Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Embroidery Class

I don't feel physically any better today -- energy is TANKED. I planned to take Duke to the park for some kind of workout, but it's unexpectedly pouring rain. Can't say I'm disappointed. I reworked my workout schedule for the week and it's an arm workout day instead.

My body is on the struggle bus, but my mood is loads better. Why? I tuned into what I wanted and what I didn't want. DNRed 2 library books that weren't hitting for me. I'm in a season of wanting to "mood" read -- aka what do I feel like reading? The answer yesterday was A Wrinkle in Time. Fixed a lunch that sounds good to me for today -- garden greens, veggies and egg salad with apple. Said yes to a favor, but put a condition on it so it worked for me. Said no to a volunteer request. Took the embroidery class last night (loved it) and chose to do something different than suggested because I wanted to. Hubby and I went to lunch and figured out our walking vacation next year. Listening to our intuition, Camino is back on the table and in active planning mode.

Where I could have done better is I needed to sleep more this morning, but I got up early with anticipation of going running and anticipation of feeling better once I got up and moving. I actually got dressed only to notice it was pouring rain. I needed the extra rest more. My body is in a recovery mode and I need to listen -- I didn't think I was THAT sick, but it's hitting me hard on the back end.

Here's the embroidery lesson. Doesn't look like much (it isn't) but I learned a lot and am excited to practice on some bags and such. We learned 4 stitches, how to separate the 6 strand embroidery floss, best way to pull thread, thread needle, etc.

Cute little scissors but
they hardly cut.

Chose a little flower
instead of my name.
Ran out of time to
do a stem and leaves.

This afternoon I have another farm class (fruit trees) and a coffee date with a friend. I have a few ideas for showing up in a future-self way today.

A friend gave me a heads up about a publication out of the UK. All things I enjoy. It's an expensive magazine, but filled with nice paper to use for crafting and lots of ideas. I got a spring and a backlist fall copy. You can order directly for less, but shipping puts it about at the Amazon price point. I think a copy every once in a bit is enough.

That's all from here. Hope you're having a good day. Later gators.

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