Friday, September 15, 2017

Happy Friday

Life does not get better by chance, 
it gets better by change. -- Jim Rohn

Exactly. Working the "change" again yesterday. (2 days in a row ... it's a streak).

Lifting felt good.  Good for my body and good for my soul (yep, a bit corny, but it was nice to be missed and welcomed back).  I noticed and it put a smile on my face.

Other happy stuff ... Instant Pot hard boiled eggs.  So perfect.  So easy.  If you like eggs, the Instant Pot is worth it's weight in gold just for this reason.  

Gigi has mastered jumping down from the sofa.  Why is this glorious?  Do you know what a pain it is to move a sleeping dog on and off the sofa every time you get up?  She wants to sleep "up" on something (probably a tiny dog thing).  I was worried about her getting hurt.  No more worries.  

And the day continued on from there ... little bits of good stuff all over the place.  I didn't remember how much I missed by not NOTICING, not paying attention to the good ... only fixating on the crap.

It feels nice to have a different focus.

Today is an early Lift class followed by errands.  This is our last day with Gigi.  She goes to her forever home tomorrow.  We'll miss this peanut.  P.S. I'm so sore - feels good to be back to heavy lifting.

GNI was boring - I said it.  Turns out someone else said it too.  Yea.  Looking to change up the format for next year.  It needs a boost.  Good people, lackluster night.  I ate the food ... stayed wheat-free and alcohol-free.  Bonus was the house tour - she's an excellent decorator.

I have the appointment at the appliance place this afternoon.  Booked solid yesterday and only one appointment available for today - wow.  I'm watching the wine refrigerator for a possible break AGAIN too.  Lord these appliances are killing me.

And dare I say it ... my lip feels funny.  I'm not sure a sore is coming necessarily, but I don't know yet.  Lord help me on this one.  If it's a sore, I'm heading to the doc to get a pill - ugh.

I realize the last few things are less-than-happy stuff, but the good news is it's not bothering me like it has been.  I'm taking it in stride -- another welcomed change.

And here's my last revelation for today :-) ... when I'm focusing on HAPPY, looking for moments, noticing things -- I don't look at food like it's the end-all to everything good.  I forgot this too.  Did I remember anything?!?!  No wonder the long, long funk.  Good lord folks.

Hoping planning to make it a good day.  Happy Friday!

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