Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sofa Slugging

Nothing fabulous to report since I sat on the sofa and watched TV all day (How to Get Away With Murder).

I feel a bit better this morning so I'm back to doing life.

I'm taking Duke for a walk in the woods (sort of hiking) with a new neighbor late morning.  It's going to be hot, but shaded.  I think the trail is only a few miles.  We needed to go later because she has an appointment this morning.  I might regret not switching to another day when we could go earlier.

This afternoon is my car inspection and grocery shopping.  The refrigerator is EMPTY.  That's never good.

Pottery Barn stepped up and is replacing both sofas.  It took some back-and-forth, but we should be on point now.

I'm on the hunt for a new book.  Nothing I'm reading is impressing me.  I'll keep you posted if I find something interesting.

Another blah post day -- kind of how I feel today.  I feel better, but don't feel like doing anything.  Hopefully a workout will help -- it's like PMS DURING my monthly this month.  Got to love hormones.

Until tomorrow ...

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