Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Regrouping and Recouping

You heard it here first -- all this week is slated for RECOVERY.  

Active recovery, but still recovery.  I need to deep dive into my regular routine, eat well, sleep well, etc.  Three days of homebody-ing to get myself back to myself.  

Then I'll be ready for full steam ahead.

I postponed the trip the the MART downtown (to get my ring fixed) because I'm not up for a drive downtown today.  I'm also planning my booster shot tomorrow (assuming I can get an appointment) and that means laying low for a day too.

I have a lot of house chores and little errands to run this week.  I have the luxury to slow roll back to normal and I'm taking it.

I'm also sticking to NO SOCIAL STUFF until next week too.  Regrouping and recouping (just made this up and now I'm changing the title of this post lol -- clever me).

I'll take pictures of a few goodies I got in Asheville -- stay tuned.

That's all from my bed this morning -- dog cuddles so started off back in bed.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

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