Saturday, March 4, 2017

Lots to Report

Yesterday was a surprising day.  Not exactly headline worthy, but lots of unexpected happenings.  Here's the scoop.

StitchFix was a bust.  Disliked all 5 items.  Bummer!!  That's only happened once before.

Cleaning ladies quit.  She's heading to Mexico to take care of her ailing mother.  I was on the fence about taking over the cleaning - I've been pushed over lol.  If my back holds up, I'll keep cleaning (and saving some big bucks).

Lift was total body - not arms.  Oops - new month, new schedule.

Kombucha class was super cool.  We got a starter kit, a bottle of home-brew and lots of tasting.  There was also a guided meditation and blessing of the brew.  Meditation won't give up on me and I'm grateful. It was a feel-good evening.  I'm so glad I went!  More on this later :)

I think I've figured out some of my missing mojo.  Bare with me - it's rather ramble-ish.  My default is NEVER variety - I need to consciously choose VARIETY.  I made big effort over those 4 months to look for variety in the small things (not just the big stuff).  It made my day enjoyable and pleasurable.  I didn't look to food to provide the pleasure.

After the 4 crazy, hectic, fun months I was craving some CERTAINTY back - my default, my comfort-zone.  I gave up on VARIETY and let certainty rule my day.  The problem with that strategy is my day becomes boring, unenjoyable and I look for food for the "pleasure" in my day.  And the interesting thing is what I'm doing can be basically the same thing.  It's about noticing the VARIETY, finding it in small things, appreciating it, acknowledging it.

With CERTAINTY ruling everything, I tend to go through the motions without stopping to notice the pleasure in the moment.  I tend to be planning the "future" in my mind so I can be CERTAIN of what to do, etc. instead of living the moment.

I did need a break from the big stuff, but I let the daily stuff go too.

I have a strong INTENTION today to notice and love and seek VARIETY.

VARIETY takes lots of forms for me.  Meeting people, making an effort to connect with people, learning something new, appreciating small moments, noticing simple pleasures, taking a minute to be grateful, being a little spontaneous, saying YES, smiling for no reason.

You get the idea.  Things that aren't my default are my VARIETY.

Journaling is a big part of VARIETY for me.  It helps me notice the potential in the day.  I've strayed from "thoughtful" journalling as the house filled up.  I miss it and I need to find a way to continue as the house will be full for a couple more months.  This morning I have my time and it feels good to spend time thinking and writing.

On that note, it's circuit training day - early class and one of my favorites.  I'm off to have a VARIETY day of fun.  Later gators.

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