I'm a little better this morning. Still in pain, but not the spasms that bring me down.
I have a feeling it's going to be WEEKS before I can workout again. Workouts clear my mind, help my mood -- they're so important for my daily routine. I can feel changes already in my muscle fitness. This bums me out so much.
I missed Spanish yesterday. The pills make me so loopy and I didn't want to wait to take them because the spasms are horrible. I'll keep studying and start again with Level II next week.
Here's what this time NEEDS to look like for me:
I'm notorious for giving up and giving in all all fronts when I can't workout. I can still do the rest of my things -- most importantly keep my diet healthy and plant-based. I'm going to be squishy after this long workout break, but I don't want to have to lose a bunch of weight on top of it all. It's TOO easy to sit and munch on food all day.
I finished the book from yesterday -- can't remember the name (it's on the last post).
Starting this baby today. Jamie from the PopCast says it has AMAZING twists and turns and she loved it. Treated myself to a new (not used) copy so I can have something to enjoy.
My week is up in the air. I have an add-on with the ortho appointment. Plans with my aunties on Thursday -- not sure if I can do it though. Plans to drop a thank you gift to my DIL by the week's end too. I'll have to wait and see.
I did get my butt in the shower today and changed from PJs to joggers. Makes me feel a bit better.
My muscle relaxer switched to something stronger and I can barely function on it, but that's what I need right now. It works so much better than the one before. I still have most of those left, so I'm hoping I have some others to add to the mix. It's helpful to add have a stash on hand. I only need them for the spasms. I'm going to try and skip (or push back) my afternoon dose today and see how I feel. Once the steroids do the trick, I'll be able to stop them again.
Off to do the things I can do. Fingers crossed. Later gators.