Thursday, September 14, 2017

Now for a Regular Post (because I like them too!)

Yesterday was a HAPPY day (yes, still in the honeymoon phase  ... but I'll take it).

I said YES.
I was productive.
I remembered to be HAPPY.

Here's the scoop:

I did some self-care in the morning.  Workout, quote book, dog walks (two, cause they go at totally different paces lol), McDonald's run (for iced tea and to give my old man car-ride joy), sofa cuddle time with the foster, Garth Brooks music (learning some for the upcoming concert).

Then I treated myself to a late lunch (all by myself).  Ceviche ... delicious.  Met my girlfriend for a drink (coffee house was closed in the afternoon - bummer), but I stuck with club soda.  The HAPPY was meeting her, not drinking.

We had a great conversation (always do) and I left feeling energized and friendship-loved!

Picked up my glasses.  LOVE them!!  Made a quick stop to get those dish towels I like (and a few other goodies).  Went to Verizon to upgrade to unlimited data so I can love my data-sucking kids again (I use 0.5 ... don't get me started).  Got my eyebrows threaded (they were hairy beasts).

A couple of times some negative thoughts snuck in ... but I refused to listen ... I actually said NO out loud once (in the car - I'm not THAT crazy).

I kept my body in HAPPY stance for the entire day.

When I was in the drive-through line for McDonalds, an older couple came over to talk to my dog.  When they noticed GiGi, they said "oh, you are a serious dog person."  Made my day.  And I let it make my day.  Such a great compliment to me.  I think my HAPPY stance made me approachable.  All day long, I had quick, nice stranger interactions.

That brings me to another HAPPY thing that I did last year.  I'd play a game for the day (not every day, but most days).  Talk to a stranger, compliment a stranger, notice something funny, notice something kind, do something kind, learn something new, etc.  I'd choose one thing and make that a goal for the day.  It was fun and kept my focus on HAPPY.  Pushed away the negative self-talk that sneaks in when my world is quiet.

You never regret being kind.  -- Nicole Shepard

That brings me to today.  Back to Lift for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks.  I'm a little nervous (strange) and a little excited.  Leg day.  Oh boy!

GNI group tonight.  It's outside the neighborhood.  The host just moved (after a divorce) and I'm excited to see her house (she's a great decorator).  She's the BEST baker I've ever met ... seriously.  But it will be gluten-filled I'm sure.  No drinking for me since I'm driving (that actually makes it easier).  I think I'm making lazy-devil eggs since I have all the stuff I need (and the Instant Pot makes the EASIEST hard-boiled eggs).

This afternoon is up in the air a bit.  I need to go to the appliance store to get going on the microwave (it's acting funny again).  It has potential to be a big deal since it's built-in.  Wish me luck on that!  I forgot they require an appointment if you want to speak with someone.  I'll call later to see if I can get in.

My INTENTION today is to REPEAT again!  Old Michael Finnegan.  Different day, different stuff, but the overall feeling should be the SAME.  HAPPY is a state of mind (or so I've heard).  Later gators.

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