I started The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin last night (she wrote The Happiness Project). This should be interesting. I'm curious if this will explain why I do somethings really well, other things not so well, etc. Stay tuned ...
I also learned something interesting at Lift yesterday. I've been lifting for over a year and some "moves" I've improved quite dramatically (for me) -- others I still suck. I work just as hard doing every muscle group and can't understand why, for example, I can't do a triceps pushup without being on my knees. We did a special lift the other day that mimics the start of a pull-up -- I failed miserably. My partner did it without a problem. Yet yesterday, I out-lifted her easily. Turns out the compound moves that I struggle with use the back muscles (i.e. trapezius). That's my weak point!! Now I know where I need to do some focused work. Bring on the tricep pushup!! I LOVE me some learning! PS Arm day was amazing ... my arms were jello all day and feeling good-sore this morning.
Since I feel so miserable at how my body looks right now, I'm actually motivated to do something about it. Yea ME! That's a good feeling. (This was a random thought lol)
This week is hyper-busy and I've been in productive mode for a few days - it feels good too. Productive as in I was waiting for wash to finish so I ironed my cloth napkins ... at 6:30 am. Yep. Productive. Do you remember the commercial years ago for the military (army, I think) ... we do more before 9 am than most people do in a day? I always thought of that on days I worked and was up the middle of the night, running by 4 am, etc. This week feels a bit like that again. Another "it feels good" thing.
Today is Gigi's test run with small dogs. My other aunt and uncle are in town from Buffalo so we are gathering for lunch after (with the dogs). And I'm flirting with my "wild" side too. Stay tuned for pictures!!
My lists are serving me well this week -- I LOVE a list and it helps relax me. I've made substantial progress on my stuff this week and finally slept without a stress dream. (Although my pup threw-up last night, Gigi had a few barking moments ... so sleep went to the dogs last night.)
Hope it's a good day all around! Later gators!
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