Saturday, February 12, 2022

Happy Day!

Yesterday was a happy, happy, happy feeling day.  I have no idea why -- maybe being out in the sunshine gave me a little boost of happy.

It was a birds-are-singing kind of day.  Lunch was so nice eating outside in perfect weather.  65 degrees, full sun.  Fun conversation.

Before lunch I had extra time after 2 errands so I got a bunch off my list (ATM, gas, GoodWill drop off, Costco run -- had a cooler in the car).  It felt super productive.

Then I dropped those cookies off to the kids and visited with them and the grand-dogs.  Came home and walked the pups in the nice weather.  BTW, my friend ordered some of the cookies too after seeing how good they look (she wouldn't try one though).  Kids said they're fantastic.

Lots of time in the car and super music playing on the 90s station of all things.  Like I said, kind of a sunny-day day.

Not to be a downer, but usually when I feel that good one day, I feel like crap the next because maybe it's not the sunshine but a hormone swing.

So far, I'm good hah!  Today isn't anything much.  House chores, dog walks (including a long one), dog baths, Spanish and that's it.  It's going to be cold tomorrow so getting in the outside stuff today and baths while it's warm.  Both Monti and Chip have skin issues and they need regular medicated baths.

Eating break in the afternoon is proving to be interesting.  I'll write about it next week.  

Here's Chip -- look at that face!

Have a happy Saturday!  Later gators.

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