Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween (!!)

Off to Asheville today.  My neck is still a hot mess -- this might be a problem this week.  By the end of the night, I have a headache and pain down the back of my shoulder and arm.  Not fun.  I plan to do a lot of outdoor walking in Asheville and I'm not sure that's possible.  I'm taking anti-inflammatory and it helps, but I'm taking it round the clock.

Anyway ...

The book I'm reading IS GOOD ... Apples Never Fall (Liane Moriarty).  I haven't read her books in a long time.  Reviews are good so hopefully the story holds up until the ending.

It rained all day yesterday.  I did a little more cooking and we took a drive to look at cars.  Mine is getting older, starting to have some issues and it's time to downsize.  Since new cars are very backordered, we thought we'd start looking now.  Since my neck is funky, I didn't test drive any.  We'll probably do that next weekend when we're dog sitting the grand-dogs.  Need to order at least 6 months ahead.

BTW, our little foster Polly is doing great.  Miss that little gal.  She loved Asheville.

Short and sweet today.  I need to get moving because hubby wants to be settled before the games start.  Looks like lots of reading for me today.

Have a happy Halloween.  Later gators.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Change of Plans

We decided to stay in Asheville until Wednesday, so we're going up tomorrow instead of today -- 5 days is too long.  Weather works better and it give us both some time to get things finished up around here too.  We also like to be there during the week instead of the weekend if we have a choice.

My neck is not doing well -- dang.  It needs to feel better by Massage Monday (!!)  Feels like a pinched nerve type of pain.  Shoots down my shoulder and arm if I move in a certain way.  BTW, I got an email that this spa is raising their prices significantly (honoring prices booked before November though) so my girlfriend and I lucked out for her birthday plans in December too.  Prices are just high enough to give pause to going now.

I finished the SCARY book and it was super good.  Well written story with lots of elements.  He's a good writer.  The book was way less scary after the first bit.

I started another book -- from my girlfriend.  Title TBD since the book is currently in my bedroom with hubby sleeping.  It's good already.  I have a big backlog of reading -- best get moving.  Sometimes if I move too far away from when I bought the book, I lose interest because new choices take the cake.  Rule is ... I buy it, I read it.  But, as always, if it's horrible I can stop.

I bought a couple of small bags of Halloween candy just in case we get trick or treaters in Asheville.  I doubt we do since our neighborhood is in the mountains and there are flatter, easier neighborhoods just down the street.  Milky Way and Thousand Dollar Bars (or is it $10,000 bars??).  I'm sure it will call a little to me, but no way am I going there this year.  Sugar tanks my sleep and I'm still not sleeping well.

Pedicure is a pretty fall red-ish color.  No manicure until I need my cuticles shaped.  It's been freeing to not do gel or powder nails.

I'm not sure about a workout this morning.  My neck isn't happy enough for the yoga workout and my legs need some rest.  It's still raining this morning so a walk is iffy too. 

Speaking of neck, it's hard holding my head up typing so I'll end this here.  Have a great Saturday.  Later gators.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Back to Basics

It starts and ends with food.

I think this month is such a shit-show because I had too many days eating differently.  There weren't many days I went crazy (the CAKE day lol), but there were enough days of so-so eating to put my system off kilter again.

Eating differently was doing more than I gave it credit.

So (somewhat reluctantly), I'm back to prioritizing foods that work for me.  This means PLANT FOCUSED (including plant proteins), lower sugar and lower processed carbs (even GF).  Of course, very limited alcohol too.

I know a lot of this rather sudden sensitivity is related to hormones.  Feeling like crap isn't okay and especially not okay if there's a way to feel better.

I got lazy because it's easier to eat "the old way" -- easier to shop, cook, etc.  It's what I know well.  Doesn't require as much prep and thought.  Super convenient and I can find something to eat anywhere.

But I'm back at it.  Whole Foods trip and I'm stocked up.  I made a 3 bean chili, stir fry and soup to freeze.  Heading to Asheville this week and it'll travel with us.  

Once I'm back to feeling better, I can have meals here and there that are different, but not 3/4 a month's worth.

Lesson heard AGAIN.  

More details to come since I'm focusing on a few foods differently (like adding fermented foods and trying some vegan "dairy" products).  Trying to be curious and make this fun -- that's what's missing lately and I'm bored.  Bored with what I'm eating and bored with the process.  It felt good to have an excuse to take a break.  But look where it got me.  

My neck and traps are doing better this morning.  Still a sore neck on one side, but my traps feel good.  I was able to ride the Peloton yesterday because it wasn't any worse when I rode.  Today is supposed to be arms day, but I'm pushing it out.  Arms uses my neck and back too.  Hopefully, I can get it in tomorrow since I don't have all the equipment in Asheville.

Pedicure today too.  Man, I'm glad to be back to pedicures.  

We're heading to Asheville until Tuesday or Wednesday.  Focusing this trip on having some outdoor fun (weather will be great) and spending time with hubby.  I also have a massage scheduled at the place I went for my birthday.  They're fully masked again so I feel comfortable going.  Can't wait.  

Halloween marks the start of the holidays in my mind.  Let the fun begin.  Things will be different this year and I'm up for it.  More on this too.

Have a good Friday.  Later gators.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

I'm Ready for November

Seems like October hates me.

Case in point -- I planted 26 tulip bulbs (good luck little ladies, see you in the spring) and now I can't hold up my head.  Apparently, digging on my knees in rocky soil strained my trapezius muscle.  Hurts to hold up my head.  Hurt to sleep as it kept spasming.  

Seriously, October.  What did I do to you?

I keep adding to my "problem" list.

Peloton ride is in jeopardy this morning.  Not sure if I can muster it.  Good news is I had a hard run yesterday so a rest day isn't horrible.  I'll try a warmup and see how it feels and go from there.

I'm on a mission to clean up my eating squeaky clean for a minute to see if I can get back to feeling myself.  Trip to Whole Foods today for all the interesting things.  This is assuming I can drive.  I wish I had a neck brace.  I was hoping overnight did it some good, but I think today will be worse before it starts to relax again.

Hopefully, the tulips are worth it ;)

That's all from here.  I need to support my head with my hand again.  I feel very old today lol.  Later gators.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Coaching and Sleep

I finally got more sleep last night and I needed it.  I had a hormone headache all day and felt crappy all evening (actually wondered if I was getting sick).  I woke up at 1 o'clock per usual lately (Monti wanted a potty break too) and felt back to sleep until ... 7 O'CLOCK (!!)  I feel better this morning and I hope it lasts.

Also, the scary book is feeling less scary (but still good).  The focus is now on the investigation and less on the actual scary moments as they are happening.  I hope it stays this way so I can turn off the lights LOL.

October is proving to be my most challenging month in a long time.  I believe it's from steering too far from what works for me.  I hope a few days of good stuff starts things in the right direction.

Now for life coaching ...

I signed up.  It's a 7 month (26 week, but usually there ends up being a skip week here and there because of scheduling).  Once a week 45 minute zoom call, daily written interaction M-F (if I want).  Telling hubby was hard -- this is EXPENSIVE, but after talking to her for 90 minutes, this is what I want to do.  

Hubby had lots of questions and this took him by surprise, but he's a good guy and said to do whatever I need (and it didn't have to count toward personal gift or travel expense).

I start the week after Thanksgiving.  This works because I want a little space to get feeling my best again.  I don't want to waste any sessions -- this is about moving forward, not regaining ground I lost.  Does that make sense?  I think I can stabilize my hormone dive before then and be better energetically and such.

I'll stop The Life Coach School program in November -- I think that's when I reach VIP, but it might be December.  

I'm also considering dropping out of Jen Hatmaker big book club next year.  The books are so-so and I've read a bunch.  The "gift" hasn't been for me lately either.  This month was coffee beans -- nice, but caffeinated so I have them on my desk as aromatherapy.  I'll give it a couple more months.  I can still buy the book and participate in the local chapter.  

Hope you have a good day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Scary Book for Halloween

This book is SCARY (!!)  Like the kind of scary I hate turning off the lights.  I'll give it a little bit more today and then it'll have to wait until hubby is home if it doesn't settle down (so far, home invasion murders).  I LOVE being scared, but given my sleep issues lately, not cool to take hours to fall asleep.  Hahaha.  

I had a nice afternoon with my girlfriend.  I didn't find one thing to buy at the vintage market though -- bummer.   My lunch with my foster friend on Thursday was postponed so this was my one-and-only outing this week.  Major rain heading in AND she texted that the convention she's attending is MASKLESS by everyone but her.  She wants to isolate after this trip.  I'm grateful for honest and smart people in my life.

Today is the life coaching consultation call.  It's far from a done deal.  Two concerns -- price and her experience.  She started her business a year ago.  Left a pediatrician career so you know she's smart (and probably used to making money!) ... but can she COACH at a level that I need?  I took care of the low lying issues over the last few years.  This is deeper and need someone who can see and call out my BS.  Stay tuned ...

MOOD is still going strong -- especially in the afternoon which is leading to SNACKING which makes me feel like crap with no energy.  Circle of life from hell.  Today is the day I break the circle.  A few days of regular dinners and no snacks should make a world of difference.  I know this.  I ignore this.  Shit.

When do the clocks change?  It's staying dark so late in the mornings -- must be close.  Just googled ...  November 7.  We are close to central time so our light/dark hours are about 45 minutes shifted from any place we've lived before.  

That's all from here.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

P.S.  Why isn't a book scary in the morning?  It's dark.  I'm alone.  Why was I sure I was getting kidnapped for torture last night, yet feel safe and sound this morning?!?!?

Monday, October 25, 2021

Office Picture Wall

It's FINALLY finished -- my office looks girly (in a house of boys) and filled with things I like.  Hubby hung the pictures.  All the mirrors in the middle are leftovers that wouldn't fit in the Asheville house.  Maybe I'd have dropped a few of the things lower as it kind of looks like a stripe across the wall, but it works.


Best tip I ever heard was to do a
mock-up in paper first.


He also hung a couple of things over the pinboard on the desk wall.  I forgot to take a picture.  Two walls are "busy" and two are simple.  I like the balance.

In other news ... I had bookclub yesterday (BTW, finally a nice backdrop to a video call).  One of the women in our local chapter is hosting a Legacy fundraiser for Jen Hatmaker and her organization.  B.T Harman and Jen will be at the 60 person dinner -- outside at the lake at this women's home.  What?!?!  So exciting.  It was opened to our bookclub chapter first and it's already almost sold out.  A few of us bought tickets.

I was on the fence -- at night, drive to the lake, hubby out of town so dog issues.  Outside, but probably with a sided tent.  Pandemic concerns, but then I thought -- why not.  Be a little brave to go out in the evening.  I'm vaxed and masked.  It's mid-November so I have lots of time to worry be excited.  Absolute worst case is I donate my ticket to someone.  For now, I'm going and looking forward to it.  Choose the bigger life.

Jen is also trying to fit in an Atlanta bookclub chat while she's in town.  Not super likely, but maybe (!!)

I also went over to the kids' new house to drop goodies and pickup the stuff we loaned them for the move. I brought the leftovers from the picnic (everything was in a cooler so nothing went bad).  Hubby and youngest stayed and watched football.  I took the dogs home for bookclub meeting.

Their house looks amazing.  So happy and proud of them too.  

My mood was in full swing though.  Our dogs were marking a little (ugh!!) over top their dog marked and also taking my grand-dogs toys to chew up (which I took away from them).  I couldn't relax.  My son was a bit grumpy about the toys and that made it all the more uncomfortable for me.  My DIL reminded him how much their dogs have done over the years at our house.  It makes me concerned for Thanksgiving.  I might need to belly band them.  That set off my mood and thoughts about "how much I do for his dogs" etc, etc.  

The good news was I held my ground about going home for bookclub instead of using their office.  It gave me an excuse to leave early since it I wasn't having a good time.  Food that I couldn't eat, hyper vigilant about my dogs and football.  Not a good combination.  I could tell this upset me more than it should have -- hormones are a bitch.  I'd like to say I'm over it, but it still stings a bit.  Best to not problem solve this until my mood evens out again.  BTW, I think SUGAR is becoming another culprit in escalating my mood.  I don't eat a lot of sweets, but when I do, I notice a correlation.  Dang.  I ate A LOT of carrot cake.

Headed to a vintage market with a girlfriend today.  Something different than coffee.  Cleaning crew this morning.  Timing is a bummer (they're coming early today) but can't complain about a clean house. 

Have a great start to the week.  Later gators.

Sunday, October 24, 2021


It was a fun day in the GA mountains.  The winery was packed, but manageable as many people were winery hopping for the day.  We got a great table and enjoyed the afternoon.  Weather was amazing.  Blue skies, low humidity, cool temps.

The winery did a massive renovation and quadrupled their outdoor space.  A big indoor expansion is almost finished too -- that includes 8 more bathrooms.  The little winery only has 2 individual bathrooms.  We were at the back of a very long line and the owner took us over to the bathroom in the actually wine making area.  After hearing our story (DIL bday and missed bridal shower), she let us join the end of a tour to see the private cellars.  That was an unexpected treat.  Also, the bartender gave her a chocolate wine treat as a birthday gift.  

Early to grab a table.

Busted eating the candied bacon.

Red wine pour into the chocolate cup.

It's a nice combination.

Group selfie.  Love this bunch.

Today is another fun day.  Heading over for a little bit to see the kids' house and the grand-dogs.  Hubby will stay to watch football and head to the airport (it's an hour closer from their house) and I'll head home for bookclub.

I need to make more of an effort with bookclub.  No effort = no new friendships with this group.  They are interesting women and I'd like to continue a connection.  Mid-afternoon on Sundays is not ideal for me though, but it's only once a month.  They also switched to zoom format and that should work better.  I couldn't use the other on my computer -- as much as I downloaded, etc.  It's hard to do a bookclub on a phone (for me and my eyes).  This month is a book I read 6 months ago.  I decided not to reread it so I probably won't have a lot to say or remember lol.

Speaking of books, my girlfriend mailed me a box of books for my LFL and I haven't read any of them.  The stack GROWS.  I need to get reading.  I finished The Mother-In-Law and it was good.  Actually would make an interesting bookclub discussion -- lots of layers.  Next on my list is a serial killer book (name on my nightstand so stay tuned).  I haven't read on of those in a long time.  Recommended and perfectly creepy for Halloween week.  Hope I don't get the nighttime spooks reading it home alone.

That's all from here.  Can't say my hormones are doing well yet and yesterday's eating (cake and more cake) probably didn't help.  Hanging on for some smoother waters.  Have a good Sunday.  Later gators.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Carrot Cake

I made a carrot cake recipe for my DIL birthday cake from Cake By Courtney.  I've made a few of her cakes and her recipes are spot on -- but time consuming.

I planned to make a carrot cake from a vintage recipe I've used over the years, but I had the idea to make the frosting from Cake By Courtney -- I think that's her super power.  After looking over the recipe, I decided to make the cake too.

One problem.  I don't have three 8 inch cake pans (I have 9 inch).  I run into this problem every time I use her recipes so I FINALLY ordered the 8 inch while the cakes were baking.  It's not a big issue, but the cake looks better with 3 layers..  I baked two 9 inch and a few cupcakes.  Next time.

I left the sides bare to make the cake seem less squatty.  I used GF flour and the cupcakes were delicious.  The cream cheese butter cream is incredible though and I don't usual like icing.  Biggest difference in the cake recipes were no nuts in this one and different sugars.  Next time I might add the nuts.  NO RAISINS in either though and I like that.

She includes weight measurements so I used the scale -- lordy is that so much easier when you need 6 cups of something.

Here she is in her glory.  "Rustic" and yummy.

Picnic is all set.  Easy-ish taking help from the sub platter.  Two homemade dips (German beer spread and lemon-garlic hummus), candied bacon, sammies, chips, grapes, cucumbers and pretzels for dipping and CAKE.  Of course, wine tasting and such.  

Weather is set to be perfect.  That means CROWDS so we need to get there early to get a big table.  We packed a table and chairs just in case. 

Fingers crossed it all works smoothly.  Happy Saturday.  Later gators. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

Funky Town Complaints

I'm back in a hormone funk this week.  For those wishing for *TMI* -- I'm ovulating and I don't think I do that every month anymore.  It's playing havoc with all things ... sleep, mood, mood, mood, mood.  Hah!

I was having a pity party because I'm preparing a picnic for the family to celebrate DIL's birthday and (as usual) there's very little I can eat.  I realize this sounds MAD since I'm the one making the stuff.  No one wants to eat what I can eat -- I've tried.  I have a few things in the mix, but nothing much.

The pity party is because I have to prepare EVERYTHING.  I'm left with little energy to figure out something fun for myself.  If I partake in what I make, I have real-deal physical consequences.  No one notices.  No one cares.  No one helps.  See -- pity party.

Also, due to supply chain issues and living in the country, our grocery store didn't have any of the GF stuff I needed.  Why did I go to that store?  Because hubby needed some stuff and "my" stores don't carry Diet Dr. Pepper and the likes.  Taking one for the team (him).

After making a couple of things, I decided to make hubby and me a treat.  Ted Lasso recipe for milk biscuits.  I made them happily and made them GF.  I was excited to give him the little surprise.

Hang on ... getting to the big deal complaint ...

Hubby comes down, eats the cookies (loves them) and asks what's for dinner.  He takes care of his regular meals because he REFUSES to try anything I make that's not meat or pasta.  I told him I have tomato soup, lentil soup or bean burgers.

He asks me to start making him dinners he likes.  What in hell's name?!?!?

I asked him to meet me halfway, try some of the things, make some effort himself, etc.  We had a heated conversation.  All is okay today and I got to vent and we're compromising (aka I'm agreeing to help him out without an obligation of daily meals).  

Here's why I was so upset.  I'm trying very hard to keep myself together amid food sensitivities and physical changes and emotional upset with NO HELP.  I'm doing this on my own.  As I said before, no one notices I can't eat anything.  Let's get pizza (but no GF pizza).  He doesn't want to hear about it which I understand, but if I don't talk about it, he doesn't "remember" I'm going through anything.  Vicious circle.

Some days it's hard to keep it all together and feel like I'm trying to problem solve and take care of myself alone.  Then he steps up and ask me to TAKE CARE OF HIM (remember the haircuts?!?).  

Setting this boundary is poop since it makes me upset and guilty, but I need to have my back.  His understanding or not is work he has to do -- another thing that's not my job.  

That's where I sit this morning.  A bit better for talking it out with him, holding a boundary ... but, still, crap in a handbag kind of feeling.  Hopefully, a solid morning routine will set up my day better.

Making picnic food AND a vintage carrot cake recipe (don't know why it's vintage other than it's an old recipe) AND off to another grocery store to find things on my wish list.

Have a good one.  Later gators.  

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thursday Things

More like Thursday rambles.  

The MART was a mixed bag -- more good than bad though.  First the prickly part.  It's a production to get into the building -- Fort Knox security, by invitation only.  The jeweler spelled my name wrong by ONE LETTER and they wouldn't let me in.  3 phone calls later, back of the line again, words exchanged, lots of frustration and they gave me a pass in.  Problems with the new parking system too and some general other aggravations.

Now the better.  My ring is being sent out to replace the missing stones.  I tried to modify and/or exchange stud earrings I got for Christmas.  I like them, don't love them and never seem to choose to wear them.  It was a MASSIVE expense to modify (ridiculous really for only a modification) and since I've had them for a year they didn't want to do an exchange (I understand).  Long and short is I got a second pair that was just moderately more expensive than modifying the original pair.  Those earrings need to be sent out to have a part adjusted.  When I have both pairs, I'll show a pictures.  I also got my rings checked and polished.  The new ring was sized in a hurry and the band was rough -- now it's smooth as a baby's bottom.

Something about yesterday (maybe hormones too) was exhausting.  I ended up in bed by 6:30 and asleep by 7 o'clock.  I was drained -- mentally and physically.  It felt like a day that I needed to end.  Long, good night's sleep and I feel better this morning.  I bet it was hormone related.  

I'm grocery shopping today for the winery picnic this weekend and stuff to make a carrot cake from my DIL's birthday.  Rain all day so it's a good day to be inside.

That's all from here.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

To the MART

Headed downtown to Atlanta's MART today to drop my ring to be fixed.  My band ring dropped stones at the wedding -- bad omen, wild dancing ... who knows haha.  I'm also thinking about seeing if I can trade in my earrings for something different.  I like them, I don't LOVE them and I have a design idea.  If I can't do a trade though, I'll keep what I have.  

Some LIFE COACHING updates.  One more month and I reach VIP status at Self Coaching Scholars.  This unlocks other training calls with Brooke and a couple of classes she taught.  I'll watch for a month and most likely leave the program.  I like it, but I've caught up on the back materials and the new stuff isn't enough to justify the membership.  And, while it's helpful to hear coaching calls, it's really the same things over and over.  At a certain point the return isn't the same.  If I were starting a business, it would be a gem to help moving that forward -- and totally see the value.

Also, the 20 minute coaching calls are more a bust than helpful.  Things I want to discuss are nuanced and 20 minutes isn't enough time with (mostly) so-so coaches who are randomly assigned each call.  I'm also having problems actually scheduling calls -- errors out, defaults to the wrong time, doesn't sent reminder calls.

That said, I don't want to be without life coaching so I'm on the hunt for a personal life coach.  I have a consultation call with one of Brooke's graduates next week.  Stay tuned.  My concern is the price -- I bet I'm going to be shell-shocked.  The problem is you often get what you pay for and I'm ready for next-level coaching.  Low lying stuff is worked out and I need someone with more experience = more expensive.  

Too bad this doesn't count as mental health prevention like a therapist would, but I don't need therapy.  I need life coaching.  There's overlap, but therapy is a lot of working on your past and life coaching is more future focused -- in a generalized terms.  

Hubby comes home from a trade show in Vegas today.  Fingers crossed he stayed well.  Bed to myself (and dogs) is over for now, but I'm glad to have him home.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Extra Regular

This is kind of an extra-extra "regular" week and I'm at a loss about what to chat about (hence no post yesterday).

I met with my girlfriend at a new coffee house for a couple of hours yesterday.  It was good to catch up and try somewhere new.  Beautiful fall day.  Also took the pups to the park for a "sniff."

I finished bingeing YOU on Netflix.  Didn't disappoint and still as good as the first season.  I'm reading The Mother-In-Law (Sally Hepworth) on recommendation from my DIL lol (!!)  Seems like a good, quick mystery.

Grooming day for the boys today.  They hate it, as all self-respecting dogs do, but I pay premium for an express groom so they are in and out.  Barely enough time to run an errand before they're finished.  Errands and another batch of bean burgers and that rounds out my day.

I have a couple of projects on the docket for the next week or so.  Hopefully, maybe, finally paint the Little Free Library -- I've taken "no rush" to another level.  Also need to plant the many (too many) spring bulbs that I ordered this summer and they were delivered for fall planting.  I bought the planting soil yesterday.  I need to plan the plant and then do it this week.

My fall garden is growing, but not well.  I don't think it's going to take.  I needed to start the seeds inside over the late summer and then transplant outside (maybe??).  I'm also going to sprinkle a bit of fertilizer and see if that gets things growing.  Things sprouted, but seem to have stopped (just like my first spring plant).  Lots of learning with gardening.  

I have a December Asheville trip planned with my girlfriend for her 60th birthday.  We confirmed dates and I'll make a few reservations today.  I love celebrating a birthday -- especially a milestone one.

Have a great day and I hope fall is falling for you too.  Best time of year.  Later gators.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Nothing but Nothing

I have a Sunday filled with NOTHING and I'm here for it.  Yesterday I had the carpets cleaned ("pee" room is much better -- just a hint of something-smells-different) so that counted as SOMETHING.

It's me, dogs, morning routine and whatever I feel like doing.  It's cooler today so I want to take the dogs somewhere for a walk adventure in the afternoon.

Nothing means nothing on the calendar, but I plan to have a productive day of things for ME (and the pups).

YOU dropped on Netflix so I started it yesterday.  Major Dexter vibes (more than last season) and I love it.  (Not exactly productive LOL, but I'll watch more tonight.)

I'm about halfway on the Steven King book, Bill Summers.  I like it so far, but it's hit a bit of a lull in the middle.  I assume a storyline will pickup again.  It has two stories going -- one in the present and one that the character is writing about his life (a book -- his cover was an author).  I could do without the book storyline.  Lately, I really appreciate a book that is well written enough that it can tell a story from start to finish.  Not back and forth in time, not back and forth in narrator, not two stories that converge at the end.  I'm disappointed this isn't one of those books.

The kids' wedding video is finally finished.  It's so wonderful.  Took forever, but it was worth the wait.  Such a great memory (!!)  It's under 10 minutes, but highlights the entire day.

I got influenced (Tabatha Brown) yesterday to try a Goli product -- Ashwagandha.  Good for lots of things (so it claims) -- including menopause symptoms.  Last product I tried had no effect (Katie Couric recommended it).  I'll give an update when it comes.  Searching for something that might work a bit ...

I also got a blouse for the holidays from Anthropology.  Pictures when it comes.  Thought it would be nice to have something new and festive for this year.  Crushed velvet in a wine color -- perfect with jeans.  I've had my eyes on velvet since last year, but never found anything I liked -- fingers crossed.  She's pretty :) and I can return to the store if it doesn't work -- major plus.

That's enough rambling this morning.  Have a great Sunday.  Later gators.  

Friday, October 15, 2021

It's Friday

Hubby came home last night and left again for a big trade show through next week.  It's not often he travels over a weekend.  Somehow that feels strange to me even though most days are indistinguishable since the pandemic started.

Full swing routine starts tomorrow -- today is the last of the recovery days after the last two weeks.  It's my regular routine with allowance for not cooking today lol.  Since I'm on EMPTY everywhere (pantry, frig, freezer), I don't want to shop and cook today.  I'll buy something prepared at Trader Joe's and get back to home cooking tomorrow.

I set up the rest of October with a few little social things, a weekend in Asheville and lots of outdoor time. I have a couple more things to check out, but keeping the rest of the month easy paced.

One thing I learned over the pandemic was to stop RUSHING everything so much.  Enjoy the process (of cooking, of meal planning, of walking the dogs, etc).  When I have a full calendar, I jump back to rushing things and so much seems less enjoyable.  Days become task lists between big events.  

I LOVED the 2 weekends away.  It was nice to see old friends, socialize, change things up ... but I miss the pace and quiet of a regular week.

And, I need to clean up my eating -- too much cheese, too much snacking, not enough regular meals, barely enough veggies.  I feel so good when I eat well and so junky when I don't.  

It's kind of like I need a detox -- body, mind and spirit.  I'm still working on how to enjoy BIG things and stay feeling well.  I did a lot of things well, but the sheer number of days away took me outside of the "zone."  It's hard to turn it around again.  My goal is to get to a point that I don't have this kind of rollercoaster.  Making progress, but on the snail trail.

Oops, my computer needs to be plugged in so that's all this morning.

Have a great weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, October 14, 2021


I forgot I have HVAC service coming today so I got my booster yesterday.  Feeling fine other than a hematoma from a stick to a blood vessel -- not the best sticker pharmacist.  Next up ... shingles.  I'll wait a few weeks to give my body time to do its thing.

Here are some goodies from shopping in Asheville and 2 new books.

Crazy Faith because of a podcast.
Stephen King also from a podcast recommendation.
Starting it today.

New lite-weight jacket.
I like the color a lot.

Comfy and warm for winter.

Blue was my color this weekend.
Fun fall dress.
Looks more gray in the picture, but it's blue.

Tiny double vase and a crystal.
Both local and I wanted to support the businesses.
Stone is healing energy -- and I love green.
Vase is for the wild flowers (if they bloom this year).

Blasted through my home to-do list yesterday.  A few things left for next week -- like planting the spring bulbs.  Slowly but surely feeling back to my regular self.  I'm super duper grateful for a slow roll back and not feeling pushed.

On the calendar for next week is a cook-up.  Freezer is EMPTY and I need some variety choices.  I'll pull from fall recipes -- that sounds really good.

Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Regrouping and Recouping

You heard it here first -- all this week is slated for RECOVERY.  

Active recovery, but still recovery.  I need to deep dive into my regular routine, eat well, sleep well, etc.  Three days of homebody-ing to get myself back to myself.  

Then I'll be ready for full steam ahead.

I postponed the trip the the MART downtown (to get my ring fixed) because I'm not up for a drive downtown today.  I'm also planning my booster shot tomorrow (assuming I can get an appointment) and that means laying low for a day too.

I have a lot of house chores and little errands to run this week.  I have the luxury to slow roll back to normal and I'm taking it.

I'm also sticking to NO SOCIAL STUFF until next week too.  Regrouping and recouping (just made this up and now I'm changing the title of this post lol -- clever me).

I'll take pictures of a few goodies I got in Asheville -- stay tuned.

That's all from my bed this morning -- dog cuddles so started off back in bed.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Wiped Out

I'm socially wiped out.  Also, a little physically drained too.  Too little sleep (up late, up early and broken sleep).  Low energy (month and eating outside of my usual).  Lots of working out and walking too.

I might need a couple of re-entry days to recover.  Best news is I have free sailing ahead.  Nothing big on the calendar until Thanksgiving.

Final day yesterday was nice.  Art district was a bit of a bust though.  We didn't walk the river walk because my girlfriend wasn't interested in walking.  Active art studios were interesting, but not what we were looking to see yesterday.  Taco place was PACKED -- couldn't even get a parking space so we ended up at a local place that has awesome outdoor space.  That was the highlight of our trek out.

Besties is never up for walking and that's a bummer.  I took a 4 mile walk up into the neighborhood mountain -- it was so beautiful on a picture perfect fall morning.  My girlfriend stayed home and read.  After lunch, we took a quick walk to Trader Joe's (she doesn't have one) and then she wanted to rest again.  I took another walk downtown by myself.  Lots of walks by myself this weekend.  That's okay though.  I enjoy being by myself and I was expecting this situation.  I worry about her though -- she's a busy, interesting person with lots of hobbies, but she doesn't move her body.  At our age, we can't afford to be that sedentary. 

This morning is a down-n-dirty clean and hitting the road home.  I did sheets and towels yesterday so that helps with timing a little.  I didn't get home from the airport until almost 7 o'clock and I wasn't in the mood to clean.  

I miss my pups and my hubby.  Time away is good.  Back together is good too.

Looks like I need a t-shirt that says I SURVIVED OCTOBER BIG THINGS.  Back-to-back big weekends in a pandemic and I'm okay.  Both trips were worth it and I'm grateful.

Back to regular life which is also worth it and also awesome.

Have a great day -- later gators.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Good Day

Another beautiful fall day in Asheville.

Grove Park Inn Sunset Terrace didn't disappoint.  We had an amazing seat on the stone wall, next to an active butterfly bush with views for days.  A+ nature experience.

The view.

Comfortable seats for a 2 hour lunch.

Fresh trout and veggies.

While my girlfriend took a nap, I walked downtown again for a couple of hours.  Explored a few new areas to keep learning the city.  

Dinner was local in the neighborhood.  It was fun to try a new restaurant.  I had a grilled salad -- delicious too.  We ended the evening with more Ted Lasso, chocolate and finished up the opened wine.

Art District and a taco lunch on the agenda today.  Airport run at dinner, I'll get a start on cleaning and bed EARLY.  I'm ready to go home tomorrow and back to a routine.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Shopping Day

Weather cleared and we shopped and shopped (!!)  Fun day, but I'm beat.  We're staying up a bit late for my taste (and ability) -- 11 o'clock watching Ted Lasso.  She doesn't have AppleTV so this is her first time -- I don't mind a re-watch.  Fantastic show.   Last night tonight, so I'll manage staying up like an adult.

Got my monthly so that's contributing.  Drinking some wine each night also -- no more tonight.  Eating okay, but not my usual fare.

I found some fun goodies.  I'll share the shopping finds in pictures when I get back.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday.

Dim Sum lunch -- third offering.  
Trout and zucchini for me.
Mango roll for bestie. 

Vintage bookstore and champagne bar.
Outside for the drinks -- I got the only sunny seat, dang.
(I had a god awful Italian soda -- couldn't drink it,
but sitting outside people watching was nice.)

Inside view -- we took turns
so we didn't lose the table (crowded).
That's my bestie waiting outside.
Store is amazing.

I finished Jesus and John Wayne (Kristin Kobes Du Mez).  Interesting, but I would've been happy with the cliff note length.  Too long, too much detail for my interest level.

Today is a zoom call with the high school group for 2/5 birthdays.  Then we're heading to the Grove Park Inn sunset terrace for lunch with a view.  Dinner is local, down the hill.  Updates tomorrow.

Have a great day -- later gators.  

Friday, October 8, 2021

Girlfriend Weekend Begins

I pick my bestie up this afternoon for 4 day weekend.

Weather is poop today -- heavy rain all day which makes anything outside impossible.  We'll have to get takeout and chill at the house.  Luckily, we only need to fill a half day.

The rest of the weekend will be nice -- a bit warmer than I had hoped though.  I brought more fall-like clothes and now the temps are climbing to high 70s.  What happened to the fall temps that were promised a few days ago?!?!?

Final big piece of furniture arrived.  Headboard for the spare room.  I love it.  Here's the before and after.  We moved the cream slipcovered board to the carriage house bed.  The "before" isn't the best picture (not trying to exaggerate lol) but it's the first I could find.  The bed needed contrast.  It's caramel leather with nail trim.  

The carpet in the room is back to smelling strange.  We might need to replace it after all.  I sprayed it last night and I'll use carpet fresh today.  Dang.  It was fine last time.  I wonder what happened ... maybe the humidity?  It's super thin with no pad -- I treated both sides.  

I'm enjoying this quiet morning to myself SO STINKING MUCH (!!)  Not one other living thing to take care of or talk to or anything.  It's the "ME ONLY" CHANNEL until noon and I'm here for it.  As usual, I miss everyone by evening, but mornings are glorious.  

I'm super duper hormonal.  Night sweats like crazy, moody (trying hard to change this) and low energy (from piss-poor sleep).  Fingers crossed I get my monthly ASAP.  At least that quells my bad mood.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

A Little MIA

Stuff (life) got away from me this week.

Polly had an episode of back leg paralysis, but she's treated (spinal compression) and is back to her regular self.  Hubby will pick her up from our transport team this afternoon.  It was a whirlwind.  I was concerned she had a stroke.

Oh -- and she had an unexpected meet and greet earlier in the week from a previous adopter who takes hard to adopt dogs.  (The one they adopted from Releash is an old tripod.)  They love her and she's going to her new home on Saturday.  

Cucumbers and tomatoes are no more for this year.  Cleared the massive dead plants -- what a season!  I'll miss them and totally planting a ton of cucumbers in the spring.

Both my bestie and I were COVID tested and negative.  Trip is on.  I'm leaving today.  Pouring rain for 2 more days, then things look up.

Still no monthly, but I can feel the hormones.  Not the best timing, but better than the wedding weekend.

More to chat about this week.  I expect to be able to update since I'll have a decent amount of time to myself.

Later gators.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Recap and Re-entry

Fun, fun, fun (!!)

It was a super weekend.  Started out by hitting a goal and wearing The Green Dress (remember this one?). Wore it all day and just snuck it in before it's too late in the year (again).  Done and dusted.

Our hotel in White Plains was beautiful and we got upgraded to a suite.  The location was so nice -- we did a lot of walking, coffee shop enjoyment, pizza (hubby) and a chopped salad place (for all 3 lunches cause that's what we do when we like something).  Outdoor was super limited so we ate in our hotel room.  Coffee shop was the only place with a good outdoor option.

Because we were further out, we got to spend a couple of hours with our good friends Saturday morning.  That felt so nice to be sitting in-person.  The coffee shop was just down from the hotel.  Best herbal teas -- brought some loose leaf home too.  

Wedding was amazing.  Food was incredible.  We had so much fun dancing.  I had a few glasses of wine over the evening -- no worse for the wear, thankfully.  Wedding cake was just so-so though.

The kids :)

Glad I wore this dress instead of the other.

As far as pandemic "things" .... we wore masks at the church, sat outside for the super crowded cocktail hour, but took masks off during dinner reception.  Everyone was vaccinated and the reception was open doors to the outside.  We sat with a friend of the groom's parents (who we met a number of times when we lived in NY).  She worked for Pfizer on the vaccine until March (Harvard educated from the Netherlands).  Anyway, we chatted and she convinced me what a low risk the reception was given a bunch of factors.  I took the risk -- I think a "big" risk, but maybe I'm too QuaranTina about it.  I had the ear of a bonafide vaccine scientist and she said it was good.  BTW, she wears masks inside in ANY setting where you don't know vaccination status. 

Wine and a vintage clutch from the kids' wedding.
Reception was on the river -- guess I should've 
taken a picture of the view hubby is looking at.

I'm taking a PCR test this week before Asheville with my bestie.  Of course, also watching for ANY symptom or known exposure.  ALL fingers crossed.  

Today is re-entry day and boy oh boy I need it.  I'm tired.  Dancing until the wee hours, indulgence on food and wine, lots of socializing and a long travel day (weather and other delays).  Working out, making a list for the week and getting organized.  A QUICK grocery store run because we have NO FOOD and then tonight is a sofa day and early to bed -- with lots of dog cuddles, of course.  

At the sitter.  Had to move to spare room because one
of the dogs peed the bed -- oh boy!  Not ours, thankfully.

Hubby isn't going to Asheville until tonight.  We were zonked after yesterday so he didn't want an early travel day.  Even though it'll rain through Friday, he's going to get the headboard delivery tomorrow.

I finished the book Hamnet (Maggie O'Farrell) and it was good.  Picking a new book today.

Oh, bummer news ... my wedding band dropped a few stones and I noticed during the reception.  I need to take it to the jeweler soon.  I stopped wearing it as soon as I noticed.

Garden is getting tons of rain this week.  I grabbed about 30 cherry tomatoes this morning and have 2 full cucumbers ready to pick.  The plants look barely alive, but they are both still producing so I'll hold off until next week to clear them.  The end MUST be near.

Tons and tons of Future-Me stuff this weekend and I'm proud, but today is old me -- I need to regroup before I'm ready to find the future opportunities.  That's another part of re-entry day -- nothing sparkly or special, just the building blocks of a good week.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Friday, October 1, 2021

NY or Bust

Heading out this morning.  It's so QUIET here with no dogs.  I've been away from my dogs, but never HOME and away from my dogs.  Strange.  Lonely last night and glorious this morning to not have 20 zillion interruptions, but I can't wait to have them back.

Moving our hotel opens up seeing our friends on Saturday morning for outdoor coffee -- perfect little perk to the change.  The weather warmed considerable for Saturday so outside late morning works great.

Sadly, none of our NY friends are attending the wedding.  Out of town peeps aren't coming and the local couple we were most excited to see canceled because she has CML and he has Parkinson's and both took a turn for the worst recently.  Just us chickens at the wedding -- it'll still be fun.  Of course, I wish friends were there, wish friends weren't ill, wish I could drink, I wish no pandemic, I wish I could eat NY pizza, etc. -- just a few little wishes lol.  BUT, lots of good things to focus on too.  I love, love, love a wedding (!!)

This leaves nothing for today but travel.  We'll probably drive around our old stomping grounds just to see how it's changed.  Hubby will grab pizza and I won't (*whomp, whomp*).  At least we'll be well rested for Saturday.  Also, we got invited last night to attend the rehearsal dinner, but declined.  It was a super generous invitation, but we don't want to mess anything up by adding a +2 (or be in a big group 2 nights in a row).

Have a great weekend and I'll have pictures on Monday.  Later gators.