Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Closet installation started yesterday at 7:30 am and will finish this afternoon.

Bad timing coming home from out-of-town, but it was this week or NEXT MONTH.  Hubby had plans yesterday (golf with a friend) and needs to be at the old house for HVAC maintenance today.  I'm tethered to dogs and the house.  I can't do wash, unpack, feel organized, go grocery shopping -- nada.

And, of course, I'm TIRED.  Lots of DOING STUFF and lots of EATING STUFF for days -- bad combination for energy.  I'm running my tanks on fumes.

Today starts my HEALTHY stuff again.  I decided to go for it a day early.  This is going to be a hard, epic turn around today.  I'm grumpy and I've only been awake for an hour.

Wish me and, especially those around me, LUCK.  I'll try not to verbally chop anyone, but I can't make a total promise.  I'm searching for a GRUMP outlet -- watch out -- hah.

Back to closets.  So far, it looks great.  The finishing details go on today and that's where it counts.  I'll have pictures tomorrow.  My bedroom is a wasteland of clothes piled everywhere.  The thought of organizing it is overwhelming -- hence the early start to the HEALTHY.  I need some energy.

It's not physical energy, per se.  It's more like energy to START something and do the WORK.  I have no problem running after dogs or working out, but don't ask me to get up and put my glass in the dishwasher -- it can wait until tomorrow.  Who cares, not me.  The piles in the bedroom should have me chomping to get organizing.  Instead, I think -- can it wait until next week?  I won't wait, but I WANT to wait.

Fake it 'til you make it.  That's my inspiration today.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Charleston, SC -- Pictures

Heavens -- what a fabulous city.  Why haven't I been before?!?!  Here's a run-down in pictures.

Drive was easy and fun. Audible books were a BUST -- cancelling free trial membership (more on that later).

The house was amazing.  We laughed until we hurt.  We drank, we ate, we shopped.

Perfect running route.

Perfect weather.

Love this city.  Love my crazy family.

Me, DIL, Sister, Cousin, Cousin, Aunt, Aunt
Us again (adding my cousin-in-law who came a day late).
The house.
My bed.  Best sleep EVER.
Biggest shock of the weekend.
So comfortable.  So many fans.
Porch time.  Amazing weather.
All the fans -- and she HATES sleeping with a fan.
Oops.  Texting her husband who loves a fan.
This was the running path.
My peeps.
The Market.
Shopping heaven.
My outfit from 7 years ago.
It's vintage now.  Kids tease me.
Sun-brella.  It worked!!!
And, my family "found" our group from the red umbrella.
Laughing THIS hard.
Aunties cracking up.
Horse buggy history tour.
Funny guide, lots of interesting facts.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Off to Charleston.

6 hours by the time I drive to pick up my DIL.

As usual, I'm excited and not excited.  I'm a bit of a homebody and traveling is a mixed bag for me.  Especially on the day I do the traveling.

Life is an adventure, but right now I wish I were still in my bed.

Last night was okay.  Nice to see the ladies.  Got a couple of tips about flower arranging, but mostly watching her put stuff in a vase.  The tips -- cut greens from your yard; use opaque vessels; couple drops of bleach in the water if you have no food packet.  Also, there is a spray to help the flowers stay moist -- she's going to email the name of it.  Otherwise, it was kind of boring -- I was watching the clock during the presentation.  She was uncomfortable and kept nervous talking about her kids.

The end arrangements were nothing spectacular.  It was a good idea for a night's activity though and it gave me a little inspiration to use what's in nature.

I'll be back next week.  Pictures and fun stuff we did in Charleston.

Have a great weekend.  Later gators.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Packing Day

I hate packing for a trip.  Don't mind unpacking.  Opposite of a lot of people I know.  But, there's no way I'm alone on this -- my people must be out there somewhere.

Unpacking requires NO thought -- autopilot.  Packing requires thought, DEEP THOUGHT.  It takes so much time and so many lists.  Hah!

Top that off with the fact that I'm also packing FOOD -- it's going to take most of the day.

I do a little trick for packing or I can get lost down a rabbit hole.  I give myself a time limit to finish each part.  1 hour for clothes.  90 minutes to make and pack food.  Stuff like that.  It helps me not panic at the task ahead.

Once I decide on the clothes I'm wearing, the rest will go more smoothly.  At least I'm car-packing so I can heavily overpack without issue.

I'm having a bit of trouble finding an audiobook for the car ride.  Turns out, audiobooks aren't awesome.  I know people who listen to them, but no one could really recommend one.  My aunt (who's a librarian) says to do a non-fiction -- easier to hold your attention.  I'm looking for a comedy book now read by the author.  I heard Bruce Springsteen's autobiography is good on audiobook, but it's going to be LONG -- so maybe not for this trip.  We might be listening to podcasts instead.

I have GNI group tonight in the old neighborhood.  It's a flower arranging demonstration.  I'm looking forward to it, but I wish it wasn't tonight.  I want to go to bed early and get some good sleep.  I'm quite the party animal this week.

I didn't get as much finished yesterday as I planned to -- we had a last minute house showing and some errands that popped up.  The day got away from me quickly.  That leaves lots on the calendar today.  Dang.

On that note -- best get moving.  Too much to do, too little time and did I mention I hate packing?!?!  Later gators.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Winery Pictures

We had a great day at the winery.  It's small, private, not crowded on a Monday.  The staff was friendly (sit where you want, do what you want -- be comfortable) and it was a beautiful day.  We packed a lunch and had a relaxing time gossiping about family stuff and laughing a lot.

We drove into a little town near where the kids are getting married next year.  Cute stores and a fun coffee shop.

Can you see the BEE in the middle of the picture?
Huge fat ones hovering like humming birds.
They don't sting, but they love hanging out.
Fainting Goat Chardonnay.
I'm not a oak fan, but this was lite and good.
The goat house.
The Aunties
Family :-)

The house offer came and went yesterday.  It was obvious they can't afford it.  The list of "asks" was ridiculous.  We didn't counter, only declined.  Bummer, but not totally surprised.  This happened in VA too.  Lots of crazy-stupid offers.

Today is a little busier than I thought.  I forgot I have a few things that need to get done.  Oh well, it's not horribly busy.  Our trip to Charleston is in a couple of days -- so some extra things need to happen before I leave.

Watched GoT last night.  Only four more episodes.  Hard to believe.  I can't wait to see how it ends.

My aunt brought me a plant -- not sure what it is or if it belongs inside, but in THIS moment, there are FOUR LIVING plants in my house.  I have a feeling some won't make it, but for now I'm quite a plant-mama.  I need to research what house plants to are easy to grow, hard to kill, etc.  That's a task for another week though.  In the meantime, I'll enjoy these four plant-babies.

Have a fabulous day.  Later gators.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Fainting Goat Winery

My aunt is in town ahead of our girls' trip.  Today, my two aunts and I are heading north to a winery.

Earth Day outside enjoying the earth.

Fainting Goat Winery-- yep, they have goats and wine.  Fun combination.  I'm especially happy because it's only 45 minutes from me.  Living up north in the "country" has few distance advantages so far.  We're trying to explore this area more and this is perfect.  I'll try to remember to take pictures!!  I bet it's pretty this time of year.

This weekend was fantastic.  We visited with our son's in-laws and it was a super visit.  Some past visits have left us feeling second-fiddle.  Not this weekend though.  Maybe we have it worked out.  After brunch we walked a huge indoor farmer's market (it's always crowded - even on Easter) and then took dogs for a hike.  Our old man didn't come -- he's having trouble even walking.  My heart hurts for him.  But, the hike was pretty -- a little over 3 miles on moderate terrain and the other dogs loved it.  Even our 6 lb granddoggie was thrilled (it was her first hike).  It made me sad that the last time we hiked there, Parker was with us and loving it all -- we love you, old man.

On a sidenote -- I looked crappy in the pictures from this weekend (hubby took some).  I can "see" my extra eating and drinking (some is the angle, but most isn't the angle).  Dang it.  I like denial better.  May 1, folks.  It's happening.

Last night I was pooped.  Thought maybe I was getting sick (nope, just tired).  Bed early, no GoT yet and up early to get ready for the winery day.  Aunt's are "touring" our house and I'm packing picnic food for the day (as is my local aunt).  I think I'm driving so only one glass of wine for me.  I don't like to day drink anyway.

Offer is promised for today on the other house.  Not holding my breath, but who knows.

As much as today is going to be fun, I'm looking forward to tomorrow.  I know - stay PRESENT, but tomorrow is a NOTHING day.  I need one of those.  Nothing but whatever I want to do.  I'll still "work" on house things, but no timeline or to-do list.  Nothing means no hair drying or makeup.  Nothing means reading and TV and sofa surfing (even though we have no sofa yet).  I'm still tired and I need a recovery day.  I have an especially heavy monthly friend and I think it's zapping my energy.  I'll also get caught up on RH coaching -- the new one is tomorrow afternoon.

Happy Monday.  New week.  Time is flying.

Later gators.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

Brunch, no church for us today.  I hope there's corn beef hash.

Dinner was a lot of fun last night.  The kids did a fantastic job hosting and it was such a nice family time.  More family time today.  A birthday and Easter.

Update on boxing.  I cancelled the membership -- no more fun Saturday class on the schedule and that was the final straw.  I priced free-standing heavy bags and they are under $200.  I'm going to get one and use it at home.  I'm sure if I get bored, the old internet has some boxing videos to help me.  I'm bummed, but it was a break-up that was a longtime coming (I needed to face the music).  Moving on ... yep, more change.  I still belong for 30 days, so I might take a couple more classes or use the elliptical.

We've had a few house showings and one said they're writing an offer.  Nothing yet, so maybe not.  Still, good feedback so far.  I'm much more relaxed now that it's on the market.

Even though the week ahead is full, it's full with fun things (lot of fun things -- more on that later).  It starting to feel like a normal kind of life again with a better balance.  Because I like a good, clean start -- May is going to be back-to-my-shit-or-else (hah).  Back to REALLY working the personal growth stuff (I need to find another word for this).  Back to eating well (see ya, snacking).  Back to fitting into my pants -- you know, the important things :-)  I have the Rachel Hollis, Rise conference in June and I want to be in a great place.

I'm about halfway to GREAT (or at least GOOD).  I'm feeling better, eating better and doing more of the THINGS.  Still, halfway isn't THERE.  A long way to go.  Climbing back again.

I wonder if I can ever get to a place where I don't have to climb back up again.  I'm trying.  Maybe that stability doesn't exist for me.  Maybe I'm not believing and that's holding me back.  I have no idea.  I'm sick of the rollercoaster though.

Well, on that depressing tangent, hope it's a wonderful Easter day for everyone.  After brunch, we have nothing but a long wait until Game of Thrones (I might watch it Monday if I can't stay up).

P.S.  Happy birthday to my eldest -- #25.  We bought him a Penguins hockey jersey and a super deluxe ping pong paddle.  Sometimes (with boys) the gifts that are good for age 10, also are good for age 25 and are also good for age 50, etc.  LOL.

Buying the ring.
Back when my jeans fit.
Happy birthday to my eldest.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

4-20 and Pictures

Happy 4-20.  I've heard today's date is SPECIAL.  I don't understand why.  UPDATE:  I googled it -- police code for someone smoking pot in the 1970s.  There you go.  I've never tried it, but happy 4-20 to those who celebrate.

I thought I had more to "show" in pictures -- it's kind of lack-luster.  I guess it's more exciting to ME.  Here are a few.

Another plant - gift from a friend.
It's not meant to last (ie I can relax when it dies)
New towel bar.  Hubby has the twin.
It's significant because we've NEVER had a
convenient towel bar to the shower.
It's so nice to finish the shower and not panic
because you forgot to move the towel over.
Corner of the workout room.  Making it "girly."

Abstract mirrors.  Random hanging.
These are left-overs and I ended up
making a wall and it works perfectly.
Looks a bit nicer in person.
Happy Easter.

Our son and DIL are hosting Easter today.  Her parents and our family.  Tomorrow we are doing a brunch at the place they got engaged (also my son's b-day).  It's fun to watch them set-up for their first holiday hosting.  I remember those days.

I'm not going to boxing because they had an instructor switch this weekend.  I might be giving this up completely.  More on that later.   Treadmill and some Will Smith music today -- sounds good.

I tried a coffee house in our new town yesterday (after spending the day cleaning - ugh).  Met a friend and we had tea-for-two.  Such an adorable place.  AND there's nitro coffee -- it was too late for me to have it yesterday.  Working on getting to know the new area.  Also, tried the Costco and it's nice too.  Phew.  Little by little settling into the NEW.

Embracing change.  SO DANG HARD.

Also, on a weather note.  High in the 40s today.  Amazingly wonderful.  That's going on my gratitude list.  Later gators.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Normal Day?

Is it possible?

There's nothing on my calendar today.  I have stuff to do, but all REGULAR day kind of stuff.  Grocery store, wash, pay bills, Releash Atlanta calls.

This is the first day that isn't fill with contractors and heavy physical stuff.  We're going to hang a few pictures in my office, but that's only me managing the hang, not doing the work --hah.  Fingers crossed my body can start to recover.  Even my hands hurt -- weird.

I tried the vacuum yesterday.  It's different.  I'm trying to like it, but I might need some practice.  It works well, but I keep worrying about scratching the floor.  I have it on FLOOR MODE.  I need to read about it and see what's up.

I FINALLY finished The Poet.  The ending was okay.  Not worth the length of the book though.  My recommendation is a pass-on-this-one.  Now, I get another book pick.  I need a personal growth and a fun read.  Sometimes the "hunt" is as fun as the read.

I survived the dentist and a new hygienist.  She had no sympathy for my sensitive snaggle tooth and adjacent friends, but she was FAST ... and it's OVER.

I ate a little better yesterday.  By that, I mean I stopped before I was stuffed with junk.  Progress.  Looking for a little more effort today.  Story of my life.  My shorts don't fit and it's getting hot here in GA.  Ugh.

I worked on a little Gretchen Rubin stuff yesterday.  Stuff that makes you a little happier.  I had some tweaking to get everyday things better.  My desk needed to be moved onto the roller plastic for my chair -- I kept rolling off of it.  The blender wasn't in the most convenient place and it was annoying me when I made my green drink.  Things like that.  It took minimum effort and now routine things seem BETTER.  Bam -- a little happier.  Thanks, GR.

I have some new things -- picture post soon.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Fake it 'Til you Make it

I'm a bit of an imposter to my "healthy" ways.

I'm trying -- going through the motions, but not the feeling.  A select few habits a day, but nothing consistent.  I need to do better.  CONSISTENCY COMPOUNDS.

Yesterday, I worked my butt off getting the house ready for the market.  Today, we're officially FOR SALE.  It looks good.  Having this MAJOR stressor off my back might help get me back in the swing.  That was (possibly, hopefully) the last BIG day of physical work until the next phase (furniture and closet).

I know, I know.  It's up to me -- circumstances shouldn't matter.  I did well for a while, but it's been 6 weeks of non-stop STUFF and my tank ran out.  Simple as that.

I'm up in my office doing my new routine.  I'll figure out a quick workout (my back is sore and needs some recovery time).

Bummer that it's DENTIST day.  I almost rescheduled, but now it's too late without a charge.  I'll be glad I did it and SUPER DUPER glad when it's over.

I also need to add some time to focus on my personal growth stuff again.  Podcasts, RH training (I didn't listen to March yet), reading.  That helps fuel the old motor in a way that I underestimate until I stop doing it.

Tony Robbins say sometimes you can't see how something is working until you stop doing it.  Yep.

I read last night so I can finish The Poet -- still only 75% finished.  Must be a long book.  I've been reading FOREVER.  I'm bored with it, but want to know the ending.  If this was an actual book, I'd skip ahead and read the ending.  For some reason,  I don't flip around an electronic book the same way.

Tea with my friend was relaxing -- 2 hours on the deck on a cool morning.  This is the lady I tried for YEARS to get to know better and it never worked out.  Don't ask me why she reached out now -- probably not going anywhere, but it was nice.  She's a gardener so she gave me advice on houseplants.  I have the goal of FIVE LIVE plants.

Turns out, many plants like to get dry before they are watered again.  I give water too frequently.  Something about the roots and dry rot.  Some actually like to get to a wilt stage before water.  Dang, I had no idea.  Being CURIOUS -- it's a habit I'm trying to grow (pun alert).  When I remember to be curious, I learn a lot.

Best get moving so I can get to the dentist - drat.  I'd like to do just about anything else today.  Later gators.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Random Things

1.  Vacuum -- I ordered a floor and area rug canister vacuum by Miele.  It came yesterday AFTER I did floors so stay tuned for a review.  It's the compact version of a super expensive vacuum.  Still lots of $$, but it should be worth it.  My cheap upright is failing quickly.

2.  New Book Club -- I haven't gone yet.  Probably going in May (I've already read the book, but I'll need a refresher).  Rumor has it, the book rarely gets discussed.  Ugh.  I'll give it a try though.

3.  Reading -- I'm tiptoeing slowly through a mystery book -- who's the killer and why.   The Poet (Michael Connelly)  It's okay.  As usual with this genre, the ending will decide if it's worth the read.  I want to get back to some regular reading and some personal growth books.

4.  Apple Breakfast Cake -- Served warm.  Easy to make.  It's an oil based batter with ONE apple.  It's what's for TEA today with a friend.  She's coming over to see the house and catch up.

5.  Cleaning -- I'll spend the afternoon at the old house cleaning.  Still upset with the realtor.  Did I mention MY ENTIRE BODY HURTS?

6.  Easter -- Celebrating at kids place on Saturday with DIL parents.  I'm bringing mac & cheese - yea, easy.  Sunday we're going to brunch at the place the kids got engaged.  They don't take reservations and it's 7 of us -- that should be interesting, but where else do we have to be so no big deal.  It's our son's birthday too.  #25.  Wow.

7.  Groomer -- Parker did much better yesterday.  Between medication and some logistical changes, he had no problem walking after the groom.

8.  Eating -- another shitty evening of GF pizza, chips and wine.  Crap.  Stress eating after visiting the painting at the old house.  I need to get out the URGE book and start fighting the good fight again.  STOP BUFFERING MY FEELINGS.

9.  Other healthy habits -- not bad.  I'm meditating, journaling and drinking my veggies in the morning.  I start well and finish horribly.  Can I change that today?  I don't have a lot of confidence.  It's FULL PMS -- cliff hanger.  Stay tuned ...

10.  The End (because I wanted to end on #10, solid number - hah)  Later gators.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Weather and Such

Those storms that blew through the country?  They hit here EXACTLY when we needed to drive an hour (plus) to the comedy show.  Tornado warnings, high wind warnings, stay-off-the-highway warnings.

We made the call not to go see John Crist.  Tickets weren't expensive and it didn't seem like it was worth the risk -- I was bummed.

Everyone came over earlier and we had a fun day anyway.  Dinner was incredible (thank you, Pioneer Woman).  Weather was crazy.  Pouring rain during full sun = lots of rainbows.  Also, the hibernating grass got the message to GREEN overnight.  It's like magic every year.

GoT was good.  It was the welcome-back episode so nothing too exciting.  No spoilers here.

I'm working hard on ACCEPTING WHAT IS as we continue to TRY to get our house on the market this week.

I'm overextended with social and non-social things this week AGAIN.  Why?  Because the we are still working on getting the other house ready and I committed to other things never expecting that I'd still have my hands in the house.  I'm not going to go into details, but I will be firing our realtor once his contract period is up if we don't get some significant improvement.

I keep waiting for a slow down on my days and it's not happening.  I guess I need to MAKE it happen.

I'm having a late workout this morning so I can take my old pup to the groomer.  He had such a hard time last time.  I'm worried about him today.  (Also, I'm PMSing so there's that too!!)  (And the dentist this week -- the perfect storm of crap - hah.)

This mood is probably mostly PMS.  That's the good news -- mother nature's fault, not mine lol.

Because of all the things, I need to clean up my diet until we go to Charleston at the end of the month.  It's been ugly and I need my better foot forward.  Dang.  I'm grumpy about having to RESTRICT JUNK.  Imagine that?!?!?

Let's take this week by the balls (you can tell I watched GoT).  Later gators.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday Funday - I'm Trying!

Here's the agenda today.

John Crist comedy show downtown at the Fox Theater (super beautiful place).  1:30 matinee because we're THOSE people (i.e. people who love less traffic and afternoon events).

Family dinner with ALL the gang -- people and dogs.

I cooked from the Pioneer Woman cookbook my DIL gave me for Christmas.  Cowboy Chicken, Twice Baked New Potatoes and starting with Whiskey Meatball appetizer.  Everything is made and ready to go with the exception of the sauce for the meatballs and a salad with dinner.  The meatballs don't really go with the menu, but I wanted to try them and I made a double patch (already frozen this morning).  I figure with neighborhood stuff, it was a good thing to have on hand.

After dinner -- Game of Thrones re-watch followed by the new episode.

Today should be a fun day.  Easy, breezy and less stress (physical and mental).

I've been drowning a bit this last week.  Too much drama getting our house on the market (probably delayed AGAIN).  Add to that my boxing class changed (more on that later), getting used to my new running route, getting used to my new TV setup.  EVERYTHING basic feels like an effort.  I hit a threshold and I'm tired and I want to curl up and QUIT for a day or three.

John Crist - I'm counting on you to make me LAUGH!

I signed up for this show before we even knew we were moving.  The timing isn't great (or it's perfect) -- can't decide.  I almost forgot about it.  Hubby had to remind me.  Thank goodness he did in time for me to cook ahead yesterday.

We are expecting mega storms just for our drive downtown.  Hopefully, there won't be any issue with traffic.  Fingers extra crossed.

Happy Sunday - later gators.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Nothing is actually FINISHED, but it's livable and gives an idea of where things are headed.  Imagine window treatments and pictures on the wall and all the decor actually put away -- hah.

P.S.  Last night was fun -- I'm glad we went.  Everyone was friendly and welcoming.  Nice group of neighbors.

Here we go with the pictures -- out of order and loading strange -- some things never change.

My office.

The All Important morning beverage counter!

Workout room.  Needs a lot, but I love it.

The rocks from Canada.
See the HEART?

Adult beverage cabinet and storage.

Dogs and the yard.  Grass is just coming out of hibernation.

Back deck.  Covered, but full sun in the afternoon.
New rug for the pups to use.

Small bedroom in the front

Another front bedroom -- messy too.

"Media" room upstairs for hubby.
All sports decor.

Upstairs bathroom.
He "won" with the Steelers shower curtain.

Kitchen table.
Plants still alive one week later.
Go, Plants!!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Crap Storm

I'm trying to do some TURNING AROUND, but I'm in a bad mood this morning.

Thanks for asking.

Yesterday, I hit a wall.

The house was nowhere close to being ready to go on the market or even ready to be cleaned.  I had to cancel the cleaning crew, have "words" with our realtor and add a bunch of crap to my list for the day.  I was pissed.  I was lied to.  I was "yes-ed" and the answer wasn't true at all.  And, I was argued with - joy.

After the fiasco, I declared, nothing more for the afternoon.  But ... hubby needed help at home.

Hours later trying to get cables through a SmartTube in the wall, we gave up.  TBC.  I had to lift a mega TV AGAIN up on the fireplace.  My body hurts and wants to stop this kind of moving.

I sat down to watch TV (finally, first time) and this new set-up is NOT AT ALL user friendly.  I imagine after some learning, I'll figure it out, but I'm annoyed.  Promised something not true -- it's easy -- nope.  I wanted to relax.  I needed to relax.  Watch my junk show that I love -- mindless watching.  More annoyance instead.

Today is going to be an EASIER day.  I'm MANDATING it.  I slept in, going to workout on the treadmill, do a FULL meditation, write in my journals -- all the things.

Remember how I said I have this idea for a new morning routine that will give me my quiet time?  Well, I haven't needed it.  Either hubby wasn't home (walking the dog), I was up early or whatnot.  I did it all at the kitchen table.  After constant interruptions this morning, I decided to go upstairs and "do the routine."

Hubby questioned it -- hurt, wondering why, etc.  Didn't I already explain myself?  I'm upstairs now (venting here) and wanting to scream.  Why should he care?

I need to SLOW DOWN.  Breath.  Do what I need to do.  That's my intention today.

Tonight is our neighborhood monthly gathering.  This month it's at someone's house.  I wish it was at the community lodge.  At someone's house makes it feel like I need to be more "on" and I'm not in the mood today.  Hopefully, I'll have it turned around.  You bring an appetizer to share and your own drink.  I think I might take the easy road and buy something -- dessert something.  I'm not sure I have it in me to make anything.  My idea was party meatballs, but that requires a crockpot and it's at someone's house.  I don't know the setup and that might not work well.

Did I mention, I'm tired?  Mentally, emotionally, physically.  That's why THE THINGS are a MUST today.  It makes a difference.  I've been doing some of the things, some of the time, but not all the things consistently.  I think that's why I'm EMPTY.

Sorry for the venting.

I'm going to take some more pictures today.  Fun stuff happening at this house and, so far, it's working.

I'm still figuring out the vacuum thing.  I'm leaning toward a canister for hardwood with bags after "research" (thanks, google) and talking to peeps.  Use the upright we have for carpet.  One vacuum can't complete me LOL.  I'll also end up spending more money, but I'll make that back by cleaning my own house.  My vacuum wish list is a no-go!!

Sunday, we're doing a Game of Thrones night with the kids and I'm cooking from The Pioneer Woman's cookbook my DIL gave me for Christmas.  Stay tuned ... I'll fill you in ... it's going to be yummy.

I feel a little better already.  Typing is calming.  Venting is stress relieving (as long as I don't put it on a repeat loop).  Quiet, no interruptions, is my love language to myself - hah.

Next up, Rachel Hollis gratitude and goal journal.  Workout, meditation and (maybe) my inner witch can be quieted.

Later gators.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


I cleaned our new house yesterday -- so much work with the floors.  The rest was much easier since it's only the two of us.  Hubby helped (ran the vacuum - his specialty).

Our little crappy, short-corded vacuum kept overheating though.  I was already looking for a second vacuum -- one that does stairs for carpet and wood and has a long cord.  Now I'm really on the hunt.  The problem is vacuums get relatively crappy reviews and the "good" ones are over $500.  Ouch.

I have a big wish list and it seems there is no ONE vacuum to fit that bill.  I'm trying to figure out what's the best option.

Stairs (wood and carpet)
LONG cord
Easy attachments and adjustments.
Reasonably priced.

We had a nice vacuum for years, but it started to smell after doggie puke was vacuumed (hubby).  I cleaned it, aired it, changed filters, used fresheners and the smell always came back.  My youngest took it for his apartment :-) (where I'm sure the smell fits in perfectly).  It was good, expensive and doesn't have everything on my list or I'd buy it again.

I'm meeting our cleaning crew at the old house today.  I'm doing the cabinet and drawers and they are doing the big clean (my back can't take it).  I'll ask them what they use.

Speaking of ... I think I'm going to clean my own house, at least for a few months.  The heavy lifting should be over soon and, with hubby's help, I should be able to do the big stuff without too much back problem.  I have a system of revolving cleaning that works well.  Again, without anyone else living here, the house doesn't get "used" as much.  The floors are the worse part (it will get easier when the rugs come).  Even the bathrooms aren't too bad.

Dinner was a lot of fun last night.  We FINALLY used the back deck at dark.  Sat outside for dessert. We need to change up the lighting options, but it was comfortable.  We get full sun from about 4 - 7 o'clock (super bummer) and I don't think a hanging shade is an option. (The sun comes from an area that can't have a shade.)  Looking at options to help this too.

Once again, I'm so stinking TIRED and SORE this morning.  I keep saying it's over soon, but when will SOON get here?!?!

I need some downtime and ME time this weekend.  Slow down.  Why is it so hard?

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Internet = Pictures

Okay, we have INTERNET.  It's fast and wonderful.

Hulu Live TV with Apple TV sucks so far -- enormous learning curve.  So much for USER FRIENDLY and intuitive.  Even hubby can't figure it out yet.  RIP Tivo.

But, I digress.  Here are a few pictures ...

Front door with wreaths from Amazon. I ordered
a big floor mat.  Hope it works out (in brown).

My TWO living plants and ONE of my living dogs.
The rocks in the candle base are from the beach at my aunt's cottage
off the coast of Canada when I went two years ago.  I love "using" them.
I'll get a better picture of the room.  

View from the bedroom.  The trees are just starting to fill out.
It's private and pretty.  We're going to do an electric roller shade
so we can see this view when we want.

My shoe closet.  Elfa system at The Container Store.
It goes on sale twice a year.  We got the 30% off.
August is the 25% sale FYI.  The shelves continue
to the other side (the door opens all the way).
Simple and reasonably priced.  The big closet gets
done at the end of April.

I ordered plantation shutters yesterday.  The bedroom will have a shade and curtain panels (eventually) and a door to the deck will get a decorative shade.  I'm waiting for family room and bedroom furniture before I pick those.  5 weeks for shutters -- longtime, but should be worth it.

I'll start taking more pictures.  Everything is still a work-in-progress, but it's coming along nicely.

Today, I have lunch with a friend and then friends coming for dinner.  They're bringing the dinner -- I'm doing the starter (making brown salsa and guacamole), wine and dessert (buying from bakery).  Can't wait.  I think the weather is going to be nice, but we are in GEORGIA POLLEN now, so maybe not sitting outside.  Everything is COVERED in yellow pollen.  It's annoying, but kind of pretty too.  The annoying part is CONSTANTLY cleaning it and dealing with allergies.  The pretty is yellow everywhere.  When it starts to rain, the pollen falls from the trees in big yellow puffs.

I have to mop the floors today - ugh.  It's a huge chore to do the BIG mop.  But between cement dust and pollen, it's a mess again -- even in the corners.  I spot clean it daily (sometimes twice daily), but that's not enough.

Tomorrow, I'm cleaning the "old" house and it should be on the market by this weekend.  Fingers crossed.

STILL -- my body HURTS.  Everyday is lifting, bending ... moving in a way that sucks for this old back.  Next week should be back to normal activity.  I need a massage!!

Got to take the dogs out -- later gators.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Two LIVING Plants

I have a plan in this house to add LIVING plants.

There is NOTHING green about my thumbs.  Every plant dies a painful death.  This is a BIG goal for me.  I like a home with real plants (some fake is pretty too) -- it's something about LIVING though.

I have 2 plants so far.  One is rosemary that I "won" at the ladies luncheon.  The other I bought -- I have no idea what it's called, but it's that basic plant everyone owns.  (As soon as our internet is up --PICTURES.)

My goal is 5 plants.

My plant goal also coincides with my decorating goal.  Blue is the main color -- mixed with tons of neutrals, but I need another color.  I'm sick of red (I've used it for too long -- great for Christmas though).  GREEN for the win.  Green = plants.  See how nicely that works out?

I really want to post pictures.

I'm also excited because I'm USING things in this house -- things with meaning to me.  Taking a page from the Marie Kondo and letting things bring me joy.  From the good dishes to rocks that I collected from my aunt's island cottage -- front and center.

One rule this time is no RUSHING to fill empty spaces.  Shelves can go undecorated until I find what's right.  I know me, if I "finish" it by filling with whatever, it will stay that way until we move again.

Up early to get ready for the painters.  Maybe my first outside run if I can be BRAVE -- first runs are hard for me.  I feel like I'm running in a reverse fish bowl.  Later gators.

P.S.  Keep my plants in your prayers -- they're going to need it.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Cooking in the new kitchen

I made the first "big" dinner in my new kitchen last night for 4 of us (kids came over).

Set the table.
Cooked the stuff.  (frittata, spinach salad, bacon, dessert)
Used the "good" dishes.

First time using the stove and the oven -- both were nice.  (As new appliances should!)

I wondered if the flow would be easy and the arrangement of STUFF would work -- yep, awesomely easy to make a meal.  My other kitchen was fancy with the worst flow ever (my son said it takes 20 minutes to prepare a bowl of cereal -- almost true).  This has the beloved "cooking triangle" and it's fantastic.  I forgot how much that makes a difference.

We played yard games and pingpong last night.  The dogs were with us the entire time -- perfect.

I also unpacked the office.  I still need to work on the files (changing over for this house) and hang pictures, but the rest is finished.  Pictures will wait until we decide the rest of the house (ie which mirror will end up in the office) and files will wait until my knee sores heal (I can't do it without kneeling!!).

Basement and garage floor painting starts tomorrow (goodbye, cement dust -- hopefully).  Internet maybe Tuesday.  Things are moving along.

We're headed back to the old house today to do a little cleaning and pick up the LAST of our stuff.  We'll do the big clean after the painters finish this week.  My body HURTS.  This kind of movement is tough on this old gal!

Later gators.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Slowly, but surely

Today (or this weekend) should be the last day of actual UNPACKING.  Only my books are in boxes and I figured out the BEST plan for them.

I gave away bookshelves from my old office because they always drove me nuts.  They are very narrow, top heavy and on pitched slightly forward on carpet (even with a tie to the wall and something under the front foot).  Great for smaller spaces though (my son took one and another young man took the other).

We have a set of 3 bookshelves that I like a lot.  I thought we'd keep them together in this house (they push together nicely or can be used individually), but turns out the two smaller ones go perfectly in the office.

I have shelves for my books (it makes me HAPPY to look at a bookcase full of books).  I thought I'd be without a place for the books.  AWESOME!

Interesting note -- we've had these shelves for years and years.  It's the only furniture I can't remember buying.  I got nothing in the old brain.  They are nice quality and it must have been a big purchase at the time -- still, nothing.

I'm excited to arrange them.  And, NO, I'm not doing that trendy thing about color matching books on a shelf.  The first time I saw it, I liked it -- now EVERYONE does it.  Overdone.  Not for me.

I messed up boxing class today.  I forgot hubby was playing tennis and I set up for someone to pick up boxes this morning.  She has an appointment out this way and is coordinating with that time or I'd ask her to change it.  Oh well.  It's hard to REMEMBER my old routine!

Internet install scheduled for Tuesday.  (Then I'll post some pictures.)  Fingers crossed.  I don't have a confident feeling about it.

I'm settling into CHANGE.  Things are feeling more "regular" now.  I can find the spoons on the first try now - hah.  I have a better sense of direction from this house too -- so many backroads.  That's helping.  I need a few more things to come together this weekend.  Organizing books and organizing cleaning products (they are in plastic bins in the garage since we moved them ourselves).  After that, it's all little things that will take under an hour to do.  Drawers in bathroom need to be tweaked, pantry could use a bit more help ... things like that -- easy, quick and not urgent.

We're waiting on a few things to be delivered which will help too (aside from the furniture and rugs). I ordered towel racks for the master bath and front door wreaths.  The wreaths are important because the way people hang them with our style of door, it blocks a direct sightline into the family room.  I'll post a picture to explain better.  It's pretty -- hung midway on the door because the top is decorative.

We started hanging a few pictures that are FOR SURE going on a particular wall.  Everything else has to wait until the furniture comes.  That suits me just fine.  Hubby hung some blinds on a few windows (bathroom, closet).  We're pricing out plantation shutters for the front windows and something else for the main floor back windows (have to see options).  I'll contact the blind company next week.  This is the last BIG expense coming.  We still need some runner rugs, towel racks for other bathrooms and a few miscellaneous things.  It's been more enjoyable than I expected.  I usually get overwhelmed and impatient pulling a house together.  Progress for me, I guess.

Later gators.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Morning Routine

I've been totally freaking out about having hubby home in the mornings.  Mornings are my time and have been for YEARS.  That's why I'd get up so stinking early for work -- just to have my morning routine.

I hold the routine like a religion.

I decided (remembered) to TURN the thoughts around and problem solve the situation.  It means changing some of my routine, but that doesn't mean changing for the worse.  Why do I FORGET these kind of things??

A challenge to IMPROVE my routine.  I think I'm well on the way to figuring it out.  I worked all afternoon getting MY office useable -- desk organized and cleaned off.  Nothing set up "pretty" yet -- all my pictures and whatnot are hanging out in a bin.  But it's usable.

Here's my change.

I drink a lot in the morning.  Two mugs of warm water with lemon (with collagen) and two coffee cups (cross between americano and espresso).  I'm having the first of both downstairs at the table with hubby and the dogs.  We can have OUR morning routine together, say hello, hang out (so it doesn't seem like I'm ditching him first thing).

Then, I can go up to the office with my second cups and do my journalling, RH goal book, etc.  Why is this an improvement?  I like the idea of a PLACE that's dedicated to my personal growth (hate this term, BTW).  It's like my workout.  I don't workout in the family room.  I workout in the workout room - even the workouts that I COULD do in the family room.  I'll have all the things ready for me and PRIVATE.  The desk drawer I'm using locks so I don't have to worry someone will stumble on my stuff.

And, remember when I said I wanted to be more honest about life coaching, personal growth stuff?  I am.  I told hubby that's why I'm going upstairs.  I didn't share much specifics, but that feels like enough of a share to start.

Now, the irony this morning -- hubby is sleeping still and I'm typing this at the kitchen table.  Universe, you funny, funny gal.  He won't sleep in often though so my plan still holds.  (And, I'll do the rest at my desk in a bit -- since I moved everything upstairs.)

In other news ...

I'll take some pictures of the house soon (my connection to load pictures is slow).  We still don't have internet, but the outside line was fixed yesterday.  Progress.

We found 2 people to take our boxes and this makes me happy.  We are NOT a green family (I try, but not as much as I should) and I felt extra NOT-GREEN with the moving boxes.  Reuse - awesome.

Found out a dog foster is stealing from Releash.  Cashed the adoption checks and took the money.  Claiming she mailed them and they must be lost ($1200).  Releash found out the checks were cashed by her and she told adopters to leave the pay line blank (gave a phony excuse).  She used the money for her honeymoon.  Really??  That's sick.

I got prettied up yesterday - nails and eyebrows.  I needed it.  I have big sores on my knees from cleaning the floors after the move (I like to do the big wash on my hands and knees, but my knee pads were still packed) so pedicure wasn't as wonderful, but I'll take it.  My nails were long and it feels better to have the "american" back (I liked the other color, but the grow-out is noticeable).  I have splinters in one of my nails.  The nail tech was able to remove one, but the others will need to grow out.  MOVING and CLEANING war wounds!!

Today is lunch with a friend and Trader Joe's run.  Back to cooking.  I have lots of meals made for the freezer, but I was too tired to cook (and sort of hoarding my freezer stash again).  My pants say it's time to get back to normal eating.

I wanted to run Duke outside today, but it's raining.  The ONLY running route option is going to be tough with a big ass hill.  The good news is it's EXACTLY one mile.  Bad news is I get that hill every mile.

Lots more to chat about, but time to get moving.  It's good to be back again (thanks, hotspot).  Later gators.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

MIA, but now a Hotspot

You learn something new every day.

No internet - outside cables need to be fixed.  Hopefully, by next week. (Also, because no more cable and TIVO, no TV either.)

You can get internet with your PHONE using a personal hotspot.  Well, I'll be damned.  And it's EASY!!  (Also, you can pay bills with a check, envelope and stamp -- how quickly I forget).

Anyway ... here's an update of all things in cliff note form.

Move went okay - a few hiccups, but all-in-all, a success.

I LOVE my house.  I LOVE my yard.  I LOVE the master-on-the-main.  I LOVE my new washer and dryer (good-bye forever, front loaders).

Shoe closet is built and works perfectly.  (Pictures to come when we have full internet.)

Neighbors are nice.  The luncheon was fun.

I am bone tired exhausted and every part of my body hurts.  Today is the first day attempting to get back to normal.  It's also my hubby's last day at work (probably - maybe partial days the rest of the week).

I'm freaking out about all the together time coming.

I've been eating like crap.  Drinking wine every night.  I can feel it in my pants and my mood.

Today is the first day back to working out (I've been lifting and unpacking and walking up stairs -- no workout needed until today).  Fingers crossed the treadmill works okay.  Today is also my first GREEN drink in the new house.  I went to the grocery store yesterday.  (Not a fan of the new, fancy Kroger -- still have to find "my" go-to store).

I reduced my boxing membership to once a week to take the Saturday class only.  I'll see how that goes, but if the treadmill doesn't work -- no elliptical option.

I have to go back to the old house today.  Don't miss it one bit.  Contractors are working like crazy and totally trashing everything.  It's a dirty mess -- bathrooms, yard, trash everywhere.  Good lord.  I'm glad I'm not there.

Since I have my computer for the first time today, I need to get busy ordering stuff from Amazon!!  Glad to be back at it -- later gators.