I'm in a major grumpy, Debbie-downer mood. My body hurts -- I'm so out of wack that I don't know which end is up. I'm trying to slowly move forward.
Hubby is driving me to Trader Joe's today. I'm on empty and he leaves for out of town tomorrow. A big key to it all is eating healthy (for what my body needs).
I have the postponed dentist appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'm thinking about calling for another postponement because of all the things (including sores on my tongue from the medications). I'm concerned my body is not well enough to go mask-less. That said, it's already postponed so I'm worried about moving it too far back. Guess I better suck it up buttercup.
My dearest grand-dog and Monti peed all over my office this weekend. I got a blue light and it's a crime scene. Calling the carpet cleaners today. It's too much to try and do myself. Hubby made a man-attempt (sorry, not sorry to insult men and cleaning). It was lame -- the carpet needs much more attention that I can't give with my back right now.
I'm reading a book I impulse bought at Costco a couple of weeks ago. It gets good reviews, but I need to take some time with it before I get in a flow.
Spanish is HARD this week. All about SPEAKING sentences and my brain knows the answer, but putting the words out of my mouth is ridiculously harder. She warned us. PRACTICE and more practice to get used to the rhythm and sounds. She wasn't kidding. It sounds great in my head. I'm a week behind and it shows. Final class -- final "exam" this week.
Have a good day. I'm not expecting much from today, but trying anyway. Later gators.
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