Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Choosing Me

I had a conundrum.

We need to go to Asheville this weekend for a few reasons.  One, Monti peed all over the spare room rug and I need to finish trouble-shooting that ahead of my next visit when I have company.  (Either clean it again or replace it.)  The headboard is also getting delivered.  And, I need to clean the house ahead of company in 3 weeks.  We don't have any other days to before my bestie visits for a long weekend.

Here's the problem.  Kids need help with the move.  

Me or them?

I choose me -- it's not easy, but it feels like the right decision.  Staying home on Saturday puts a big crunch on what I need to do in Asheville and staying home Saturday means working my butt off helping with the move.  My back will be a mess and I still need to clean in Asheville, move headboards, etc.

I'm happy to help all day Thursday (painting) and Friday (moving boxes).  They're "undecided" at this point (which probably means 'yes' but a last minute 'yes').  BTW, movers are moving all their furniture on Saturday.  They have their apartment until November so a slower move is okay.  Our help WOULD help, but it's not critical.

I also set some boundaries on the following week too.

I have 3 BIG weekends in a row (Asheville, wedding in NY and bestie weekend).  The weekdays in-between are relatively full too.  Choosing ME means giving myself enough downtime, physically and mentally.  I want to feel my best for the fun weekends and not be running on fumes.  I'll be hormonal too and I want to protect my energy the best I can.

This is a big decision for me because I'm choosing my priorities FIRST.  I could stay home and try to figure out a way to get Asheville house ready, but that would mean banging up my next few weeks and that's not okay.  I'm willing to help in lots of ways if they let me (BTW, help a lot more than I want to help because of my back and energy levels).

Anyway, I'm bummed they have a stressful move (extra after the accident), but I'm proud of myself for choosing me first.  We are helping them a lot, but I'm stopping short of helping to the point that it takes too much from me.

In other news ...

I had to switch up yesterday's plans because it 100% poured all day long (still raining).  I pushed off the seed planting for a couple of days and took care of some annoying house chores instead.

Today the lazy-boy rocker recliners are getting delivered.  We still need to move the other chairs -- trips to the dump for 3 of them (have to take off the backs to fit them in the car) and our youngest wants the one that's in okay shape.  Each chair will need TWO trips -- ugh.  We planned to do it last weekend, but helped the kids with the house instead -- this I was willing to do even though it means the room piled high until the end of October.

I'm up and at it early because the delivery window starts first thing.  We asked for an afternoon time -- oh well.  These days you take what you can get.  The rest of the day is up-in-the-air.  Depends on the actual delivery time and the weather.  

Enough rambles for today.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

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