Saturday, February 5, 2022

Strange Little Day

On my way to meet my aunt, hubby called from the airport saying his car was stolen.  But was it?  I told him it was so unlikely, but he insisted.  I got off the phone with him and called my aunt to call off the trip. Guess what?  5 minutes later he found the car.  A mix up because of the rain and another section of the garage labeled the same.  

We were able to shop after all and hubby felt a bit foolish for such a strong reaction before investigating a little more.  Oh well.  That's something he's paranoid about so I guess his brain took over quickly.

Shopping was sort of a bust though.  Over half the stalls were empty.  Of the ones that were occupied, many weren't full.  Nuts.  Guess the pandemic is causing some issues.  This is a new facility for antiques and crafts and I wonder if management is driving vendors away too.

I did mange to spend money!  I'll take pictures (totally forgot).  I didn't find what I was looking for though -- plant stands (there used to be a lot of old wooden ones) and a small picture to finish out my office (also very little art).  Turns out my aunt has something she had in the donate pile and it fits perfectly.  I'll get it next time I see her.

Lunch place was closed for outside since it was a blustery day.  So just an hour together and that was it.  Sort of a bummer and a strange feeling morning.  The half empty place felt sad.  It usually takes a couple of hours to shop the entire place.

Anyway -- home and continued watching All Creatures Great and Small.  It's such a feel-good show and (as I've said), I'm super craving light and fluffy.  Very lazy late afternoon and evening -- which I'm probably duplicating tonight.

Since I rarely discuss my hormones (hah!), let me say I'm in the energy dump portion again.  It takes everything for me to want to move.  Ugh.  I can't wait for this to be over.  It's not the kind of tired that's improved with getting going and getting moving.  Such a strange feeling.  Feels like my body is lead.

Hubby and I are headed to the kids' place for lunch and a visit to the bank to take me off eldest's accounts. We'll see the grand-dogs and all the new stuff in their house. 

Maybe today will feel less strange.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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