I finally got more sleep last night and I needed it. I had a hormone headache all day and felt crappy all evening (actually wondered if I was getting sick). I woke up at 1 o'clock per usual lately (Monti wanted a potty break too) and felt back to sleep until ... 7 O'CLOCK (!!) I feel better this morning and I hope it lasts.
Also, the scary book is feeling less scary (but still good). The focus is now on the investigation and less on the actual scary moments as they are happening. I hope it stays this way so I can turn off the lights LOL.
October is proving to be my most challenging month in a long time. I believe it's from steering too far from what works for me. I hope a few days of good stuff starts things in the right direction.
Now for life coaching ...
I signed up. It's a 7 month (26 week, but usually there ends up being a skip week here and there because of scheduling). Once a week 45 minute zoom call, daily written interaction M-F (if I want). Telling hubby was hard -- this is EXPENSIVE, but after talking to her for 90 minutes, this is what I want to do.
Hubby had lots of questions and this took him by surprise, but he's a good guy and said to do whatever I need (and it didn't have to count toward personal gift or travel expense).
I start the week after Thanksgiving. This works because I want a little space to get feeling my best again. I don't want to waste any sessions -- this is about moving forward, not regaining ground I lost. Does that make sense? I think I can stabilize my hormone dive before then and be better energetically and such.
I'll stop The Life Coach School program in November -- I think that's when I reach VIP, but it might be December.
I'm also considering dropping out of Jen Hatmaker big book club next year. The books are so-so and I've read a bunch. The "gift" hasn't been for me lately either. This month was coffee beans -- nice, but caffeinated so I have them on my desk as aromatherapy. I'll give it a couple more months. I can still buy the book and participate in the local chapter.
Hope you have a good day. Stay well. Later gators.
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