Monday, February 28, 2022

New Week, Same Me

I'm a little better this morning.  Still in pain, but not the spasms that bring me down.  

I have a feeling it's going to be WEEKS before I can workout again.  Workouts clear my mind, help my mood -- they're so important for my daily routine.  I can feel changes already in my muscle fitness.  This bums me out so much.

I missed Spanish yesterday.  The pills make me so loopy and I didn't want to wait to take them because the spasms are horrible.  I'll keep studying and start again with Level II next week.

Here's what this time NEEDS to look like for me:


I'm notorious for giving up and giving in all all fronts when I can't workout.  I can still do the rest of my things -- most importantly keep my diet healthy and plant-based.  I'm going to be squishy after this long workout break, but I don't want to have to lose a bunch of weight on top of it all.  It's TOO easy to sit and munch on food all day.  

I finished the book from yesterday -- can't remember the name (it's on the last post).

Starting this baby today.  Jamie from the PopCast says it has AMAZING twists and turns and she loved it. Treated myself to a new (not used) copy so I can have something to enjoy. 

My week is up in the air.  I have an add-on with the ortho appointment.  Plans with my aunties on Thursday -- not sure if I can do it though.  Plans to drop a thank you gift to my DIL by the week's end too.  I'll have to wait and see.

I did get my butt in the shower today and changed from PJs to joggers.  Makes me feel a bit better.

My muscle relaxer switched to something stronger and I can barely function on it, but that's what I need right now.  It works so much better than the one before.  I still have most of those left, so I'm hoping I have some others to add to the mix.  It's helpful to add have a stash on hand.  I only need them for the spasms.  I'm going to try and skip (or push back) my afternoon dose today and see how I feel.  Once the steroids do the trick, I'll be able to stop them again.

Off to do the things I can do.  Fingers crossed.  Later gators.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sunday Things

Yesterday was as bad as expected -- all day pain.  The PA I saw at UC was much better and gave me stronger medications and a steroid inject to go with the 5-day pack.

I got relief for a few hours last night (early this morning) and am feeling pretty good so far today -- of course I'm on all the medications.

I have an orthopedic appointment on Wednesday and an acupressure appointment in a few weeks.  I also have a script to start PT.  Not messing around with this.  I was in agony -- all from 10 minutes of super easy biking??

I woke up with a scratchy voice this morning -- it's still going strong.  Allergies??  COVID from my dentist appointment??  No sore throat, but I'm on a lot of pain killers that might mask it.  It's too early for a rapid test to show up.  I'll take one tomorrow or Tuesday.  If I'm positive that means no ortho appointment this week -- ugh.

Coffee is back to tasting like metal from the oral steroids.  This happened last time during the1st few days when you take the pills all day long.  I miss coffee.  

I finished Never (Ken Follet) and it was my least favorite of his books.  Plus, turns out it's about war -- nuclear war that starts as the book is ending.  And, the President is female, but he writes about her as emotional, no self-esteem, always feeling like she can't do the job, holding back tears.  Misogyny much Ken?  I give it a sold DON"T READ.

I started Stay Close (Harlan Coban) this morning.  Good so far.

Chip is happily adopted.  Hubby took him yesterday.  Car riding was the worst for me.  Down to 2 dogs and that feels so much more manageable.  Last weekend was 5 dogs.  Gate is working really well to keep Monti out of his self-made pee area.  That's a win.

I have the final Spanish class today.  I'm practice up, but not in great form to participate today.  I'll do the best I can, assuming I can attend.  When my back acts up it's not possible to do anything.  Next stop -- Spanish Level II.  

Looks like no workouts in the foreseeable future.  This bums me out in the biggest way.  Lots of fitness steps back, but I'll work it out when I can start up again.  

Hope you have a good day.  I'm looking for anything better than yesterday.  Later gators.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

It's a LOOK

I got some exercise pants from Amazon that were on very long backorder.  I totally forgot about them and only vaguely remember ordering.  Not sure what I was thinking in that moment but I was thinking something (!!)  NO pockets and the COLOR?!?!  It's a LOOK 👀. Hello, to my new inside-only pants :)

(The above chat I wrote yesterday before trying the bike.  I thought walking might be more jarring so I changed things up.)

10 minutes of super lite biking and I'm back to horrible pain.  Heading to UC this morning to see if I can get another steroid pack.  The only thing helping is the TENS Unit I got on Amazon.  It makes the pain manageable otherwise I can't think straight again.

I'll call an orthopedic on Monday to get an appointment.  Ugh.  I'm super upset -- not only to be in pain, but to have exercise STILL off the table with no end in sight.

Chip is going out for adoption this evening since they came home a day early.  I have everything ready to go.  Fingers crossed I can handle a 2 hour drive round-trip.

I'll keep this short and sweet.  Can't sit for very long.  

Today isn't going to be a good day -- no amount of thinking can fix this.  I hope I get relief soon.  Later gators.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Looking Up

All clear from the dental appointment.  See ya laters, suckers!  JK -- that just sounded right to say in my head when I left the office.

Chip is leaving us tomorrow instead of Sunday (his family is back a day early).  It's an evening drop-off with lots of construction on the route so that's not great, but we'll make it work.  

Today is a trial run for a little movement.  5 minutes on the bike and then some walking.  If anything bothers me, I'll stop.  I have pain when I'm sleeping, but during the day it's mild -- yea!  I don't want to rush things, but I have to start sometime.  It's been 11 days since my last workout and the rest of this old bod is getting stiff.

I have a couple of errands today and that'll feel good to get out of the house.  As much as I disliked the dentist, it was nice to get out. 

Thing are looking up for me ...

... BUT, as we know, the world is imploding again.  TX and FL legislators are abominable.  Ukraine is being devastated.  I don't think any of us can take on more, yet we have to.  US elections are as important as ever to have a government that leads with human decency.  

Anyway ... too big for a morning chat and not the way I want to start my day thinking (and I know I have a huge luxury to be able to put it aside and live my day).  Prayers are wonderful, but I want to find ways to do more and that'll take some work on my part.

Here's an aside and a picture of me and Monti -- another "evening" picture I sent to hubby.  Monti looks so  sweet in this picture.  He needs a lot of cuddles lately (so do I).

That's all from here this morning.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

Thursday, February 24, 2022


Only one thing is fit to top off these last 8 days -- postponed dentist appointment today.  I pushed it back a month because of Omicron and it's time to pay my dues.  Ugh.  Nice thing is it's an early appointment so I should be home by mid-morning if all goes as planned.

Stanley Steamer came yesterday to fix my smelly office -- dang dogs peed all weekend in here.  I don't love SS, but they have good availability and options for traffic area only prices.  There's a minimum so I got 3 rooms cleaned.  My office is back to smelling okay -- hope it stays this way.

As a partial solution to our dogs using these front rooms as a personal potty when they are upset, bored, lazy, weather is off, etc, we put up a gate door.  It's pressure held, but can be screwed if needed.  So far, so good.  Chewy gate and it arrived in 24 hours -- great job, Chewy.

Spanish is HARD, but it's fun.  This is the part that's the real deal -- speaking it.  Not speaking from reading a sentence, but forming it in your head and saying the words out-loud in a regular talking cadence (not one word, pause, next word, pause, etc).  It's so challenging, but very exciting because with lots and lots and lots of practice .... I'LL BE SPEAKING (some) SPANISH (!!). This is the part my brain doesn't do well.  I hear it in my head just fine, but my mouth is all twisted when I try to speak it.

I'm going to try some movement tomorrow.  Not a workout, but some walking.  I need to sweat and I need to move the rest of my body.  I feel like I aged 20 years this last week.  I've stopped all medication to try and get my stomach back in order too.  My mouth is filled with sores from the medication (fun to go to the dentist).

Hubby leaves for Asheville this morning until Saturday.  I wish I could go, but no way my back could handle the drive.  Me and dogs ALL DAY LONG again.

I'll leave with a cute picture of Chip.  He loves to imitate Duke.  I'm going to miss him a lot, but 3 dogs is too many for us on the regular -- even a dog as easy as Chip.

I'm planning a good day once the dang dentist is over.  Fingers crossed on both accounts.  Later gators.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


I'm in a major grumpy, Debbie-downer mood.  My body hurts -- I'm so out of wack that I don't know which end is up.  I'm trying to slowly move forward.

Hubby is driving me to Trader Joe's today.  I'm on empty and he leaves for out of town tomorrow.  A big key to it all is eating healthy (for what my body needs).

I have the postponed dentist appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning.  I'm thinking about calling for another postponement because of all the things (including sores on my tongue from the medications).  I'm concerned my body is not well enough to go mask-less.  That said, it's already postponed so I'm worried about moving it too far back.  Guess I better suck it up buttercup.

My dearest grand-dog and Monti peed all over my office this weekend.  I got a blue light and it's a crime scene.  Calling the carpet cleaners today.  It's too much to try and do myself.  Hubby made a man-attempt (sorry, not sorry to insult men and cleaning).  It was lame -- the carpet needs much more attention that I can't give with my back right now.

I'm reading a book I impulse bought at Costco a couple of weeks ago.  It gets good reviews, but I need to take some time with it before I get in a flow.

Spanish is HARD this week.  All about SPEAKING sentences and my brain knows the answer, but putting the words out of my mouth is ridiculously harder.  She warned us.  PRACTICE and more practice to get used to the rhythm and sounds.  She wasn't kidding.  It sounds great in my head.  I'm a week behind and it shows.  Final class -- final "exam" this week.  

Have a good day.  I'm not expecting much from today, but trying anyway.  Later gators.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Everything TWO

Happy TUES-day on 02/22/2022.  

It's been quite a week folks.  Cliff note version is my back went VERY OUT.  Visit to Urgent Care for all the drugs -- steroids, RX NSAIDS and muscle relaxers (my DIL drove me).  Add Dulcolax and Tylenol to round out my misery.  

Bought a TENS Unit which helps with the spasms.  It's only $35 on Amazon.  My sister recommended it.

I think I injured my SI joint after a hard Peloton ride (high resistance while staying seated).  The inflammation caused nerve pain and muscle spasms.  Worst back pain in my life.  Intractable -- made me vomit and then dry heave for 2 days.  Couldn't sleep.  

I canceled everything last week.  EVERYTHING.  Life coaching, cleaning crew, coffee, Spanish class (I just listened, but didn't participate).  Hubby was skiing with our boys.  Bad timing.

I'm finally trying to get up and LIVING today.  This is my first day in my office since last Monday.  My body feels broken.  My stomach from everything (including having no veggies to cook), my entire body from inactivity, water retention, joint pain.  Oh, and I got my period in the middle of it all.  

What a week.  I couldn't watch TV or read or listen to podcasts for a few days because the pain was so bad.  But then I cruised through a lot.

TV:  Inventing Anna, Tinder Swindler, caught up on Billions.

Books:  Both easy and fun reads.

Chip is adopted on February 27.  They had a family emergency so I'm keeping him until next weekend.  They are such a nice couple with another sweet blind dog.  I'm going to miss this old man!

That's enough catch up for today.  On the docket is life coaching call and Spanish study.  Final exam this week.  It got hard this week -- crappy timing to miss a week of practice. 

Later gators.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Be My Valentine

Good morning.  Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm smack in the middle of some serious hormone stuff.  Night sweats, moods, hot flashes, bloat -- it's all front and center.

My emotions are on a rollercoaster of mostly not fun emotions -- oh to remember that happy day last week lol.  That said, I felt the feelings over the last 2 days and didn't buffer them away.  I did the things that future me is proud of -- took the extra long walk in the sunshine, did the chores, spoke up about something that bothered me.

I feel down today, but I know it's a fake-out from hormones.  I don't have anything to be particularly down about -- although my brain is working hard to convince me otherwise.  Everyone in the world is having the best time and you're stuck at home over Valentine's Day with nothing fun on the calendar and crappy weather.  Somehow this can feel very true to me.  BUT IT'S NOT (!!).  Eek, I need to say it over and over and I need to keep away from the cookies in the freezer.  Two small goals to a better day.

I started this book last night.  I've had it a long time and I thought it was the same as the show on Netflix.  Nope, it's a mystery.  I'm excited to read it.  I want to watch the Netflix show with the same name too.

Spanish class went well yesterday.  I can't seem to calm my nerves before (there's no pressure -- guess it's a conditioned response), but I'm fine once we get started and super proud when it's over.  I love taking the class.  Lots of homework this week.

Chip has his meet and greet this afternoon.  Good luck, sweet boy.  If it's right it's right.  If not ... we keep looking.  Either way, he won't leave today since they are heading on a trip after they meet him.

I wanted to get in on the trend of higher end sweats in a light monochromatic set.  Oddly specific, I know. I see them everywhere styled with blazers, etc.  I got this at Banana Republic Factory store online.  It's just okay.  This picture is fine, but from other angles it's a bit lumpy looking in my bum area.  It would be fine for outside with a blazer though.  I like the top -- it's more like a sweater than sweats which is what I wanted.

I made a new recipe for stir fry broccoli with onions.  It was super good, but I ate a lot of broccoli yesterday -- could explain the bloat lol.

I have a SCS 20 minutes session today.  Not sure what I'll ask, but I'll think about it this morning.

I woke up to a wonky lower back.  The muscle that goes out on me is spasming.  It was fine overnight.  Not sure what that means for a workout this morning.  I had a hard one yesterday so if I need to go easy I will.  I really don't want my back to go out.

Nothing else scheduled for Valentine's Day.  As I said before, I used to do something with the kids, but hubby and I don't celebrate it.  

Enjoy Monday and stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Happy Day!

Yesterday was a happy, happy, happy feeling day.  I have no idea why -- maybe being out in the sunshine gave me a little boost of happy.

It was a birds-are-singing kind of day.  Lunch was so nice eating outside in perfect weather.  65 degrees, full sun.  Fun conversation.

Before lunch I had extra time after 2 errands so I got a bunch off my list (ATM, gas, GoodWill drop off, Costco run -- had a cooler in the car).  It felt super productive.

Then I dropped those cookies off to the kids and visited with them and the grand-dogs.  Came home and walked the pups in the nice weather.  BTW, my friend ordered some of the cookies too after seeing how good they look (she wouldn't try one though).  Kids said they're fantastic.

Lots of time in the car and super music playing on the 90s station of all things.  Like I said, kind of a sunny-day day.

Not to be a downer, but usually when I feel that good one day, I feel like crap the next because maybe it's not the sunshine but a hormone swing.

So far, I'm good hah!  Today isn't anything much.  House chores, dog walks (including a long one), dog baths, Spanish and that's it.  It's going to be cold tomorrow so getting in the outside stuff today and baths while it's warm.  Both Monti and Chip have skin issues and they need regular medicated baths.

Eating break in the afternoon is proving to be interesting.  I'll write about it next week.  

Here's Chip -- look at that face!

Have a happy Saturday!  Later gators.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Recent Books

Here's a quick chat about recent books.

This is a little mystery.  Kept me guessing and an easy read.  I'd give it a C+/B- grade.  Entertaining, but a little flat.

Easy read, but absolutely predictable.  By about 1/3 of the way through, I had the rest of the book figured out.  I kept reading in hope of a surprise twist, but nope.  If you need a fast read for a plane ride, but otherwise skip it.  I'd give it a C-.

Current read -- I'm almost halfway.  Recommended by a friend who's reading it for her bookclub.  I'm into this time period.  New money vs old money in NYC.  Based on historical tensions between some of the families.  So far -- solid B/B+.

I have 2 books arriving soon (used via Amazon).  We Are Okay (Nina LaCour) and Stay Close (Harlan Coban).

That's it in a nutshell.  Sticking to easy reads with nothing serious that hits close to home in this current state of affairs (political, pandemic, etc).  Real life feels heavy so I'm looking for escape reading.

Today I'm headed for an outside lunch with a friend.  Almost 70 by this afternoon.  Next week is a little cooler again, but spring will be in ATL very soon.  Then I'm dropping those cookies off to the kids.  Bought them to share.  I might freeze one or two for me for later, but since hormones have me all messed up, I'm keeping strictly off gluten right now.  Finishing off with a few more errands -- dog related.  It's a full day, but not busy.

Hope you have a good end to the week.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

One Day Off

I keep thinking it's a Wednesday.  I've been one day off all week -- people are correcting me.  Funny how that happens sometimes, but this week there's no reason for it.  Oh well.  TODAY IS THURSDAY (!!)  Say it loud and often.

I'm happy to have my nails trimmed and pretty again.  My fingers needed a cuticle trim (I have aggressive growing cuticles hah!) and my toes were a mess.  I did a rose gold kind of color on my toes (in the spirit of Valentine's Day) and a neutral shimmer on my fingers.  

Stacking the Peloton classes was fun.  Makes for a hard workout, but one that goes really quickly.  Today is an active rest day which means a long walk for me and Duke.  I could use the sunshine for some vitamin D and energy.  We might venture to a park for something different.  

Chip took his first outside walk and loved it.  He also suddenly does 3 stairs.  Go Chip go!  We're doing it again today.  Afternoon temps are great until Sunday.

The rest of the day is a few more errands, lots of Spanish and nothing else.  That said, it'll pretty much fill my day when you add in cooking lunch and dinner and the morning routine things.  

The non-eating window is going fine.  I journaled to one of the questions doing the right hand, left hand thing.  I'll report back after a few more days.  It feels gimmicky, but also no big deal to try it.  

That's all I have to report today.  I'll give a book update tomorrow -- I'm too lazy to get the titles from my bedroom right now lol.

Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Did The Stuff

I have a kind of full week (full-ish) so each day has a detailed to-do list.  I'm super impressed that I did ALL THE THINGS on my Monday list.

Why?  Because there were a bunch of things I didn't want to do that I could easily have pushed off.  Run outside -- cold and windy, but did it anyway.  Wrap and box a birthday gift -- my most hated chore for some reason.  Bunch of paperwork things -- also not feeling it.  But I did it all and feel really good.  Everything was something I needed to do for my future self (even if that was my next-week future self).

I chatted with my coach about buffering with food in the afternoon/evening again.  She gave me a few questions to ask during that time with a little catch.  Write the question with your right hand and the answer with your left hand (non-dominant).  Apparently, that activates the other side of your brain and can help uncover deeper thoughts.

The questions are ... what am I really wanting, how can I fill that need another way and do I still need this (meaning this comfort at the end of the day life I did in childhood where it started for me).  I think the last question is the most interesting.  This habit of comfort was formed early when I was in a hot-mess of an insecure childhood.  It was the comfort available to me.  But the reality is I don't still need it as a secure, happy adult.  Could it be as simple as this?  Just thinking I don't still need this worked yesterday.  Not one urge before dinner so I didn't end up journaling yet.

The day rounded out with a long phone chat with my bestie.  

The NYC cookies came yesterday -- I ordered them in October after seeing them on Watch What Happens Live.  This small business was overwhelmed with orders so it was a pre-order for whenever they could fulfill it.  The owner was a homeless addict and turned her life around.  Great business to support and the cookies look amazing.  I'm going to share with the kids this week.

Today is a nail appointment.  Mani and pedi.  It's been a couple of months (thanks, Omicron).  I'm also doing a long needed Target run for cleaning supplies.  I'm on fumes -- it's time to venture out.

Up early so I can do Target before nails.  Too cold for flip flop shopping and my fingers will be still in the smudge zone so Target is first.

I'm doing a stackable Peloton ride this morning.  Stacking 4 short classes for one workout.  I'm curious about it -- lots of people like to do this to really customize.

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Good News Chip


Chip is busting at the seams with applications -- wow!!  He's meeting a couple on Monday.  I'll give you all the details after the meeting.  I expect it's going to be an adoption unless he triggers her allergies.

Here's a picture of the oatmeal bake "carrot cake" with tofu icing.  It's okay, but I'm still having trouble thinking about the icing.  I think I'm going to toast a piece today, leave off the icing and see if that's better. It makes me laugh that I struggle thinking the icing is an imposter, so to speak.  I eat tofu all the time!

Added LOTS of extra spice to
see if that helps disguise the tofu.

I listened to some Brooke Castillo stuff and I started a little experiment.  The rest of the month, I'm not eating between 3 and 6pm.  Those are my snacking hours and I can't seem to pull it back.  I want to look at my thoughts during that time (without distracting with buffering) and see what's up.  I think it's boredom and "I deserve to NOT have to work on this today since I've done all my other things."  But I still snack even if I've done nothing all day.  Just an experiment.  Being curious.  Yesterday was all about feeling bored, but not feeling like I had any more energy to do anything else.  Also feeling like I deserved a reward -- for what?  Who knows.  I plan to journal.  Yesterday I was on the phone for a lot of that time so I was already a little distracted (not on purpose, just happened that way).

I signed up for Spanish Level Dos yesterday.  It'll be Mondays at 6:15.  Not ideal, but with Easter Sunday, I'd end up missing 2 bookclubs or 2 classes.  That didn't make sense.  6:15 is the EVENING.  I know in my book it's practically midnight, but I'll survive 6 weeks.  And the dogs are more settled at that time of day too (because it's BEDTIME lol).

I have a coaching call this afternoon.  I kind of have a plan for our discussion based on some journalling prompts she sent me.  I might also bring up the buffering --although I expect she tell me to observe first and then discuss.

I'm going to take Duke for an outside run today.  It's a little chilly, but I think I'll be okay (my toes).  

That's about all.  Spanish study for an hour or so, a few house chores and maybe a quick trip to the grocery store.  Hope you have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Monday, Monday

Good Monday morning.

Chip got up early this morning with a full bladder so I'm up and dragging a$$ a bit.

A little recap on my day yesterday ... 

Spanish class was a lot of fun.  Still not sure why the nerves, but I think I'm over it for next week.  Nothing to be nervous about -- it's like some strange conditioned response.  She posted times for the next class and I'm torn.  Same time on Sundays, but that interferes with my bookclub.  Other choices are in the evening and I'm never my best then.  I could do Sundays and just miss for bookclub Sunday (it's only one this 6 week cycle).  I need to think about it.  

Chip is available for adoption and has 3 super good applications from previous adopters of our senior dogs.  Yea, Chip!  We'll see how it goes -- I'll do interview calls today.

I made a couple of new recipes yesterday.  Vegan carrot cake oatmeal bake with silken tofu "icing."  It's interesting.  Not at all sweet and I have a little mind-over-matter happening with the topping.  It's silken tofu in a blender -- I added a bunch of spices, but I think it needs more flavor to mask the tofu vibes.  

I accidentally opened the super firm tofu instead of the silken tofu so I made the marinated baked tofu cubes from The Kitchen.  I didn't follow a recipe, but used the same sort of ingredients -- ketchup, soy, spices, sesame seeds, etc.  It gets baked for about 45 minutes in a hot oven.  OMG -- so yummy.  It's my new favorite way to enjoy tofu. 

Today is a different vibe day.  Lots of homebody stuff, but still productive.  Journalling ahead of coaching tomorrow.  Spanish study to start the new stuff.  Chip adoption calls.  And a few other around-the-house chores.  

This is probably what my evening will look like since 3 of the shows I watch record on Sunday night (Sister Wives, The Gilded Age, All Creatures Great and Small).

Looking forward to a good week.  A few fun things without feeling too busy.  Hope you're set for a good one too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

More Pictures

It was a nice day yesterday.  Lunch at the kids' house was fun and we got to see all the new house things (and our grand-dogs).  My sign-off to leave his banking account was easy and quick since they had an appointment.

I spent the rest of the day doing odd chores and such.  Then I wrote up Chip for adoption, studied Spanish and finished journalling.   Good balance with all the things.

Here are the pictures from my shopping on Friday.

I like the puffy sleeves.

For flowers and greens.

Outside planter.

I have to venture out for some groceries today.  We're on EMPTY in the biggest way.  Spanish class this afternoon which I'm trying to remain chill about.  Why do I get so nervous??

I ordered supplies for rock painting.  I thought it would be nice to paint happy rocks to leave around on the trails in Asheville.  One of my future self focuses is tapping into more creative things.  This also rings the bell for gathering with intention.  Fun project to do with people.  Winter feels extra this year with Omicron and the cold last few weeks (relative to GA).  I'm ready to add some projects.

I'm also making slow progress on getting the Little Free Library painted and ready.  Man, I've dragged my feet on this one.  Small steps this week.

That's all from here this Sunday.  Hope you are having a good weekend.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Strange Little Day

On my way to meet my aunt, hubby called from the airport saying his car was stolen.  But was it?  I told him it was so unlikely, but he insisted.  I got off the phone with him and called my aunt to call off the trip. Guess what?  5 minutes later he found the car.  A mix up because of the rain and another section of the garage labeled the same.  

We were able to shop after all and hubby felt a bit foolish for such a strong reaction before investigating a little more.  Oh well.  That's something he's paranoid about so I guess his brain took over quickly.

Shopping was sort of a bust though.  Over half the stalls were empty.  Of the ones that were occupied, many weren't full.  Nuts.  Guess the pandemic is causing some issues.  This is a new facility for antiques and crafts and I wonder if management is driving vendors away too.

I did mange to spend money!  I'll take pictures (totally forgot).  I didn't find what I was looking for though -- plant stands (there used to be a lot of old wooden ones) and a small picture to finish out my office (also very little art).  Turns out my aunt has something she had in the donate pile and it fits perfectly.  I'll get it next time I see her.

Lunch place was closed for outside since it was a blustery day.  So just an hour together and that was it.  Sort of a bummer and a strange feeling morning.  The half empty place felt sad.  It usually takes a couple of hours to shop the entire place.

Anyway -- home and continued watching All Creatures Great and Small.  It's such a feel-good show and (as I've said), I'm super craving light and fluffy.  Very lazy late afternoon and evening -- which I'm probably duplicating tonight.

Since I rarely discuss my hormones (hah!), let me say I'm in the energy dump portion again.  It takes everything for me to want to move.  Ugh.  I can't wait for this to be over.  It's not the kind of tired that's improved with getting going and getting moving.  Such a strange feeling.  Feels like my body is lead.

Hubby and I are headed to the kids' place for lunch and a visit to the bank to take me off eldest's accounts. We'll see the grand-dogs and all the new stuff in their house. 

Maybe today will feel less strange.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, February 4, 2022


It's still pouring rain (until about mid-morning).  The backyard is a massive puddly mess and Chip needed to go out at midnight for a poop.  Dang.  I ended up all over the yard following him in an inside-out pj shirt, flip flops while getting soaked.  Duke came with us and was all about a big toad on the patio -- so he begged the rest of the night to go out again.

Sleep.  Why is it so hard lately?

Headed to an antique market with my aunt today.  All country backroads so hopefully there's no flooding.  It's been THAT much rain.

The SCS coaching call was good.  I had a repeat coach from a couple of weeks ago.  He remembered me.  We chatted about Spanish class and being nervous.  He connected to our conversation the previous time -- noticing a pattern.  It's a bummer you can't stick with the same coach, but I understand why that would be a problem on a number of levels.  Basically my pattern is not speaking up for what works for me.  Long story how this relates to Spanish class, but it was the same with friendship stuff too.

Now for a little photo dump ...

Duke Dorable
My biggest pain in the butt, but I love him.

Recommended by a friend.
Fits my book craving!

Studying Spanish with mis perros.

Chip trying to win Duke over.

Fingers crossed the shopping gods are in good spirits for my antique adventure.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Rainy Day

I'll start with books ...

I finished Notes on an Execution and it was super good.  Since it's not the best bedtime reading, I decided to read it during the day only.  It quickly became a hard-to-put-down book and I was finished by afternoon (small, short book).

Here's me reading while the cleaning crew was here.  I sent the picture to hubby to prove I can never sit and hold a book comfortably when the dogs are around lol.  Stage 3 clingers.

Next up:

About 50 pages in and it's a fun suspense.

Pouring rain all day today -- at least it's not snow.  Hubby is up in New England and snow's expected starting tonight.  Fingers crossed he's safe and is able to fly home tomorrow.

This leaves me with a homebody day and I'll take it.  Noon SCS coaching call and nothing else on the calendar besides the usual "me" stuff.  Spanish and journalling today.  Tomorrow is early shopping with my aunt so a little rushed of a morning.  Rainy, no rush day today is perfect.

Chip got medically cleared for adoption yesterday.  His mouth fistula healed well -- yea!  The poor boy wails and barks the entire way in the car.  He seems to understand when we're headed home and not a peep on the way back.  Time for him to go -- I'm getting way too attached!  I'll do his adoption bio after I get some outdoor pictures this weekend.

That's all from here.  Have a great day -- stay warm and safe.  Later gators.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Pictures (!!)

Hello.  I'll start with a selfie (I took to send to hubby who asked what I was up to).  Answer -- nothing, but everything.

Chip and me with our evening
cuddle/jammie time.
PJs from Loft -- got a medium and I regret it.
Too restrictive in the sleeves to sleep so I take off the top.
BUT, the hearts are cute and fun for February.

Two new soups from IG.  Both vegan with protein.  I'm adding them to my recipe book.  Guess what's for dinner and lunch today??

This is the PRETTIEST picture of soup.
It takes as good as it looks.
Quinoa and chickpea.

Less pretty, but still tasty.
This one is red lentil and sweet potato
with a partial blend.

Goodies from the shopping afternoon and IG influenced.

West Elm.
It's HUGE and I've been looking
for a proper sized serving tray.

Travel bag with so many well
thought out pockets, etc.
Slides over a roller bag too.

Very comfortable workout top.
Inside only since I don't
enjoy a belly shirt outside running :)

Amazon.  IG influenced.
Car organizer with a collapsable
cooler at the end.

Here's the cooler expanded.

Note on PICTURES in general.  Now that I have all the updated everything -- phone, computer, iCloud storage, my pictures automatically show up on my computer.  What?!?  Probably most people had that convenience long ago, but it's new for me -- and I LOVE it.

Coaching call yesterday was good (she was in a rented house because she has COVID).  We talked more about connection and relationships.  Good call and I have a lot of journal questions to work with this week.

Spanish study is going well, but it's actual work -- which I wanted.  Between coaching stuff and Spanish stuff, my week is filled in nicely.  A few spring projects are on my radar too so life is feeling fuller these days.  Fuller with ME stuff and future me stuff.  I like this feeling.  Energy is an issue, but I'm dealing with it.

The book I picked to read (Notes on an Execution) is a real downer so far.  Hmmmm, maybe the title is a giveaway on that, you think?!!?  I'm actually thinking about tabling it and finding a "nice" read.  I'm not sure yet, but it's not the best bedtime story.  I'm craving a saga book -- sweeping story over generations kind of thing.

Cleaning crew and vet appointment for Chip round out my day.  It's a complete workout rest day (just a dog walk) and my body needs it.  

Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Feeling Good

Yesterday was a good day.

Spanish practice as I went about my day.  Lots more today -- it's a big lesson week!  It's so fun because it feels like I'm speaking Spanish.  Very, very little BUT it's full conversational sentences.

Met my girlfriend for a shop around and coffee.  Both were fun.  We had a super good chat about Brene Brown's podcast on values.  Both of us had done the exercise so we had a long, interesting conversation about it.  I also found a couple of goodies.  Pictures tomorrow :)

Speaking of goodies and pictures ...

New slippers/indoor shoes.

Hubby installed the new overhead light
in my office.  It fits the look of the room well.
Looks better in person than this picture.

New read.
Recommendation from the PopCast.

Today is a homebody day.  Treadmill run or possibly an outdoor run (looks like it's warmer than expected).  Two new vegan soup recipes.  Lots of Spanish.  Life Coaching call.  New book.  Bed.  Sounds like a nice day, right?

Hope you have a nice day too and stay well.  Later gators.