I made the first "big" dinner in my new kitchen last night for 4 of us (kids came over).
Set the table.
Cooked the stuff. (frittata, spinach salad, bacon, dessert)
Used the "good" dishes.
First time using the stove and the oven -- both were nice. (As new appliances should!)
I wondered if the flow would be easy and the arrangement of STUFF would work -- yep, awesomely easy to make a meal. My other kitchen was fancy with the worst flow ever (my son said it takes 20 minutes to prepare a bowl of cereal -- almost true). This has the beloved "cooking triangle" and it's fantastic. I forgot how much that makes a difference.
We played yard games and pingpong last night. The dogs were with us the entire time -- perfect.
I also unpacked the office. I still need to work on the files (changing over for this house) and hang pictures, but the rest is finished. Pictures will wait until we decide the rest of the house (ie which mirror will end up in the office) and files will wait until my knee sores heal (I can't do it without kneeling!!).
Basement and garage floor painting starts tomorrow (goodbye, cement dust -- hopefully). Internet maybe Tuesday. Things are moving along.
We're headed back to the old house today to do a little cleaning and pick up the LAST of our stuff. We'll do the big clean after the painters finish this week. My body HURTS. This kind of movement is tough on this old gal!
Later gators.
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