Thursday, April 11, 2019


I cleaned our new house yesterday -- so much work with the floors.  The rest was much easier since it's only the two of us.  Hubby helped (ran the vacuum - his specialty).

Our little crappy, short-corded vacuum kept overheating though.  I was already looking for a second vacuum -- one that does stairs for carpet and wood and has a long cord.  Now I'm really on the hunt.  The problem is vacuums get relatively crappy reviews and the "good" ones are over $500.  Ouch.

I have a big wish list and it seems there is no ONE vacuum to fit that bill.  I'm trying to figure out what's the best option.

Stairs (wood and carpet)
LONG cord
Easy attachments and adjustments.
Reasonably priced.

We had a nice vacuum for years, but it started to smell after doggie puke was vacuumed (hubby).  I cleaned it, aired it, changed filters, used fresheners and the smell always came back.  My youngest took it for his apartment :-) (where I'm sure the smell fits in perfectly).  It was good, expensive and doesn't have everything on my list or I'd buy it again.

I'm meeting our cleaning crew at the old house today.  I'm doing the cabinet and drawers and they are doing the big clean (my back can't take it).  I'll ask them what they use.

Speaking of ... I think I'm going to clean my own house, at least for a few months.  The heavy lifting should be over soon and, with hubby's help, I should be able to do the big stuff without too much back problem.  I have a system of revolving cleaning that works well.  Again, without anyone else living here, the house doesn't get "used" as much.  The floors are the worse part (it will get easier when the rugs come).  Even the bathrooms aren't too bad.

Dinner was a lot of fun last night.  We FINALLY used the back deck at dark.  Sat outside for dessert. We need to change up the lighting options, but it was comfortable.  We get full sun from about 4 - 7 o'clock (super bummer) and I don't think a hanging shade is an option. (The sun comes from an area that can't have a shade.)  Looking at options to help this too.

Once again, I'm so stinking TIRED and SORE this morning.  I keep saying it's over soon, but when will SOON get here?!?!

I need some downtime and ME time this weekend.  Slow down.  Why is it so hard?

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