Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Plugging Along

I'm on a bit of a struggle bus still -- energy is low; I don't feel very well; I have the case of the blahs. I'm tired of this cycle. So far, I'm not seeing the testosterone and creatine results that I'd hoped. It's still early, but I had a bit of improvement and a big drop again. Of course, I had a little cold and my monthly all in the same week so that might explain things.

Today I have a date lunch with hubby. We've been trying to do once a week day date. Tonight I have a beginner embroidery class. I hope that gets me started on some of the craft projects. The blahs have me lackluster about doing anything crafty and I have several projects waiting. Also, I'm not thrilled about an evening class -- but evening is the only time offered and I like in-person instruction.

I picked more greens from the garden. Greens and peppers are going strong. Everything else is so-so. Also another little vase of flowers.

Hope your week is going well. Later gators.

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