Thursday, September 30, 2021

Travel T-Minus One Day

The trip details were hammered out and set and, POW, a problem.  Our youngest's VRBO canceled.  He was staying a couple miles from the hotel because the hotel NY expensive.  I tried to get him a last minute reservation, but it's sold out.  It's the only game in town.

We're giving him (and his girlfriend) our room and we'll stay in another hotel.  They'll be drinking and we don't want them to have to figure out a ride.  Hotel is next-door to the reception.  Problem is there's nothing close -- we'll be about 45 minutes away now.  Dang.  And we're the ride for our other son and DIL for lots of things all weekend.  Nothing convenient and lots of back and forth driving.

I might be switching up my dress for the wedding.  I forgot I have a black dressy dress that I wore to my friend's 50th surprise party in 2019.  It might be more weather appropriate.  I'll bring both dresses and decide on Saturday.

Dogs get dropped today and it always feels a bit sad.  I know they hate it and get anxious.  We're leaving too early tomorrow to do drop offs.  

The Asheville trip with my girlfriend is hanging by a thread too.  She's sick -- tested negative for COVID twice, but has breathing issues and lots of fatigue.  Question is whether she'll feel well enough to handle a walking trip in Asheville.  I have mixed feelings and am leaning toward it getting postponed.  I think we'll have fun if it happens, but there's a lot of potential issues swirling and, you know how I LOVE uncertainty.

Okay, nothing else to chat about.  Nerves going strong -- why does my brain do this every single time I travel?  

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Boring Updates :)

I have a lot of nothing to say except more regular-day updates.

1)  Bissell carpet cleaner worked well.  Still working on one smelly area, but I think I can get it out with Eco-88 and another clean tomorrow.  It's already a lot less smelly.

2)  Picked some cherry tomatoes yesterday and there are 4 more cucumbers growing.  Not sure that they continue to mature, but they're a pickable size already.  Wow.  Little plant that keeps on giving (!!)

3)  Polly got an update on line -- I wrote a little "Once Upon a Time" story and the problematic person at our rescue (who is causing fosters to leave the group because she gaslights) posted it with my notes on top.  UGH.  It was nothing bad, but also not for public eyes (please update her pictures so to the happy ones ... things like that).  

4)  Hair went fine.  Nails today.

5)  We're not meeting up with our good friends (and college roommate) in NY on Friday.  The logistics were too complicated and none of us want to be indoors.  Another time, once this dang pandemic settles down.  It's disappointing.  We were supposed to see them at our son's wedding and then before this wedding.  Dang, pandemic.

6)  Books:  Falling (TJ Newman).  It was a fast, easy read about a plane hijacking.  Okay -- good for a vacation book.  Next up is Hamnet (Maggie O'Farrell) and Underground Railroad (Colson Whitehead).  Bringing both on this trip.  Last time I finished a book on the first flight and had to buy one for the flight home.  Still reading Jesus and John Wayne (Kristin Kobes Du Mez) -- way more detail than I need to know but the overarching point is interesting.  

Lots of little errands today and some house chores to get ready for the weekend.  My list is made and has helped relax me.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Quick "Week"

We're home for a few days before our trip to NY.  As usual, I'm looking forward to the trip, but have my travel "nerves" going strong.

Lots of stuff to do these next 3 days and I'm a bit overwhelmed since I don't have anything planned out yet.  I'll take care of that this afternoon.  First, an early hair appointment today.

Hubby already left for the airport for an overnight trip.  I'm happy to have a little space before a big social weekend.

Asheville was perfect weather, but it was another working trip -- I need to figure out more fun and less work.  I gave the house a total nitty gritty clean and got the smell out of the bedroom rug.  Hubby had lots of work calls on Monday before we left.  My cousin and aunt (from NY) were in town for a few days so they stopped over to see the house Monday morning.  No bear sightings this trip :)

The last of the cucumbers for the season -- 3 big ones.  Nothing else is growing and the leaves are rapidly dying.  Time to say goodbye.  There are more tomatoes to ripen and then I'm taking the plants out.  The cucumber is so intwined with the tomato plant, they need to come out together.  Cucumbers are absolutely on the planting list for the spring.  Tomatoes, probably not.  Some of the fall seeds are sprouting.  Not sure if they can handle no watering while I'm out of town 3 weekends in a row, but I'm trying.

On my list today is to use the steam rug cleaner for the front room -- not out of the box yet, but hopefully it's easy to use.  Monti peed and it still reeks, I'm sure it well saturated the pad.  As soon as the pandemic settles again, we will replace the bedroom carpets and put in pet-proof pads.  Fingers crossed this helps.

Temps are closer to summer again this week, but NY will be chilly -- hurray!!  

Have a happy day.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Off to Asheville

Lots to do this morning.  Quick 3 days in Asheville.  Did I mention I rescheduled the headboard delivery? We got the late time and need to be on the road.  Trying again in October.

I spent a good part of the day helping move stuff for my eldest.  Movers are taking furniture only.  We got a bunch of large, awkward things moved.  They had their kitchen cabinets painted and it looks fabulous.  My youngest is helping them this weekend.  Family affair.  

Didn't chat with my sick friend.  She canceled because her throat is scratchy -- second negative COVID test so it's a cold.  That's good news, but still surprising she could catch a cold these days.  Guess the trip and wedding weren't as "safe" as hoped -- that scares me.

Short and sweet this morning.  Maybe some bear sightings this weekend.  Looking forward to a change in scenery. 

Have a great weekend -- later gators.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

3:21 Fall Blew In

Fall started at 3:21 and (seriously) about an hour before FALL TEMPS blew in on the windy day.  All morning was rain and super high humidity -- oppressive muck.  The wind came and it was suddenly crisp, clear air.  Perfectly on-time.

Fall is here and I'm here for it.  I can't wait to wear some layers and enjoy afternoons outside. 

I plan to outside run today and there's no rush to get at it before it's too hot.  What a treat.

Monti is physically well (no infection, etc) so he started on some anti-anxiety meds (as needed) to see if that helps.  Poor baby.  

Dentist is over and it was as yucky as I imagined.  It might be time to find a new dentist.  They had a massive staff turn over these last couple of years.  Everyone is new and noticeably inexperienced.  Usually, I'm patient -- everyone has to learn, but that's extra hard at the dentist.  The hygienist was really rough on my 3 sensitive teeth and I kept having to remind her -- never had to do that with anyone else.  The tech who did my x-rays messed up and was totally clueless about patient comfort.  BUT, it's over until next time and I WAS patient.

Kids changed their mind on things again.  I'm helping move on Friday, but they don't need hubby's help over the weekend.  So much for a weekend to myself, but I'm glad hubby will be in Asheville with me.

My girlfriend canceled coffee on Friday because she's sick.  She got COVID tested after a trip and wedding on Tuesday and woke up Wednesday with cold symptoms.  The test came back negative, but she's testing again today.  Hopefully, it's not COVID, but either way, no coffee.  Works out fine that I can help the kids move for longer.

Today is some outside fun.  Run and a long walk with the dogs.  I'm planting the fall seeds and we'll see what happens.  I have some house chores to add on since I'll be gone a lot on Friday.  

Here's some book scoop ...

Finished this. Interesting reminder to say present
and notice what you "see" everyday. 

Recommended by book club gals.
A little to "history book" and not as much
storytelling style as I'd like, but only halfway.

Thriller -- easy read.  Good so far.

Hope you're getting to enjoy fall in your area too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dentist (!!)

Today is dreaded DENTIST day.  I moved my original appointment so I could go to Asheville with my aunt last month.  There was only a 5 o'clock appointment available for a reschedule.  I got a call that my hygienist is off and they need to rebook with someone else for 2:30.  Guess this is a win.  I wasn't happy about an evening appointment (especially during the pandemic -- all day with people's mouths open).  This is the FULL appointment too.  X-rays, dentist eval.  Yuck and yuck.

I'm taking Monti to the vet today too.  He peed in the house AGAIN.  He might have a UTI.  If there's nothing "wrong" I want to discuss anxiety options for him.  

Then my week opened up.  Kids decided to slow roll move and don't need my help Thursday or Friday.  Hubby offered to stay home this weekend to help them.  We'll know today.  Either way is fine with me.  

Chairs were delivered for the movie room upstairs.  We still need a sofa, but it's a start.  Fluffy, lazy-boy chairs.  Comfortable and ugly lol (!!)

Trying them out.

I finally did a full Trader Joe's run yesterday.  I was on empty.

Now that the week opened up, I can re-schedule some stuff and that feels good.  Tomorrow is fall planting since the rain will move out today.  The cucumber and tomato plant are still producing so I need to rework the plan a little.  I have no idea if I can grow from seed this late in the season and especially since I'm out of town so much the next few weeks.  Seeds need to stay moist.  This is an experiment for a bigger garden next year so I'm not too worried if it doesn't work -- live and learn.

Hope the week is going well.  I'll be glad when my afternoon is over and my teeth are clean haha.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Choosing Me

I had a conundrum.

We need to go to Asheville this weekend for a few reasons.  One, Monti peed all over the spare room rug and I need to finish trouble-shooting that ahead of my next visit when I have company.  (Either clean it again or replace it.)  The headboard is also getting delivered.  And, I need to clean the house ahead of company in 3 weeks.  We don't have any other days to before my bestie visits for a long weekend.

Here's the problem.  Kids need help with the move.  

Me or them?

I choose me -- it's not easy, but it feels like the right decision.  Staying home on Saturday puts a big crunch on what I need to do in Asheville and staying home Saturday means working my butt off helping with the move.  My back will be a mess and I still need to clean in Asheville, move headboards, etc.

I'm happy to help all day Thursday (painting) and Friday (moving boxes).  They're "undecided" at this point (which probably means 'yes' but a last minute 'yes').  BTW, movers are moving all their furniture on Saturday.  They have their apartment until November so a slower move is okay.  Our help WOULD help, but it's not critical.

I also set some boundaries on the following week too.

I have 3 BIG weekends in a row (Asheville, wedding in NY and bestie weekend).  The weekdays in-between are relatively full too.  Choosing ME means giving myself enough downtime, physically and mentally.  I want to feel my best for the fun weekends and not be running on fumes.  I'll be hormonal too and I want to protect my energy the best I can.

This is a big decision for me because I'm choosing my priorities FIRST.  I could stay home and try to figure out a way to get Asheville house ready, but that would mean banging up my next few weeks and that's not okay.  I'm willing to help in lots of ways if they let me (BTW, help a lot more than I want to help because of my back and energy levels).

Anyway, I'm bummed they have a stressful move (extra after the accident), but I'm proud of myself for choosing me first.  We are helping them a lot, but I'm stopping short of helping to the point that it takes too much from me.

In other news ...

I had to switch up yesterday's plans because it 100% poured all day long (still raining).  I pushed off the seed planting for a couple of days and took care of some annoying house chores instead.

Today the lazy-boy rocker recliners are getting delivered.  We still need to move the other chairs -- trips to the dump for 3 of them (have to take off the backs to fit them in the car) and our youngest wants the one that's in okay shape.  Each chair will need TWO trips -- ugh.  We planned to do it last weekend, but helped the kids with the house instead -- this I was willing to do even though it means the room piled high until the end of October.

I'm up and at it early because the delivery window starts first thing.  We asked for an afternoon time -- oh well.  These days you take what you can get.  The rest of the day is up-in-the-air.  Depends on the actual delivery time and the weather.  

Enough rambles for today.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Tired to the Bones

It's been quite a few years since I painted all day and I'm feeling it this morning.  There's one room that needs a second coat before Saturday.  I may or may not be needed to help, but it's tentatively on my calendar for Thursday.  Kids are packing and dealing with the car accident so time is crunched for them.  If they can get it done after work, I'll be off the hook for Thursday.

Hubby is safely in VA for the week and I get a beat today to QUIETLY work on my stuff.  Lots of little house chores, organization things and a slow morning routine.  I need a regroup day.

I'm working on re-entry days after "big" weeks (or trips).  In the past, I'd take a sofa slug day with comfort food and too much junk TV to "recover."  That ultimately trades one recover need for another and does no net good in the long run.  Working on a smarter way to transition out of BIG -- easy day, but still productive.  Relaxing in a way that doesn't take me to a lower place.

I have today planned and it feels good.  This sets me up for a good week and the hustle that will build back up for the weekend.  I'll have a quiet day AND still move forward with helping my future self this week.

Planting seeds for the fall garden.
Returning shoes that don't fit (Amazon).
Water time for the house plants.
Sheet day.
Finish Into the Drowning Deep. (It's really good)
Plan the week ahead (Monday Hour One per Brooke Castillo)
Clean off the dining room table with all the Depression glass.
Pick up Monti's meds from the vet.

Keeping this short and sweet this morning so I can get at it.  Happy Monday (!!)

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Absolutely Worth It

I had a super day at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens.  It was worth the trouble of going and then some.  

Turned out the weather was warm, muggy and SUNNY.  Glad I put on sunscreen -- no umbrellas needed.  The 2 women I met both know the gardens well and gave a great tour.  I only took 2 pictures but there was a lot to see and we saw it all.

Side note:  I wore a summer dress that comes just to my knees and sneakers.  Good choice for comfort from the heat and lots of walking.

We wore masks which was no issue other than it was hot in the sun.  Fantastic conversations from books to professions to personal lives.  More on this later as I have some interesting tidbits about books and such to share.

We ate outside with masks except when we were actually EATING.  It felt like the kind of safety-risk balance I'm willing to have in this phase of the pandemic.

We're "friends" on FB now (which means we can use Messenger) and we talked about doing several field trips each year.  It was a good day.

I dropped the sectional piece to the kids' house (last one going over today).  They're feeling okay after the accident -- more concerned about the car situation now.  They day got away from them with lots of other house needs, so they only got one room primed (the other doesn't need to be primed, thankfully).  I went home to take care of the dogs so today is a painting day for me.  Up early to get ready for an early start today.

Monti had a better night last night.  Hopefully what was bugging him has resolved.  If not, to the vet we go (!!)  It's hard to tell if this is his anxiety or he's got something physical starting.  Nothing obvious happening other than he's not himself and seems restless.  

That's all from here.  Happy Sunday.  Later gators.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Good Start, Bummer Ending

Yesterday started really well.  Busy morning with errands, then to the kids' new house to deliver the first part of the sectional.  We toasted their new place with antique glasses my aunt gave me (my youngest was over too -- I didn't have any because I didn't know he was going to be there too and I only brought 4 glasses).  How cute are the glasses though?  Edged glass with gold pattern on the rim.  


We stayed until late afternoon and then came home for the dogs.  Hubby decided to take a late run to Costco and Lowe's for the housework this weekend.

I stayed up because I had a strange feeling.  I texted to make sure he was okay.  He called to say just off the phone with our son.  Someone (old lady on oxygen) ran an intersection and side hit them on the passenger's side.  Everyone is fine, but car is in bad shape.  Dang.  I bet they're going to be sore today.  Thank god he was able to partially swerve and they weren't badly hurt (fingers crossed today is okay too).

Then, our old man was up ALL NIGHT.  Something is bothering him.  Maybe an ear infection or UTI.  He stirred and kept me awake over and over.  Of course, now it's the weekend.  I'll try to get an appointment for him on Monday.  Last time he did this it was an ear infection.  His ears aren't smelly, so maybe a UTI -- he peed in the house yesterday morning.

Botanical Gardens is on for this morning.  Best to just DO IT and enjoy.  Of course, worry about the kids and a low sleep night isn't helping.  It's warm, muggy and wet.  Makes for a difficult dressing situation.  Jeans are way too warm, but a dress seems like too much.  Hope I can make this trip worth it (!!)

Suddenly, I need a NOTHING (and NO ONE) day.  Hopefully, I get that this week.  I NEED to make it happen.  50-50 ... gets you every time.

I'm reading two books.  How to Do Nothing (Jenny Odell) recommended by a podcast -- gets lots of good reviews.  And Into the Drowning Deep (Mira Grant) -- killer mermaids.  It's really good so far.

Oops.  Dogs up.  Got to run.  Later gators.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Depression Glass

I got a bunch of depression glass from my aunt yesterday.  Mostly cups and plates, but a few interesting little dishes too.  I like using different glasses and such.  I'm sharing with my DIL too.

Look at this pretty set -- it just holds my morning Joe (somewhere between and espresso and Americano).

Today the kids' close on their first house -- exciting day for them (!!)  We're heading over to start bringing the sectional.  Weather is the pits, but they have a garage to unload in so no issue with it getting wet.

Looks like the bookclub field trip to the Botanical Gardens will be weather postponed.  Still no definitive decision, but the general thought and weather forecast are leaning that way.  I'm disappointed, but I think it's probably best unless the forecast improves in the next 12 hours.  

I rode a LIVE Peloton class yesterday for my 300th ride.  Got TWO shout-outs.  One in the warmup and one at the end.  Guess she didn't remember she already said my rider handle.  That was fun, but I'm still not a fan of the live rides.  No parameters added until the ride goes on replay so you have to remember and hear what the instructor says -- harder than you'd think with the music going and you're biking hard.  

I had a few Peloton goals and a shout-out was one of them so that's done.  Others were ride a live class (done), take each type of class (done), take each length of class (done), take each instructor (about 3/4) and try an outdoor run audio class.

Weekend is here.  I'm spending it painting walls with the kids, running sofa parts and ladders to their house (about 50 minutes away).  Hubby has a very late flight out on Sunday (last flight of the night) so he can watch the football games. 

Happy weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Original Dress

I took some pictures of the original dress for my son's wedding.  It's okay.  Seems I might have been a little over judgmental about it.  It looks nice most of the time, but there are angles that don't work with the sleeves and full skirt that makes me feel thicker in the waist.  I really like the back though.

I had a fun day at lunch yesterday.  We sat outside for a couple of hours with an easy chat.  I ran to The Container Store for wrapping paper and to look at the fun little extras -- both are super scaled back now.  It was a bummer.  My favorite wrapping paper is gone -- nuts!  Don't know if they're streamlining product lines or it's a supply chain problems, but the store is slim pickings.

Quick stop at Whole Foods to find they rearranged the store --ugh.  Why?!?  Trader Joe's did this recently too.  I don't think anyone enjoys the rearrange (!!)  So much for a zip in and out.  

Today I'm going to my aunt's house for lunch and to take some of her depression glass collection.  She wants to give it away and I'm up for taking some.  She won't take any money for it though so I have a little gift instead.  I'm also sharing a beloved cucumber from my itty bitty garden.  That feels like something a "real" gardener does (aka future me).

Peloton LIVE ride this morning.  It's my 300th ride and so I thought I'd take a live class for the elusive shout-out from the instructor.  They only shout-out numbers on the 100 milestones.  I don't like the live as much because the riding parameters haven't been added yet, but the timing was hard to argue.

Having a "normal" hormone week is a treat.  Sleeping well, waking early, mood is even, body temp is better.  

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Final Fitting

I don't like the dress (!!)  If I had to wear it for the wedding I'd get other alternations done (take off cap sleeves and take out some volume on the skirt which was suppose to happen with this alteration).  I don't have a picture (YET), but I'm taking ones this week for a friend to see.  The service went from "Southern Hospitality Charm" to "Don't Let the Door Hit You" -- seriously?!?  Got a backroom fitting room (even though plenty of big, front ones available), huffs that I wanted to see it in the 3 mirror platform and told it was "practically a sundress."  Southern ladies can turn on a dime.

I'll save the dress if I have another big occasion, but I'll get it altered again and then I think I'll like it.  I love the back of the dress.  It needs a few more tweaks, but I didn't want to pay to have that done now.

That dress is WAY TOO MUCH for the upcoming wedding.  I had one idea to find another dress.  White House Black Market.  It's on the way home from the other fitting.  The Dress Gods were looking out for me.  There was ONE dress fancy enough for a wedding and one of those in my size.  After trying on, TWO other people wanted that dress in that size.  OMG.  I got it by about 10 minutes.  

The fabric is dressy -- light and almost silk like.  The skirt is pleated and it's super comfortable.  I ordered a black shawl for the evening.  It's summer-lite, but fall colors so it works great.  Done and dusted.

In other news ...

Here's a start of my fall itty bitty garden.  I'll plant the seeds within the next week.  I got some plants from Pike's Nursery when I bought the soil.  



FOUR more cucumbers
and tons of cherry tomatoes ...



New pots for seeds.
Carrots and greens.

Today is lunch with my friend from the foster group.  Cooler weather today -- woo hoo!  Outside as usual.  

I'm crunching to read the Jen Hatmaker book selection by Saturday.  Darely Greatly (Brene Brown).  I read it a long time ago, but need to refresh.  We're meeting at Atlanta Botanical Gardens this Saturday.  Weather is iffy though and so far, only 3 of us going.  I say I have about a 50/50 chance of it happening.  They're offering flex tickets now so I can use it another time.  In-person meeting was my push and I'm glad it's happening (or at least, trying to happen).

Have a great day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Pictures Coming

Theme today -- I'll be taking pictures haha.

My fall itty bitty garden is coming along.  I filled planters, bought a few new plants and am working on the rest this week.  Pictures and details once I get it all set.

Update on the Botox.  Not loving it so much yet.  The one side is working fine (the non-problematic side), but the other is reacting mid-eyebrow, not between the eyes.  It takes 2 weeks to work so I'll see if it evens out.  I can make a strange eyebrow movement on the left side if I squeeze really hard.  As of now, this is a one and done thing ... but I still have another 9 days to see what happens.  Pictures coming.

Today is a fitting for my original dress for the kids' wedding -- hopefully the final one.  Pictures to come.

Have to get moving this morning so short and sweet.  I'll leave with a picture of Monti -- he loves to sit under the veggie plants.  Later gators.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday Check-In and Sunday Updates

Well, the sammies were a pain in the butt (the veggie one especially).  The dressings drew me to the recipes and I think they were just so-so.  Everyone liked the meat one, but very few takers on the veggie.  I'd have been better off to do what I like on a sandwich ... and ciabatta bread would've been better too.  Wonder why no one had any?

The vintage Steelers jacket was a HIT  -- hubby loves it.  It's actually cute and fits well.  Oh, and the Steelers won so there's that too :)

It was nice to have the whole gang together again.  We haven't seen everyone since July 4th weekend in Asheville.

Now it's Monday and I'm so happy the cleaning crew is coming tomorrow instead.  No early morning prep and no rush on a Monday morning routine.

I have a few errands and some little chores to do.  If my back is okay later, I'll fill the new big potters for fall planting.  Cucumbers and tomatoes are stilling going strong though.  I have another 3 new cucumbers and tons of cherry tomatoes.  

That said, I need a little bit of a down day.  I'm learning to balance heavy days (social and/or busy) with something quieter.  Not sofa slug, but a day at a comfortable pace.  That's my plan for today.

Monday morning is also plan-the-week time and I have enough on the calendar again that I need to get back to doing the schedule.  It helps to relax any overwhelm and these days it doesn't take much to get me feeling like it's TOO MUCH.

Yesterday was a heavy day.  Lots of cooking ahead of everyone arriving at noon and then an afternoon of entertaining and dog stuff.  Fun, but it was a lot.  Thankfully, I'm back to sleeping well again.

Have a great start to the week and stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Pressed Sammies

Game day -- Sunday football is back.  I'm making pressed sammies for the game -- one veggie, one meat.  I found all the fancy ingredients EXCEPT the ciabatta bread (!!)  What!?!?  I went to 5 markets -- yep, FIVE with no luck.

Fortunately, I bought a couple of french loafs from Costco for the freezer.  Dang, they aren't going to be the same, but how many more places can I go?  Stores had the rolls, but not the loafs (Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Harris Teeter, Publix, Costco). 

Good news is this is a quick meal.  Both kids are bringing the appetizers.  I have chips and making a few sweet treats.  Bad news is game is at 1 o'clock which pushes things this morning.  I didn't have it in me to do any prep yesterday (not that's it's a lot).  

Got some silly good news.  Cleaning crew moved to Tuesday at lunchtime when I'll be at my dress fitting. No early up and ready Monday morning.  It's the little things :)  

Premiering the Steelers vintage jacket I found in Asheville (actually, my aunt found it).  Hubby LOVES all things Steelers and will be so excited.  See, the little things :)

I'll leave with a couple of dog pictures.  Have a great Sunday.  Later gators.

Getting coffee in Asheville

Polly's new bed.
Duke had FOMO.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Fall in Asheville

Our weather jinx didn't hit this trip.  Man, PERFECT fall weather (!!) but temps are climbing again this week.  Glad we got a fall preview for a few days.

Fall brings out the BEARS in force in Asheville since they are storing up for denning season over the winter.  We took a walk -- 3 dogs, one dog stroller and turned a bend to see a mama bear and her 3 cubs.  Turned around and went home only to find a HUGE bear in front of the house.  We couldn't get around so we waited and waited and waited.  He was picking berries, rolling on his back and rubbing his tummy.  Adorable :)  He finally laid down in the sun so we cautiously walked by him.  A little scary with all the dogs.

He stayed for about an hour and went up to our next-door neighbors' car when they came home.  They had to hold tight until he left.  Crazy (!!)  They're beautiful animals, but we need to keep a distance for sure.

No pictures because I was holding dogs but you know what a black bear looks like hah -- the cubs were particularly stunning with the blackest, shiniest fur.

We took lots of walks, grilled out a steak dinner and are heading home this morning.  I'm FINALLY starting back to regular sleep as my hormones normalize again so I'm up before the crew and have a little quiet time.

No huge update on my vanity upgrades.  I can still furrow my brow (probably a few more days -- although I think it's a little less movement) and my under-eye area is sore, bruised and a little swollen.  All normal and I should be good in about a week.

Heading home to get ready for Steelers opening football game tomorrow.  Kids are coming over and I'm making pressed sammies, side dish (TBD) and rice crispies.  I was planning tiramisu but I waited so long, the cookies expired.  Dang.  I'll try a do-over after the holidays maybe.  It was on my 2020 list and got bumped (apparently too far).  I thought I had until 2022 on the dates.  I didn't want to go to the trouble to find they were stale and didn't work well once incorporated.  

I have a full week ahead in the ATL.  Guess that's the norm again.  Have a happy Saturday and stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Eeeeek ... I did what I said I'd NEVER do ... when will I learn to never say never?

But before the big reveal (haha), let me start at the beginning.

I went for the under-eye filler yesterday and it's fantastic.  I'm sore, a bit swollen and bruised (will take about a week to settle down), but the difference is huge to me.  This is my 3rd time in 4+ years.  I'd been interested in trying filler after exhausting other options (creams, concealers, diet), but I'm a chicken about vanity elective procedures.  I saw a PA friend I'd worked with for a couple of years and she was now with a plastic surgeon.  She gave me trusted scoop on all things fillers and I made an appointment immediately.  

I happen to have very little fat pads under my eye and the filler evens it out and blocks a ton of the dark circles.  

Fast forward to 2020 and zoom calls and I noticed that the "11" between my eyes was very pronounced (especially on the left) even when I wasn't squishing my brow.  Could filler be the answer??

Nope.  Turns out too many vessels and nerves for vision in that area and it's risky.  I'm OUT -- not taking that risk.  But ... my PA friend said there is another way and it will take a few treatments, but it will eventually relax the lines.

BOTOX (!!)

I said I'd never do it.  I notice too many overdone peeps (of course, you don't usually notice the ones done well).  She said this doc does a fantastic job and it won't change my smile, eyebrows or forehead.  It will just prevent me from furrowing my brow and that will relax the "11" and over a few treatments will relax the lines even at a neutral muscle position.

I did it.

Turns out is takes 4 days to start working and 2 weeks to be at full effect.  Crazy (!!)  I'm excited to see what happens and see if hubby notices.  I decided not to tell him right away because I want an honest reaction, not a microscopic vision reaction.  Does he notice with a regular view?  Sure, he'll notice if he's looking for it and looking for any little change, etc.  We know some peeps who don't do Botox well and he'll be paranoid I'm heading that route because paranoid is his nature lol.  This way it will be a reaction with no hidden judgment.  (BTW, he's totally supportive of the filler -- he'll just "worry" over the Botox)

Stay tuned for 4 days - 2 weeks for updates hahaha.  

Today is a travel day to Asheville and my monthly came (hurray).  Not the best timing, but I need to move off the hormone tornado this month.  Biggest issue is the drive with no bathroom breaks because I'll have 2 dogs with me.  It's a challenge.  Fingers crossed for an easy ride.

Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Doing the Things

Reluctantly doing all the things.  When my energy is tanked, I don't feel like doing anything.  BUT, of course, the best thing to do to feel better is to do everything anyway.

My sleep has been a pisser all week.  Thunderstorms woke me up last night, dogs needed extra potty let-outs and I was up from 11 - 3 o'clock.  Dang and double dang.  Hoping for a better night tonight since hubby left for Asheville and I tend to sleep better without his breathing/snoring noises.

I rode the Peloton for a hard ride today and took a 3 mile power walk outside to get all the vit-D vibes to help the old mood.

This afternoon is a DO SOMETHING FOR ME thing and I'm getting a top-off on my under eye fillers.  I've had it done twice and I'm 2 years out from the last time.  I have super thin under-eye skin and I have permanent dark circles without a little filler (no eye cream or concealer helps).  I tried diet changes too thinking it could be allergy related.  Nope -- it's a physical thing.  No one can tell I had it done, but I can.  I look more rested.  

My plan is to eat well (no sugar today because that contributes to my low energy), get sleep and do all the things for me.  Fingers crossed it helps.  

That's all from here.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Let the Real Week Begin

Feels like a Monday.  Hope you had a good holiday weekend as summer comes to an end.  I love fall and can't wait for all the things so I say bring it (!!)

Hormones in full swing and my energy is TANKED.  Seems the pattern during a hormone swing is wake up around 1 o'clock and don't go back to sleep until 4 o'clock -- then I sleep until 6 or 7.  Not a good sleep pattern for me and I'm left with low energy in the morning and a big brain fog.  It's the feeling that I wake up and am already fantasizing about bedtime.

Anyway ...

Hubby and I caught the Labor Day sale at Ashley Furniture and ordered new recliners for the movie (TV) room.  The old faux leather, electric ones we have are actually disintegrating -- it's gross.  Hubby choice regular old fluffy rocking recliners.  We chose a sofa too, but it was out of stock so we'll wait to find one we like.  The recliners are in-stock and coming in a couple of weeks.  Had to get moving for football season.

Polly seems to be feeling better -- phew.  She slept through the night last night.

I finished a fun suspense book -- We Were Never Here (Andrea Bartz).  It was good and the ending held up.  Not genius writing, but the kind of book you want to pick up and read all the way through.

I also watched ClickBait on Netflix last week.  It was good too -- guessing until the end and the ending was a shocker.

Heading to Asheville again this week -- Thursday through Saturday so we can bring home the final piece of the sectional for the kids.  The weather is set to be perfect -- high in 70s and low in 50s.  We'll get some outside time and do a haul to the paint recycling center for the 3 big tubs we still need to dispose (only one paint recycle day each month).  Did I mention we hardened 30 gallons of paint last visit?!?!  What a chore.  Once hardened, they can be tossed in the regular trash.  The big 5 gallon buckets are too heavy and too full to mix in hardener.  We didn't grill this weekend in GA, but we thought we'd do a simple grilled dinner on Friday in Asheville.

Sunday I got a "fall" pedicure -- burgundy and met my girlfriend for coffee on a patio.  Much needed catch up.  Not a bad weekend.

Today the pups get groomed and I tackle a list of home chores and errands.  Man, I need some energy. 

Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.  

Me in Asheville using a French Press.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Lots to Update

Cliff Note version -- we had a good time and furniture arrive with problems, but it's all working out.  Here are some pictures.

Changing out the coffee table next visit.

His favorite spot -- go figure.

This chair is super comfortable.

Figuring out wall pictures next.

Before the furniture came -- no where else to sit :)

I have to keep this short.  We came back yesterday (Saturday) with a sick dog (Polly) who was up many times with the runs last night.  We're sitting for our grand-pups again so 5 dogs this morning.  Everyone should be getting up soon and we need all hands on deck.

But ... I'm back (!!)  Until tomorrow ... later gators.