Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Fake it 'Til you Make it

I'm a bit of an imposter to my "healthy" ways.

I'm trying -- going through the motions, but not the feeling.  A select few habits a day, but nothing consistent.  I need to do better.  CONSISTENCY COMPOUNDS.

Yesterday, I worked my butt off getting the house ready for the market.  Today, we're officially FOR SALE.  It looks good.  Having this MAJOR stressor off my back might help get me back in the swing.  That was (possibly, hopefully) the last BIG day of physical work until the next phase (furniture and closet).

I know, I know.  It's up to me -- circumstances shouldn't matter.  I did well for a while, but it's been 6 weeks of non-stop STUFF and my tank ran out.  Simple as that.

I'm up in my office doing my new routine.  I'll figure out a quick workout (my back is sore and needs some recovery time).

Bummer that it's DENTIST day.  I almost rescheduled, but now it's too late without a charge.  I'll be glad I did it and SUPER DUPER glad when it's over.

I also need to add some time to focus on my personal growth stuff again.  Podcasts, RH training (I didn't listen to March yet), reading.  That helps fuel the old motor in a way that I underestimate until I stop doing it.

Tony Robbins say sometimes you can't see how something is working until you stop doing it.  Yep.

I read last night so I can finish The Poet -- still only 75% finished.  Must be a long book.  I've been reading FOREVER.  I'm bored with it, but want to know the ending.  If this was an actual book, I'd skip ahead and read the ending.  For some reason,  I don't flip around an electronic book the same way.

Tea with my friend was relaxing -- 2 hours on the deck on a cool morning.  This is the lady I tried for YEARS to get to know better and it never worked out.  Don't ask me why she reached out now -- probably not going anywhere, but it was nice.  She's a gardener so she gave me advice on houseplants.  I have the goal of FIVE LIVE plants.

Turns out, many plants like to get dry before they are watered again.  I give water too frequently.  Something about the roots and dry rot.  Some actually like to get to a wilt stage before water.  Dang, I had no idea.  Being CURIOUS -- it's a habit I'm trying to grow (pun alert).  When I remember to be curious, I learn a lot.

Best get moving so I can get to the dentist - drat.  I'd like to do just about anything else today.  Later gators.

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