Sunday, September 12, 2021

Pressed Sammies

Game day -- Sunday football is back.  I'm making pressed sammies for the game -- one veggie, one meat.  I found all the fancy ingredients EXCEPT the ciabatta bread (!!)  What!?!?  I went to 5 markets -- yep, FIVE with no luck.

Fortunately, I bought a couple of french loafs from Costco for the freezer.  Dang, they aren't going to be the same, but how many more places can I go?  Stores had the rolls, but not the loafs (Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Harris Teeter, Publix, Costco). 

Good news is this is a quick meal.  Both kids are bringing the appetizers.  I have chips and making a few sweet treats.  Bad news is game is at 1 o'clock which pushes things this morning.  I didn't have it in me to do any prep yesterday (not that's it's a lot).  

Got some silly good news.  Cleaning crew moved to Tuesday at lunchtime when I'll be at my dress fitting. No early up and ready Monday morning.  It's the little things :)  

Premiering the Steelers vintage jacket I found in Asheville (actually, my aunt found it).  Hubby LOVES all things Steelers and will be so excited.  See, the little things :)

I'll leave with a couple of dog pictures.  Have a great Sunday.  Later gators.

Getting coffee in Asheville

Polly's new bed.
Duke had FOMO.

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