Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I need to get out of bed earlier.  My sleep-in time is creeping later and later.  Strange since it gets light so early and we have NOTHING on the windows.

I'm waking up at around 4:30 -- too early to get out of bed, but then falling into a deep sleep and not stirring until 6:30.  It's a problem if I want to run outside.  Must get out before the sun gets too high -- but I need time to have my morning drinks, etc.  I think a new foster will cure my morning issues -- pictures for tomorrow.  We grab him this afternoon.

I listened to a Brooke Castillo podcast yesterday.  She says life is 50% good feeling and 50% negative feelings.  Always.  She also says there's nothing wrong with a negative feeling unless you decide to make it wrong.  The point of this podcast is many of us (*up goes my hand*) live this cycle:

Beat myself up for not doing what I should do.
Give myself a false pleasure to feel better (food, alcohol).
Beat myself up for the false pleasure.
Give myself another false pleasure to feel better.
Repeat endlessly.

She suggests changing the "flavor" of the 50-50.  Make the uncomfortable 50% be growth/change which is hard and doesn't feel awesome in the moment.  Make the pleasure the real deal with being happy with living your best life.  (She's not saying you aren't worthy in THIS moment, but life is about changing and growing and not staying stationary ((on a sofa)) -- this is how you LIVE, not simply exist)

She started with the example of exercise.  Uncomfortable in the moment.  Push hard to lift heavy weight for an hour.  Nothing changes immediately except being sore and tired for the next 3 days (50% negative).  Over time, of course, you build strength and muscle and you get PLEASURE from the change (50% positive).

And, as you see results, you actually look forward to the uncomfortable -- great workout = sore muscles = results I want.  She suggests trying this in other areas too.  Push into the uncomfortable to live the REAL pleasure of life.  Learn to embrace the uncomfortable as a signal of getting results and long-term pleasure on the horizon.

As always, Brooke says it best #266 on her podcast.

Happy Tuesday.  Later gators.

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