Monday, September 11, 2017

We Remember

9-11.  We lived in NY at the time.  We lost friends.  We remember the horror of that day.  We remember the love as people came together to help, to mourn, to move-through the horrors hand-in-hand.

Today, we are also thinking about all those in harm's way with the storm(s).  It seems that my family in Florida has ridden out Irma unharmed.  Damage is yet to be assessed.  We are in a Tropical Storm Warning today in GA.  No real danger looming, just nuisance possibilities of power out and trees down.  Jose is moving through islands already devastated by Irma.  Helicopters had to drop flier on the islands warning of the storm approaching - all communications are down.

It's a day to remember, count blessings, be grateful and pray for so many.

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