I met with my girlfriend at a new coffee house for a couple of hours yesterday. It was good to catch up and try somewhere new. Beautiful fall day. Also took the pups to the park for a "sniff."
I finished bingeing YOU on Netflix. Didn't disappoint and still as good as the first season. I'm reading The Mother-In-Law (Sally Hepworth) on recommendation from my DIL lol (!!) Seems like a good, quick mystery.
Grooming day for the boys today. They hate it, as all self-respecting dogs do, but I pay premium for an express groom so they are in and out. Barely enough time to run an errand before they're finished. Errands and another batch of bean burgers and that rounds out my day.
I have a couple of projects on the docket for the next week or so. Hopefully, maybe, finally paint the Little Free Library -- I've taken "no rush" to another level. Also need to plant the many (too many) spring bulbs that I ordered this summer and they were delivered for fall planting. I bought the planting soil yesterday. I need to plan the plant and then do it this week.
My fall garden is growing, but not well. I don't think it's going to take. I needed to start the seeds inside over the late summer and then transplant outside (maybe??). I'm also going to sprinkle a bit of fertilizer and see if that gets things growing. Things sprouted, but seem to have stopped (just like my first spring plant). Lots of learning with gardening.
I have a December Asheville trip planned with my girlfriend for her 60th birthday. We confirmed dates and I'll make a few reservations today. I love celebrating a birthday -- especially a milestone one.
Have a great day and I hope fall is falling for you too. Best time of year. Later gators.
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