Only one thing is fit to top off these last 8 days -- postponed dentist appointment today. I pushed it back a month because of Omicron and it's time to pay my dues. Ugh. Nice thing is it's an early appointment so I should be home by mid-morning if all goes as planned.
Stanley Steamer came yesterday to fix my smelly office -- dang dogs peed all weekend in here. I don't love SS, but they have good availability and options for traffic area only prices. There's a minimum so I got 3 rooms cleaned. My office is back to smelling okay -- hope it stays this way.
As a partial solution to our dogs using these front rooms as a personal potty when they are upset, bored, lazy, weather is off, etc, we put up a gate door. It's pressure held, but can be screwed if needed. So far, so good. Chewy gate and it arrived in 24 hours -- great job, Chewy.
Spanish is HARD, but it's fun. This is the part that's the real deal -- speaking it. Not speaking from reading a sentence, but forming it in your head and saying the words out-loud in a regular talking cadence (not one word, pause, next word, pause, etc). It's so challenging, but very exciting because with lots and lots and lots of practice .... I'LL BE SPEAKING (some) SPANISH (!!). This is the part my brain doesn't do well. I hear it in my head just fine, but my mouth is all twisted when I try to speak it.
I'm going to try some movement tomorrow. Not a workout, but some walking. I need to sweat and I need to move the rest of my body. I feel like I aged 20 years this last week. I've stopped all medication to try and get my stomach back in order too. My mouth is filled with sores from the medication (fun to go to the dentist).
Hubby leaves for Asheville this morning until Saturday. I wish I could go, but no way my back could handle the drive. Me and dogs ALL DAY LONG again.
I'll leave with a cute picture of Chip. He loves to imitate Duke. I'm going to miss him a lot, but 3 dogs is too many for us on the regular -- even a dog as easy as Chip.
I'm planning a good day once the dang dentist is over. Fingers crossed on both accounts. Later gators.
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