Sunday, September 19, 2021

Absolutely Worth It

I had a super day at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens.  It was worth the trouble of going and then some.  

Turned out the weather was warm, muggy and SUNNY.  Glad I put on sunscreen -- no umbrellas needed.  The 2 women I met both know the gardens well and gave a great tour.  I only took 2 pictures but there was a lot to see and we saw it all.

Side note:  I wore a summer dress that comes just to my knees and sneakers.  Good choice for comfort from the heat and lots of walking.

We wore masks which was no issue other than it was hot in the sun.  Fantastic conversations from books to professions to personal lives.  More on this later as I have some interesting tidbits about books and such to share.

We ate outside with masks except when we were actually EATING.  It felt like the kind of safety-risk balance I'm willing to have in this phase of the pandemic.

We're "friends" on FB now (which means we can use Messenger) and we talked about doing several field trips each year.  It was a good day.

I dropped the sectional piece to the kids' house (last one going over today).  They're feeling okay after the accident -- more concerned about the car situation now.  They day got away from them with lots of other house needs, so they only got one room primed (the other doesn't need to be primed, thankfully).  I went home to take care of the dogs so today is a painting day for me.  Up early to get ready for an early start today.

Monti had a better night last night.  Hopefully what was bugging him has resolved.  If not, to the vet we go (!!)  It's hard to tell if this is his anxiety or he's got something physical starting.  Nothing obvious happening other than he's not himself and seems restless.  

That's all from here.  Happy Sunday.  Later gators.

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