do list to this weekend since I have a new foster coming.  Well worth it.

Last weekend before Thanksgiving - bring on the prep!  Let's make it a good one folks.  Later gators.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sappy Reading and Sappy Post

I realize that I'm in the mood for easy, sappy books right now.  I finished one when I was in DC and started a more cerebral book, but can't get into it at all.  I don't think it's the book.  It reads well and I like it, I just have no inclination to read it.  So I downloaded another silly beach read -- perfect.  Matchmaker - Elin Hilderbrand (yep ... sappy). Stupid, predictable -- just what I want.  There's time for smarter books later.  Being HAPPY wins.

Every year at Thanksgiving time I get moody and I never remember why until I remember why.  Sound crazy - but it's true.

My dad died in December and the last time I saw him was Thanksgiving.  We had a hard relationship over the years (me as a teenager, my dad with multiple affairs).  It was rocky, but my dad fought hard to create a better relationship and I'm so grateful when he died suddenly, we were at a loving place.  He died doing what he loved - running.  It was an aneurism.

Anyway, that year I called him to ask if we could come for Thanksgiving.  We had (and always and forever) no relationship with his new wife (super, super long story involving their affair).  He paused (I thought he was going to say no because of his wife) ... I told him no problem if he already had plans.

His answer -- I could have plans with the Queen of England and I'd always choose you.

Two weeks before Thanksgiving my mother-in-law died from a long battle with cancer.  I called my dad to cancel Thanksgiving plans because we couldn't leave hubby's dad and handicapped brother alone.  Dad offer to host us all if that was something that would be welcomed.  Everyone loved the idea so Thanksgiving as planned.

On the phone, I told my dad there was always another year.  Except there wouldn't be ... he died 2 weeks after Thanksgiving.

After dinner that night, my dad and I went into his study and talked. We talked about losing a parent at our age (his dad died young too).  We talked about death and life and everything.  We talked about how much we are alike.  He told me what he wished for my life.  Things we NEVER talked about.  He introduced me to the song "Time to Say Goodbye."  Showed me the book he was reading.  Showed me the his notebook for the song he wrote and sang at my wedding. (PS. I stole it from his wife at the funeral-- she wouldn't give it too me, but dad had showed me where it was and it was mine).

There are a three times in my life that I feel a higher power blessed me in a very specific way (I know all of life is a blessing, etc) but this is different.  I was given a directed blessing that day.  No one can tell me otherwise.

I'm forever grateful for that Thanksgiving, those conversations and my blessing.  Thanksgiving week is the time I most miss my dad ... not his birthday, not the anniversary of his death, not Father's Day.  I get excited about the holidays - happy times and all of a sudden I feel sad.  Then I remember why.  It's been 17 years.

It's interesting because I'm sad but simultaneously so immensely grateful - I don't know which makes me more emotional.  I usually have one day when I run to "Time to Say Goodbye" and stop when I'm all cried out.  Then I'm okay.  A run and a song for my dad.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Some Cookie Talk

Christmas cookies.  I LOVE them!  Over the years we've done a number of variations.  When the kids were young it was all about cut-out cookies to decorate and Santa cookies (our Santa wanted chocolate chip).

Then some years it was make all new recipes and as many variations as I could muster.  Cue the cookie plate gifts to the neighbors.

Then there were the Cookie Swap years.  Those were interesting.  Some swaps had delicious cookies (church ladies I'm talking to you) but most were duds - burnt, flavorless, store bought, etc.

Then came the I'm-a-nurse years.  So many holiday requirements, extra shifts, etc and things got whittled down to one favorite for each person.

I'm currently back to building up my cookie making.  Everyone still gets a favorite.  Hubby and eldest want chocolate chip (I make them all year long, nothing special) and youngest wants oatmeal raisin (is he really my child - who picks cookies with raisins??!?).  My pick is a German twice baked cookie with cinnamon and almonds (looks like a biscotti, but it's softer).  I added in a family staple from growing up ... Magic Cookie Bars ... who doesn't like these!  I also make my gram's favorite Forgotten Cookies (meringue).  Then I choose some fun trendy ones.  Toffee pretzel bars and such.  Sometimes peanut butter makes a showing.  This year is also adding the eldest's girlfriend to the mix - white chocolate macadamia nut ... finally a good choice!!

P..S.  Last year I decided to switch up the recipes for both chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies.  Both were really good, but the chocolate chip was SO MUCH WORK (special flour, rest/chill for 2 days, three kinds of hand grated chocolate, small batch baking -- and crazy hard to scoop).  Back to easy this year.  I'm keeping the oatmeal recipe though - good flavor and just as easy to make.

I simply LOVE cookies.  Other than cake, it's my favorite dessert.

I have a dough making day followed by a baking day.  Christmas music blasting.  House to myself.  No sampling until the next day - it's the rule otherwise a sugar coma takes over and I don't enjoy the process.  Everything gets frozen (except a preview plate) and I'm in cookie bliss.

I usually start in early December because I quickly run out of steam over the holidays.  Social stuff, family meals, etc.  I do all the cooking since we don't travel on the holidays.  By New Years I'm over it all and ready to get back to healthy cooking.

The cookies come out a plate a week until Christmas and then the mother-load for Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

But for now, the holiday spirit is going strong and I can't wait to get to baking.  I'm on the hunt for a new recipe to add to the mix if I get inspired.  Food Network is on all the time while I cook!

I decided to make my cookie choice gluten-free and the rest regular.  That might help me control my cookie munchies.  I'm also freezing the cookies using the Food Saver.  No more "sneaking" from the zip backs.  "Forced" control - fingers crossed.

Today is the microwave install AGAIN!  Remember when I said it was so much easier than I thought ... well, I was right the first time.  This time I'm not clearing the counter until they are in the house with microwave in hand.  I have a morning appointment so maybe this will happen today.

I rallied and did a mixed lift workout yesterday.  A little legs, a little arms.  Today is a run day.  I wanted to run outside before hubby left on a trip, but my reflective vest won't come until this afternoon.  I came downstairs this morning and there was a new vest waiting from me from hubby (he had a late business dinner last night).  What a nice man - I'm a lucky girl.  Great husband and now lots and lots of vests lol.  It was too late for the outside run though.  Bummer.

I tackled another strong to-do list yesterday and "planned" out this week's errands and chores.  Seeing it in writing and manageable relaxes me.

I also did my BACON holiday prep.  FIVE lbs cooked and ready to be frozen today.  I bake it to about 90-95% done and then it's ready for an easy crisp-up before I use it for lots of holiday stuff.  It will last me until Christmas and beyond.  It's messy and a bother to do so cooking in a big batch works so well.  Big time saver!  Since most of the fat is rendered off, the second cooking isn't messy at all.  Gravy and bacon all set.  Moving right along toward a less-stress holiday season.

I'm making another batch of Instant Pot beef stew.  It was so good and I gave a lot away to the kids, so no frozen left-overs.  Fixing that today.

Chip already has applications.  He's going to be adopted in a heartbeat.  Now for the tough choice of deciding who gets a first shot at him.  I love this little guy and I'll love him more after his bath today!! Woo hoo.  Goodbye smelly dog, hello oatmeal honey!

I feel like I'm slowly rallying this week.  Slowly moving back to healthier habits.  I didn't want to need the preverbal "diet" come January, but I'm resolved to that at this point.  My goal for the holidays is no more backwards sliding.  And maybe a little forward progress on the waist-line.  My focus this week is a better nighttime routine.  I'm mindless munching - healthier choices, but not necessary.

Hump day.  Let's make it a good one.  Later gators.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Holiday Stuff

Thanksgiving snuck up on me this year.  It's early and I'm late ... not the best combination.  The good news is I've got Thanksgiving down to a science.  (So much easier than hosting those big parties this year.)

I make the usual suspects.  Why?  That's what the boys like - tradition.  Don't mess with tradition at Thanksgiving.  I add a new recipe each year for my enjoyment (usually only me, lol).

I know what to buy, when to make it, how to make it.  Easy.  I challenge myself to have all the cooking dishes cleaned up before we sit down to eat.  After dinner clean up is a snap.  Who wants to stand in the kitchen with a stuffed belly doing dishes - not me.

Over the years I've changed my cooking method with the turkey.  I normal buy one cooked turkey (for left-overs and in case I mess up LOL) and, of course, make one on the big day.  Last year the turkey was so good, I'm making 2 ... one earlier in the week (for left-overs) and one on Thanksgiving.  You prep the turkey the night before and leave it in the refrigerator UNCOVERED overnight.  Set out the next day to take off the chill, start in super hot oven, cover breast with foil, turn down oven and see you at 165 degrees (or a couple degrees less as it continues to rise).  NO basting, no fussing, no mussing.  It was perfect.

Here's what I make (if you are curious):

Sausage stuffing
Cheddar mashed potatoes with bacon crumbles
Balsamic roasted whole onions
Sweet potato mash with pecans and cinnamon
Cranberry sauce
Butter garlic "butt" rolls (looks like a bum when cooked)
Apple pie with cream

This year's addition is from the eldest's girlfriend ... her signature salad.  Sounds great.  We did away with a salad a number of years ago and I'm glad to have one back in the mix.  You notice we are super low on the vegetables.  My add-on dish is usually a veggie, but salad works too.  I gave up trying to get the boys to eat veggies on Thanksgiving.  It's a battle on a regular day - forget about Thanksgiving.

I also have some Thanksgiving rules.  No appetizers EVER.  No eating after a SMALL, early lunch.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  You come to the table on the verge of starving.  Dinner must last at least an hour (not including dessert) - we are super fast eaters.  No wine until the turkey is out of the oven (that one's specifically for me - long story).  Christmas music while I cook - football is downstairs.

Thanksgiving week is also Christmas photo week.  I DREAD it every year.  Last year, we used a professional for the first time and I LOVE the pictures.  The card was the best we've done.  I was perplexed this year.  Include the girlfriend, don't include her.  Boys are men now ... do I still do a card with them?  Should I just do the dog.  I hate to have a heavier picture of me (probably biggest reason LOL).  Everyone we send the card to is on social media with us (except maybe 3 or 4 people).  They know what we all look like, what we've been up to, etc.  How exciting is it to get our card?

So ... drumroll ... I had an inspired moment.  I've seen some similar ideas with birthday gifts.  This year we are donating the money we would spend on cards (and it's a lot) to Releash Atlanta.  I LOVE this on ALL levels!!!  Charity and a timesaver.  Hubby loves the idea.  We might do a card every few years if I'm in the mood.

I imagine I'll get fewer cards over time as we'll be taken off some lists.  You know what?  I don't really care.  We see our friend's lives (some in way more detail than we want!), see their kids, pets, etc.  I don't need a card.  I get very few good ones anyway.  Lots of just-a-card (what's the point), lots of recycled-from-Facebook pictures ... neither interests me.  I have one friend who does an incredible card.  She's hardly on Facebook (so seeing her family is fun) and her cards are thoughtful, creative, beautiful - LOVE getting her cards.  And my aunt hand draws her cards - also love them.  Those cards are displayed all year on my picture board.  The rest - meh.  Bah humbug.

I also saved hubby from figuring out a Christmas present for me.  I caved and bought an expensive espresso machine (under $600 though, which is cheap in the realm of automatic machines).  It's been on my list for a long time, but I keep changing my mind.  The deal is done now.  I won't open it until Christmas though.  I also ordered some good coffee beans from Mystic Monk Coffee.  They have a great selection of decaf.  Lots more on both later -- stay tuned!  (Some of the flavored decaf is ground, so that I'll have as coffee before Christmas - the beans are for the machine.)  And, of course, I bought some espresso cups too.  My new machine will require it's own post - so much to tell, so much to drink!  I can't wait!!


Quick update from yesterday.  I smoked my to-do list.  It felt great!  Bad news is the eating was still off (left-overs sucked me in).  Good news is they are all gone now (silver lining).  No excuses today (should have been no excuses yesterday too - ugh).

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling crappy.  Head pounding, sore throat - Advil didn't touch it.  Then this morning ... let's leave it at I've been to the bathroom five six times already.  Still headache, etc. ... now add tummy issues.  What's going on?  Am I sick or my body has had enough crappy habits?  Should I try a workout?  Oh Universe ... I need help but quick.  I'm a hot mess this morning.

Speaking of workouts, I decided yesterday to forgo all classes until after Thanksgiving.  I'm taking a break, reseting, getting back to more running.  I made a schedule for working out and I made a list of some new classes to try.  I don't think the lift classes are going to work for me.  Since my youngest "borrowed" my reflective vest (with promise to return it the following week - nope), I ordered a new one.  $6.  No brainer.  Running outside is appealing to me and I'm going with my gut on this one.  I can't wait another week to get my vest back (if he even remembers it).

That's life in a nutshell today.  Happy pre-Holiday prep folks. Later gators.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Hyper Speed and More :-)

Time seems to be moving at HYPER-SPEED these last few months.  Time is moving and I'm standing still.  Health, weight, fitness, career -- all are stagnant and stalled in a less-than-good spot.

It humbling.  And it's all by my own choosing.  Small chooses consistently add up and that includes the bad ones.

I'm not in the far reaches of doom and gloom -- but it's within my sight.

Health:  I'm eating junk.  Good tasting junk.  Homemade junk.  But still junk.
Weight:  See above ...
Fitness:  Now that my instructor has moved on, there is a fitness void.  I'm bored, unmotivated, unexcited.  I hit these slumps sometimes, but not very often.
Career:  I need to start my CE credits to renew my license.  I'm actually looking forward to doing it, but seem to be reluctant to make the time.  Stalled and unhappy about it.

Since I like a good cliche ... today is Monday.  Time to renew.  Best way to fix ALL of this is movement FORWARD.  I know what to do ... time to do it.  Where have I heard this before?!?! (Good lord, I'm a broken record.)

Now is not the time to wallow in my failures so here's some good stuff happening.  Time to turn that proverbial ball around.

Today is my youngest's 21st birthday.  We joke it took him forever to get to 21.  It's a relief and a worry all at the same time.  I'm relieved because he can't get an underage drinking violation (breath held for many years lol).  He can join us going out and not feel left-out.  But he needs to be careful.  No 21 shots, no drinking/driving, etc, etc, etc.  I gave him my birthday wishes and my birthday lecture this morning.  Love this kid!  (And happy 21 is on a Monday lol.)  Happy birthday my dear sweet boy.  (And now my youngest is 21 -- holy old ME!!)

Chip is settling in nicely and his little personality is brightening our day.  I can't even describe the feel-good moments when you watch a scared, neglected, sick dog realize he's safe.  The transformation is magical.  Even hubby is addicted to it.  We're still working on marking, but he's down to one a day.  Today will be his first day having time in the crate.  Fingers crossed.

I did a boat-load of cooking this week.  Guess what's back on sale -- honey crisp apples.  I made a big batch of apple sauce.  The pressure cooker did it's job with beef stew from NomNomPaleo.  Best I've had in a long time (cooked in less than an hour).  Mexican chicken for tacos also from the same site - it's tastes just okay - but can't beat 7 minutes cooking time.  Squash, HB eggs.  The pressure cooker rocks. Also did a ham and mac + cheese.  I sent a bunch of food home with the kids last night.

And BAKING!  I made the pumpkin iced cookies again.  Love them.  Not overly sweet and a cross between a cake and a cookie.  Took me a minute to realize you need to cook them completely (like a cake), not underbake (like a cookie).  Pumpkin Cookies

I also made Slush Cake from my grams cook book.  I think everyone has had this at one time or another.  I used lactate free milk so I could have a lot some.  Google gives you tons of recipes for it.

It took my back two days to feel well enough to workout.  Ugh.  I ran yesterday and it felt good.  Today is up for grabs (remember the unexcited-about-workingout thing?).  I'll do something.  Just don't know what the something is yet.  I downloaded a few new Christmas songs, so that might help.

Today is pretty laid back so I'll use that time to get moving on stuff.  Sign up for the CE credit classes (then I might actually start them), house chores (never-ending), make a to-do list for the week (I have some things hanging over my head that need to just get done) .... and I'm stuck home for the morning while my oven is self-cleaning.  Holiday prep is underway.  More on that tomorrow.

Time to make this ordinary Monday a big-deal MONDAY!  Is anyone else feeling like they are going crazy lately?  Today is take-control-of-the-crazies day (fingers crossed).  Later gators.

Friday, November 10, 2017


Meet our little Chip.  We named him because his white fur is splattered with "chips" and it looks like chocolate chip ice cream (hard to see in this picture).  He's beautiful and filthy dirty.  Bath has to wait for incisions to heal, but a sponge bath is in order today.

His owner died and he was taken by a neighbor, tied to a tree and left outside for over a year.  Fed, but neglected.  Heartbreaking for this little guy.

We had a rough night last night.  He is sick with Kennel Cough, ear infection and post-op -- he couldn't settle down to sleep.  I hope today feels better for him.  He's a sweetheart!!  We love him and those soulful eyes.

Bad news on the workout front.  The barbell class was okay ... the circuit class was a big NO.  The new instructor forced encouraged moves that I know aren't good for my body.  She pushed and kept having me "try" them -- even after I said no thanks.  My back went out about an hour after class.  Today it's better, but not well enough to workout.  I need to stand FIRM with my NOs and I probably will skip her circuit class.  Friday's circuit is a different instructor.  Heating pad and rest works best when my back acts up.  Repeating that today.  Ugh!

Hubby is "working" from home today.  I don't have much time this morning.  But I wanted to introduce Chip!!  Happy Friday -- later gators.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Hit the Ground Running.

Here's a catch up.

DC was awesome. You know how some trips just WORK - everything was perfect.  From our drive to the airport, plane seats, hotel, gym, food, company ... etc, etc, etc.  Capital Steps was as funny of a show as I've ever seen - I laughed the entire night.  The Book of Mormon was good -- funny with a social message.  The singing and dancing were spot on.  Here are a few pictures:
Waiting for an early dinner.
Founding Farmers.
Hubby was happy - kennel corn appetizer.  Such a good restaurant - we went twice!
Next to the popcorn was bacon wrapped, blue cheese stuffed dates.  YUM!
Hot dog trio. Another hubby favorite.
Best scotch honey carrots too.
Founding Farmers in DC - a must do restaurant.
Surprise carnations.  Hubby's "signature" flower.  Why?  Cheap, last forever and come in every color.
As soon as I saw them, I knew they were from him.  Also a card with a love note - very unlike this unromantic man.
It was extra special. 
NITRO COFFEE ... every day.  OMG.  It never disappoints.
Visits with our friends were so much fun -- probably the best part.  Old, good besties just make you feel good.

We visited the Holocaust Museum.  We hadn't been in 15 years or seen the renovations.  Sobering and, yet, beautiful as you read about those who stepped forward to save and help.

Also, a quick tour of the engraving building.  Money!!  You got to see the actual money printing through the entire process.  Very interesting.

We also walked and walked and walked to go to the Eastern Market.  Food, artists, trendy.  It was fun and raining, but I got a cool wooden spoon for my nut bowl.

Today is my first new classes at Lift.  I ran on the treadmill while I was away (best hotel gym I've used in a long time).  I'm taking a double class this morning to see what is what.  Fingers crossed.

Lunch with a friend is cancelled so I can pick up a new foster.  She's riding with me instead of lunch - good friend.  More on Jake tomorrow.  Sad story, but a new beginning today.

That's my scoop!  Later gators :-)

Friday, November 3, 2017

Up Early

I'm up early to get a workout going before our trip.  I forgot I gave my reflective vest to my youngest for his Halloween costume - ugh.  Too many cars on a weekday, so treadmill gets the win again today. (P.S. the hotel gym looks good - fingers crossed)

Yesterday was my day of good-byes.  Willy (they're keeping his name - woohoo) did better than expected and, boy, that family loves him already.  Three really, really sweet boys to love on him.  Plus a neighborhood of kids that all knew he was coming lol ... he had quite a welcome wagon (but he's not meeting any of the friends formally until he gets a bit adjusted - good mama).

Worried Willy Jones - that will change soon.
Last cuddles the night before.

At Lift Studio it felt like the band was breaking up.  I'm not only going to miss Anissa, but a number of the gang can't do the new class schedule.  Change can be sad.  But change is good and all that crap too.  Good-byes aren't my cup of tea though.

The microwave replacement got canceled again yesterday.  Seriously?!?!  Scheduled again in 2 weeks.  They are having some installer issues (couldn't have guessed).  Oh, the rare and elusive microwave - it might be just an illusion.

I like to take a snack on the plane (I've had some pretty crazy flight delays that prompted that rule). Anyway, Lara bars do the trick for me.  I found 2 seasonal flavors to try ... Snickerdoodle and Gingerbread.  I'm looking forward to trying them.  Especially the gingerbread.  Suddenly, I'm all into ginger ... tea, cookies, candy (chimes), cakes, etc.  There was a time I never understood ginger cookies - now I get it.  Always learning LOL.

Traveling with my hubby is the best.  Yeah - I like having him around, but more importantly, I LOVE his travel status.  Upgraded, free checked bags, Sky Lounge, early boarding.  Yea!!  That's a win.

The Sky Lounge has a real-deal Starbucks espresso machine.  Decaf americano here I come.

Speaking of coffee, I found this new french cafe and the decaf espresso is INCREDIBLE.  It's my new "treat" when I have the time to drive there (more out-of-the-way than Starbucks).  The owner is French and speaks it when you order.  The pastries are to die for and made fresh EVERY DAY!  I tried a few, but now stick to the coffee.  I don't need that bad habit to build!  Makes me excited for our Paris trip in the spring.

Last little bit of news ... we found out we got our stay in Hawaii in March.  We were waitlisted.  It sounds a bit spoiled to be going again.  It's the product of timeshare points expiring.  When we lived in VA for 4 years, we never vacationed.  Both hubby and I worked so, so much.  Vacations were quick long weekends only.  We kept banking our points.  Now we have big points expiring every year (soon to be finished).  Hawaii uses a ton of points and we figured let's go while we can.  Heading back to Maui.  Last time we were there, there were 2 hurricanes passing near so a lot of the water events were canceled (ridiculous, but beautiful waves).  We couldn't travel to the northern part of the island because of flooding.  Hopefully, it will be all calm this time.

I'm not looking forward to those long flights again and sore everything (but even I can't really complain - the trips are worth it).  Today's flight is less than 2 hours - that makes me HAPPY. Until next week ... later gators.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Some More Misc Stuff

That's all I have this week (stay tuned for more reflection and whatnot when I get back from our trip ... not life changing, but more interesting ... to me at least).  I ramble on ...

I had a manicure with the long-lasting polish last week.  7 days later and going strong.  I'm going to change it today since we're going away, but the stuff works.  It lasts as long as gel does for me (lately) and is so much faster and cheaper (and no harmful lights).  Winner!

Willy was such a good boy yesterday.  He's getting the hang of our routine.  It's good he's leaving now so he can adjust to his new home instead of here.  We had a HUGE cuddle on the sofa this morning ... my pup, Willy and me ... all in a big pile.  Oh my heart today.

Today is also good-bye to Anissa at Lift Studio.  I will miss her, but I hate good-byes.  I'm not a mushy person (in person) and I don't like all that mushy energy.  I'm sure the workout will be hardly a workout so I'm running at home first.  I have a card (with scratch tickets) and I wrote some mushy stuff in it.  All true mush, but stuff I probably wouldn't say in person.  That works for me.

Speaking of workouts, we're staying in a fancy, fancy place in DC.  I'm super pumped for a good hotel gym.  I need to check it out today (hopefully, there are pictures online).  I could use a little VARIETY.

Speaking of VARIETY, I broke out the Christmas music on my iPod for my workout yesterday.  XM Radio channel 70 is the first channel to go Christmas (noon yesterday) so the car is covered too.  Bam - the season is here.  Unfortunately, the temperature is back up to mid to high 70s.  Can't have it all ... so I've heard.

We're leaving on our trip tomorrow -- back late Tuesday.  It should be a really fun time -- full of VARIETY.   We're seeing The Full Monty tomorrow night.  Spending Saturday and Sunday morning with my best friend and her hubby -- seeing Capitol Steps comedy show.  Sunday is dinner with some friends from VA.  Monday is just us.  Tuesday is the big 2-5 anniversary.  Good for us.  The weather looks iffy, but DC has so much to do indoors so no problem.

See you next week.  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hair Day

My posts feel a bit stale this week (sorry) and today continues the theme.  (I have some stuff to post when I get back from our trip -- I've been doing some reading -- but that will wait for a more motivated week).

Today is hair day for me and the dog.  Both of us will be working the blonde blow-out this afternoon.

Poor planning on my part leaves our foster dog all by himself for about 3 hours.  He's probably going to be upset without a dog for company while I'm gone.  Today is our last day with the bugger and, as usual, I'm feeling protective and sad he's going.  There will be a big adjustment for him and it makes me upset that he trusts us to take care of him.  This is his home and he has to leave.  (Feeling funky - could be that gluten overload still - I shouldn't be this low about him leaving.)

Can you even stand it?!?

My gorgeous pup.
Hanging out before Trick or Treat.
Our Halloween driveway gathering was a lot of fun.  Easy (I LOVE easy), perfect weather, great company and lots of kids (and dogs).  

I'm running late this morning (ugh) so I need to get dogs walked and a groomer drop off and shower and, and, and.  On that note, later gators.