Thursday, May 2, 2019


Yep, yesterday was better.

I spent the morning in self-care heaven.  Puttering around, getting stuff finished and then a LONG workout, LONG meditation and a LONG shower (I'm usually quick, but lingering was nice).

Hubby asked to go on errands with me, but I said (politely as I could), I needed to go by myself.  Podcasts, music, quiet and thinking.  Plus, tons of errands that made me feel better.  Gas fill up, car wash, eyebrows, grocery store, Goodwill drop (again), ATM ... pesky things that feel good to have off my plate and I wouldn't have finished all of them with hubby with me.  The best part was I was ALONE.  Answering to no one.  Finding my equilibrium again.  (Heard that term on a podcast describing exactly what happens with me -- fancier word than BALANCE and it seems more appropriate this week.)

Today is a cleaning day (sorry, aching back).  Not my favorite, but, oh so nice when it's finished.  Later this morning, a potential next-door neighbor is stopping by to introduce himself.  Not the best timing on my cleaning morning, but I couldn't say no.  Older, widowed fellow looking for a nice neighbors -- don't know if it's good or bad that he's meeting us --- hah.

During my morning of self-care, I did May's POWERSHEETS.  My accountability partner gave me the program after she won an extra copy.  It's a detailed, directed goal guide.  I worked on the pre-work for the last couple of months.  (I got it in March -- pre-work is 40 pages and took a long time with the move happening too.)  This is the first month I started on the program.

Each month you journal a few things (what's worrying you this month; what are your obstacles this month; what are you looking forward to this month ... things like that).  You decide on your goals for the month and then divide them into details.  Monthly, weekly, daily.  At the end of the month, you do a summary and overview of what happened well and what needs more work.  Of course, there are CHECK-BOXES for the details -- who doesn't love checking off a list.  If you buy it, I believe it's $40.  Not bad.  You visit it daily, but don't spend a lot of time on it once your monthly list is finished.  And, the actual book is great -- heavy paper, font, layout, spiral-bound, STICKERS!!

I'll do a post on it in June and show a few pages -- once I've done a full month.  Darcie loves this program and I'm happy she sent me her extra copy.

I hear the dogs stirring so time to get moving.  Four more days until my goal of fabulous better.  Later gators.

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