Wednesday, October 20, 2021

To the MART

Headed downtown to Atlanta's MART today to drop my ring to be fixed.  My band ring dropped stones at the wedding -- bad omen, wild dancing ... who knows haha.  I'm also thinking about seeing if I can trade in my earrings for something different.  I like them, I don't LOVE them and I have a design idea.  If I can't do a trade though, I'll keep what I have.  

Some LIFE COACHING updates.  One more month and I reach VIP status at Self Coaching Scholars.  This unlocks other training calls with Brooke and a couple of classes she taught.  I'll watch for a month and most likely leave the program.  I like it, but I've caught up on the back materials and the new stuff isn't enough to justify the membership.  And, while it's helpful to hear coaching calls, it's really the same things over and over.  At a certain point the return isn't the same.  If I were starting a business, it would be a gem to help moving that forward -- and totally see the value.

Also, the 20 minute coaching calls are more a bust than helpful.  Things I want to discuss are nuanced and 20 minutes isn't enough time with (mostly) so-so coaches who are randomly assigned each call.  I'm also having problems actually scheduling calls -- errors out, defaults to the wrong time, doesn't sent reminder calls.

That said, I don't want to be without life coaching so I'm on the hunt for a personal life coach.  I have a consultation call with one of Brooke's graduates next week.  Stay tuned.  My concern is the price -- I bet I'm going to be shell-shocked.  The problem is you often get what you pay for and I'm ready for next-level coaching.  Low lying stuff is worked out and I need someone with more experience = more expensive.  

Too bad this doesn't count as mental health prevention like a therapist would, but I don't need therapy.  I need life coaching.  There's overlap, but therapy is a lot of working on your past and life coaching is more future focused -- in a generalized terms.  

Hubby comes home from a trade show in Vegas today.  Fingers crossed he stayed well.  Bed to myself (and dogs) is over for now, but I'm glad to have him home.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

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