Friday, April 12, 2019

Crap Storm

I'm trying to do some TURNING AROUND, but I'm in a bad mood this morning.

Thanks for asking.

Yesterday, I hit a wall.

The house was nowhere close to being ready to go on the market or even ready to be cleaned.  I had to cancel the cleaning crew, have "words" with our realtor and add a bunch of crap to my list for the day.  I was pissed.  I was lied to.  I was "yes-ed" and the answer wasn't true at all.  And, I was argued with - joy.

After the fiasco, I declared, nothing more for the afternoon.  But ... hubby needed help at home.

Hours later trying to get cables through a SmartTube in the wall, we gave up.  TBC.  I had to lift a mega TV AGAIN up on the fireplace.  My body hurts and wants to stop this kind of moving.

I sat down to watch TV (finally, first time) and this new set-up is NOT AT ALL user friendly.  I imagine after some learning, I'll figure it out, but I'm annoyed.  Promised something not true -- it's easy -- nope.  I wanted to relax.  I needed to relax.  Watch my junk show that I love -- mindless watching.  More annoyance instead.

Today is going to be an EASIER day.  I'm MANDATING it.  I slept in, going to workout on the treadmill, do a FULL meditation, write in my journals -- all the things.

Remember how I said I have this idea for a new morning routine that will give me my quiet time?  Well, I haven't needed it.  Either hubby wasn't home (walking the dog), I was up early or whatnot.  I did it all at the kitchen table.  After constant interruptions this morning, I decided to go upstairs and "do the routine."

Hubby questioned it -- hurt, wondering why, etc.  Didn't I already explain myself?  I'm upstairs now (venting here) and wanting to scream.  Why should he care?

I need to SLOW DOWN.  Breath.  Do what I need to do.  That's my intention today.

Tonight is our neighborhood monthly gathering.  This month it's at someone's house.  I wish it was at the community lodge.  At someone's house makes it feel like I need to be more "on" and I'm not in the mood today.  Hopefully, I'll have it turned around.  You bring an appetizer to share and your own drink.  I think I might take the easy road and buy something -- dessert something.  I'm not sure I have it in me to make anything.  My idea was party meatballs, but that requires a crockpot and it's at someone's house.  I don't know the setup and that might not work well.

Did I mention, I'm tired?  Mentally, emotionally, physically.  That's why THE THINGS are a MUST today.  It makes a difference.  I've been doing some of the things, some of the time, but not all the things consistently.  I think that's why I'm EMPTY.

Sorry for the venting.

I'm going to take some more pictures today.  Fun stuff happening at this house and, so far, it's working.

I'm still figuring out the vacuum thing.  I'm leaning toward a canister for hardwood with bags after "research" (thanks, google) and talking to peeps.  Use the upright we have for carpet.  One vacuum can't complete me LOL.  I'll also end up spending more money, but I'll make that back by cleaning my own house.  My vacuum wish list is a no-go!!

Sunday, we're doing a Game of Thrones night with the kids and I'm cooking from The Pioneer Woman's cookbook my DIL gave me for Christmas.  Stay tuned ... I'll fill you in ... it's going to be yummy.

I feel a little better already.  Typing is calming.  Venting is stress relieving (as long as I don't put it on a repeat loop).  Quiet, no interruptions, is my love language to myself - hah.

Next up, Rachel Hollis gratitude and goal journal.  Workout, meditation and (maybe) my inner witch can be quieted.

Later gators.

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