Monday, September 30, 2024

Where to Begin

We are heartbroken for Asheville. I won't go over what you see from the news but it's worse than you can imagine. We know our house is standing, but not much more than that -- no cell service in the area. No power (until next week), no water (about 4 weeks).

My sister and family are okay -- they left for Charlotte today to get food and water. Rivers will crest tonight. Some of our favorite places are completely destroyed. 

And they are the lucky ones. So many horrific stories and ongoing unbelievable heartbreak. We won't have much information until cell service is available. 

I'll leave it here for today. Praying for relief for this beautiful area and the people who call it home.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

From Spa Day to Storm Day

The spa was fantastic. 

Shopped and lunched with the aunties yesterday. Also a good day. Sunny in the morning and then the cool front first storms moved in. Blustery and strong. Already some flooding. Not related to the hurricane -- that's still coming.

Everything canceled for today (and probably tomorrow). Storm hitting in the evening and morning hours. Record flooding predicted in Asheville too. Hasn't stopped raining since yesterday (we need this rain, but rather not have the storm).

We're in hold mode and getting prepared for power outages and storm damage. Fingers crossed for neither. Hearts with folks in FL getting the biggest brunt. 

My poor garden. I think a tropical storm might knock her out completely. I'll pick what I can this morning and hope for the best. Nothing else I can do -- everything is staked and tied down.

Pottery class tonight moved to next week. I expect library shift to be canceled tomorrow. Probably not doing the race on Saturday since area is expected to be a mess. Hubby going to Asheville instead of me because they'll be a lot of outside cleanup (his purview, not mine). What an unexpected turn this week.

Stay safe. Later gators.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

It's a Spa Day

Hubby is home. I'm marked safe from the juro spiders. Phew. There were some heated moments and lots of panic, but I survived lol.

The weekend was nice. I had a garden class with a friend. Mostly basic info, but got a suggestion to put bird feeders around the garden to attract the bug eating birds.

Also, grabbed a few cold hardier herbs, but haven't planted them yet. It's been SO HOT ... too hot for herbs. We should cool down this week as the hurricane remnants pass by later in the week.

Oregano and thyme
Looks so English

I had brunch on Sunday with my youngest, DIL-2-B, and her father's family. I learned a lot about Dubai and had a nice afternoon.

Yesterday was a bunch of errands and house chores. I found a dress for the wedding next weekend. A morning wedding in October in Boston -- tough to find something in my closest. Temperatures can be anything this time of year, but the location and month dictate "not summer" dresses. Morning means more garden style so my evening options are out. It's a silk slip dress (black with big fall flowers) and a shear long-sleeved overlay with the same pattern. Slip dress is midi and overlay is long. Pictures to come.

Today is a spa preview day for the spa shower I'm hosting for my DIL-2-B in January. Short massage because $$$$ and a spa lunch with the event coordinator -- hopefully the lunch is comped since she's joining me (you know I'd rather be alone). The coordinator hasn't been good (forgetful, non-responsive and kind of blah). Maybe in-person will be better. Not a bad day ahead though :) 

I'm feeling better, but still a few lingering issues. Energy is the biggest problem -- slowly improving though. 

Hope your week is going well and you have a good day. Later gators.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Volunteer Day

Man, still feeling like poo. I had a +3 temp last night and I felt it with chills and general unwell. Not sure what's going on. I felt so crappy yesterday, yet I had a hike with a friend and that felt fine. I can't get a handle on when to push and when to rest.

Little friend as we were leaving the park.

Today is a volunteer day. This morning is a harvest at the farm (hope I get something easy on my back) and this afternoon is my first volunteer in the library store. 

Hubby leaves on his golf trip this morning. It's me, dogs and too many spiders. Wish me luck battling the webs. I survived leading a hike yesterday, but a few near misses. 

Overwhelm is strong right now and it really doesn't need to be. I'm noticing that when my energy is low, overwhelm is really high. It's like I can't imagine how I can muster enough to get everything done. One thing at a time. 

I had purposely left a lot of blank space for next week and it's completely filled -- all good things, some really good things, but it doesn't feel great right now. I need a thought shift because I don't want to miss feeling good. These are good things that should feel good. Even today -- both volunteer times are things I enjoy doing, yet I'm acting like it's a task to get finished and it's sprinkled with dread. There's no reason (other than I don't feel myself). 

On a good note, I'm enjoying the greens from the garden. I have another fall garden class tomorrow -- free one with a garden friend (same friend from the hike yesterday). Can never learn too much. The fruit class was interesting and helpful. I learned that "leaf rollers" are the pest eating my bean plants. 

There's a critter under each leaf piece.
You have to squish the leaf bit to kill them.
Fall gardens aren't as easy as I thought.

Hope you are set for a good weekend. Later gators.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Embroidery Class

I don't feel physically any better today -- energy is TANKED. I planned to take Duke to the park for some kind of workout, but it's unexpectedly pouring rain. Can't say I'm disappointed. I reworked my workout schedule for the week and it's an arm workout day instead.

My body is on the struggle bus, but my mood is loads better. Why? I tuned into what I wanted and what I didn't want. DNRed 2 library books that weren't hitting for me. I'm in a season of wanting to "mood" read -- aka what do I feel like reading? The answer yesterday was A Wrinkle in Time. Fixed a lunch that sounds good to me for today -- garden greens, veggies and egg salad with apple. Said yes to a favor, but put a condition on it so it worked for me. Said no to a volunteer request. Took the embroidery class last night (loved it) and chose to do something different than suggested because I wanted to. Hubby and I went to lunch and figured out our walking vacation next year. Listening to our intuition, Camino is back on the table and in active planning mode.

Where I could have done better is I needed to sleep more this morning, but I got up early with anticipation of going running and anticipation of feeling better once I got up and moving. I actually got dressed only to notice it was pouring rain. I needed the extra rest more. My body is in a recovery mode and I need to listen -- I didn't think I was THAT sick, but it's hitting me hard on the back end.

Here's the embroidery lesson. Doesn't look like much (it isn't) but I learned a lot and am excited to practice on some bags and such. We learned 4 stitches, how to separate the 6 strand embroidery floss, best way to pull thread, thread needle, etc.

Cute little scissors but
they hardly cut.

Chose a little flower
instead of my name.
Ran out of time to
do a stem and leaves.

This afternoon I have another farm class (fruit trees) and a coffee date with a friend. I have a few ideas for showing up in a future-self way today.

A friend gave me a heads up about a publication out of the UK. All things I enjoy. It's an expensive magazine, but filled with nice paper to use for crafting and lots of ideas. I got a spring and a backlist fall copy. You can order directly for less, but shipping puts it about at the Amazon price point. I think a copy every once in a bit is enough.

That's all from here. Hope you're having a good day. Later gators.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Plugging Along

I'm on a bit of a struggle bus still -- energy is low; I don't feel very well; I have the case of the blahs. I'm tired of this cycle. So far, I'm not seeing the testosterone and creatine results that I'd hoped. It's still early, but I had a bit of improvement and a big drop again. Of course, I had a little cold and my monthly all in the same week so that might explain things.

Today I have a date lunch with hubby. We've been trying to do once a week day date. Tonight I have a beginner embroidery class. I hope that gets me started on some of the craft projects. The blahs have me lackluster about doing anything crafty and I have several projects waiting. Also, I'm not thrilled about an evening class -- but evening is the only time offered and I like in-person instruction.

I picked more greens from the garden. Greens and peppers are going strong. Everything else is so-so. Also another little vase of flowers.

Hope your week is going well. Later gators.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Weekend Recap

Here's the weekend recap.

No sunrise hike. I withdrew because of the weather and I was a bit under-the-weather on Friday evening. I'm disappointed but it was the right decision -- I needed to sleep. 

It was down to the wire for the bookclub lunch. 2 people came. We talked for 3 hours and it was really nice. It was the connection I was hoping to have with some interesting ladies. I'm glad I planned this and I wish I didn't worry up until they arrived that no one would come. I wasn't worried as in embarrassed no one showed, but as in annoyed no one showed. It didn't happen and all that energy wasted grumbling in my head. I'm going to remember this lesson and hopefully learn something for future "worries."

I have a luncheon blueprint I usually follow and it works nicely. Salad bar style salad (lots of fixings) and dessert plated as the centerpiece of the table. I brew a pitcher of iced tea and that's lunch. It's organized and simple and relaxing. One of the ladies took a salad to go because she liked it so much. Something about a someone making a salad for you that makes it taste so much better.

Flowers from the garden.

4 places just in case
a "maybe" showed up

Fresh picked greens

Hubby and Duke were at the kids' house watching football so I had the evening to myself. I finished the 1st season of Truth Be Told (Apple TV) -- kept me guessing until the last scene. The 2nd season doesn't get good reviews though, but looks like the 3rd is better. I'm not sure I'll watch either right now -- books are lining up.

It's Monday and that brings another full week in a good way. I'm trying to rally some energy. I think my monthly zapped things pretty good and I had a couple of days of a slight cold at the end of the week. Both are finished but my body seems to be in recovery mode -- wanting sleep and rest.

Oh, I forgot to chat about the Amazon return center. It WAS an experience, not one I'm particularly interested in doing again. It was chaotic and felt a little like the worst of American waste and greed. I know that's a big statement, but it was strange. I'm glad I went because I was curious. I bought a box of plain gift bags -- I think 50+ in the box. It'll last years.

Hope you have a good week ahead. Later gators.

Friday, September 13, 2024

A Rainy Weekend

I'm not the only one to say -- we need this rain so I'm grateful for the storm making its way through the area. It might cancel a sunrise hike tomorrow or we might hike in the rain. No word from the hike leader yet.

Speaking of canceling, Sunday's bookclub lunch is hanging on by a thread. Maybe 2 people coming? Maybe not. Got the first "official" pullout. Usually, that starts the train. One is a maybe and that usually means she doesn't come. So 2 "yes" and me make 3. 

I made the apple cider donut cake for the lunch (I'll freeze it today) -- perfect fall dessert. The cake pan is smaller than the recipe calls for so I made a few cupcakes -- hubby said they are the best he's had in a long time. It's one of the Cakes by Courtney recipes that can be make GF.

Today I'm heading to a place called Black Friday -- Amazon return center. It's near my aunt's and she says it's an experience. We're going on the first day of the week (starts on a Friday) when selection is the best and everything is $8. By Wednesday, everything is 50 cents, but selection is picked over. You can't open boxes -- have to take it to a check out person to open and then you decide to buy or not. She says it's strange and fun. Good way to spend a rainy day.

I finished this book. Tabled the library read since it can be renewed. It's a very interesting story. Well written and plotted -- literary sci-fi. That said, it was pretty depressing as the story unfolded. There's a sequel -- wonder if that has a more hopeful ending.

Hope you have a good weekend in the works. Later gators.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Drumroll ...

... I got my monthly yesterday. It's my top story today because this bodes well for my health issues -- at least I think it does and it probably explains my energy issues this week too.

In other top news, we have a large fox lingering in our neighborhood (probably housing construction at the end of the street has displaced him - so sad). Yesterday evening he was in our yard and confronting my dog. The fence held, but barely. I ran, screaming like a mad woman "go away" and my vintage 1950s house dress was unsnapping the entire run. Fox backed off (but didn't go away) and neighbors came from near and far. I guess that's good -- call the calvary, but it was a moment. Holding my dog, trying to cover up, waving that everything is fine. Probably the talk of dinner tables last night. 

This was the fox earlier in the week. He's really tall -- much bigger than our usual foxes.

This is making dog stuff a whole lot more complicated and we're watching our chihuahua grand-dog next week. Then hubby goes on a trip for 6 days. Lord help me. It's always something. Juro spiders are in full bloom too. Geez, nature. I really feel for this poor fox, but I can't have him kill my dogs.

That's all from here this morning. Lots to do and I need to get moving. Have a good one. Later gators.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

New Future Self Stuff

I did most of my things yesterday (pushed plants to today though) and I'm feeling better this morning. Babysitting was hard on my back, but I love time with this sweet baby.

I have a stretch of 2 weeks of an extra full calendar (by my standards these days) that involves a lot of early mornings and a few late evenings. All curated by me so no one to blame but myself lol. A lot of this is in the name of "being her now." Leaning into another future self version. The initial lean is a little uncomfortable but also exciting.

It's a balance between pushing and letting things move organically. Push too much and it's overwhelming and not enjoyable. Let things happen organically and then may never actually happen.

The good news is everything is meant to be enjoyable -- and it feels enjoyable. The problem is my energy. It's still not where I'd like it. I'm starting to see some changes with the testosterone cream so hopefully good things on the horizon. 2 weeks for any changes. 6-8 weeks to come to level. I'm at week 3 tomorrow.

I'm adding things to my day that are part of this future self version's day. It's how she lives. What comes naturally. As I mentioned, the initial steps feel awkward and definitely not natural. The more I practice, the more natural it becomes. And if something doesn't end up being enjoyable, I'll make changes. This isn't a "should do" situation.

Anyway ... I finished this book yesterday. It's a cozy mystery and I expected more from it. Didn't get the feel of the English countryside or character development. I give it a C+ -- nothing special, but not bad either. Easy to finish in a couple of hours.

I have a hair appointment this morning so I'll get some time with a new book. I have one more library book checked out (and 2 waiting for pickup) but I'm not sure I want to read this one. I'll give it a go and if I don't love it after the hair appointment, it's a DNF. It's long AND LP with thin pages so you get the print from the other side showing. It seems irritating to the eye which is an odd reason to not be interested in the book, but that's the problem for me. The story needs to make me forget the bad printing for over 600 pages so I'm not particularly hopeful.

Lots of errands today and work on some projects for upcoming stuff. I'm also making stuffed bell peppers because I have a big batch from the garden. There's only so many you can eat on a salad.

Hope you have a good Tuesday. Later gators.

Monday, September 9, 2024

New Week

Happy Monday. I'm trying to get a little Monday magic into my day, but I have the case of the meh and blah. When this mood strikes, the best remedy is to do "The Things."

This includes getting stuff off my to-do list that nags at me for no good reason. Watering indoor plants, descaling my espresso machine, washing sheets. Means to an end but these chores are such a drag and all three fell on this Monday. Dang. Eat the frog first -- or at least as soon as possible. I have no idea why I dislike these chores so much.

I also need to force myself outside. It's a beautiful morning, but I need to take the dogs to the groomer smack in the middle of my morning (groomer changed the time).  I'm going to force myself to go for a walk after I drop them. That will absolutely brighten my mood.

I'm waiting to hear if I'm babysitting this afternoon. My DIL is sick and she might come home early which will mean I'm not sitting.

I picked up boxes and boxes of books from a friend who gathered from a group of her friends. Lots that the library can use, but not very many I want. I had high hopes, but it's good that these aren't ending up in the trash. If the library doesn't want them, they go to a book dealer who sells or sends to a company that recycles them.

I finished this book. 5/5 loved it. Witch story based on Anne of Green Gables.

Something is eating my beans. I thought fall meant fewer critters and pests.

I totally ran out of time because I got interrupted writing today so got to run ... later gators. More to chat about this week. Hope you have a good day.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Yep, Changes

As expected plans are moving, canceling, changing. 

Dinner plans got canceled last night -- host is sick. I had a free library craft hour before which turned out to be over 2 hours (misprint on the website) so the cancelation meant I could stay for the entire class. Fairy houses, aka plant holder. 

I was planning to pick up 8 boxes of books from a friend on Monday, but the dogs' grooming appointment got changed, so I'm picking them up this morning. Some for me, some for library donation, some for Good Will. It's a little rushed because kids (and grand baby) are coming over for the football game at noon-ish, but I'll figure it out.

Next Sunday I'm hosting a book club luncheon. Cue the excuses why people can't come now. I have excuses too, yet I'm proceeding along. I'm proud of how I'm handling this situation. If you choose not to come, your choice. I'm making a garden salad with greens, radishes and cucumbers from the garden ... and tons of extras (chicken, egg, sweet potato, roasted veggies, etc). I'll also bake an apple cider donut cake from Cakes By Courtney (it can be GF and freezes well). If no one shows, lunch for me. I don't need a laundry list of why other plans are more important now because life is hard. It's hard for me too. Everyone gets to do what they want, but I'm not going to validate the choice to do something "more fun" -- if you want to cancel, then you have to make that decision, not me. That probably sounds bitter, and I'm actually not bitter. The part I'm proud of is I'm NOT using words I don't mean -- like saying "it's okay" or "I understand." I'm kind, but I'm not coddling. I have firm boundaries in place for me and it's going well. 

I think the rest of my plans are pretty stable, baring bad weather or illness. I have some good things, and challenging things -- more on those later. September is a steadily full month and I'm here for it. 

Hope you are set up for a good week ahead. Later gators.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

All Clear

Colonoscopy was a breeze -- no issues and no polyps. They called me in 90 minutes early. When I saw the call it was immediate dread -- I thought they were canceling or pushing me back. I checked in at 10 o'clock and was driving home by 11:05. Wow. I spent longer at the dentist.

Now I need to get an all-clear on the other things. I had a big temperature drop last night. Maybe my monthly coming?!?!? If so, that will probably mean no surgical biopsy. I haven't wanted a period so badly since I was in my 20's with a little pregnancy scare. And then I can happily be finished with it. I've had it for 44 years, it's time.

I got my list of things finished yesterday during the colonoscopy prep day. Productive time.

Reading is going well.

Started this last night.
Literary sci-fi

Historical book about
Biltmore and Asheville.
Currently reading this too.

Really good legal book.

Page turner with a happy
ending. Perfect for a sleepless
night prepping.

I have a coffee date with a girlfriend today and a Whole Foods run. Friday begins another full week with a bunch of social things and such. I need to get organized. As usual, I'm sure some things will get canceled or postponed. I'm trying to go more with the flow about this kind of thing, but I usually get annoyed. Still trying though.

Fall garden is growing, but I'm not sure it's going to get enough sun to be really productive. It's another experiment for this year. I think I mentioned, the grow room was a total flop. Maybe it was the soil medium? Broccoli and kale. I'll try again in the spring.

That's all from here. Hope you have a good day. Later gators.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Prep Day

I'm back from Asheville. Great 3 days with the kids, 4 dogs and one incredible baby. We got over the stranger-danger hump, for now, and had fun around town. Of course, I took him to the teahouse. We saw a big mama bear and her cubs playing in our yard -- on a bear sighting streak in Asheville. Our grandson is just about 7 months and this is such a fun age. I wish I could share pictures, but the internet is no place for baby details these days.

Every dog wanted the baby seat.

I finished these books last week.

Fast read - coming of age story.

Really good true crime.

Classic Pilcher

Today I'm prepping for a colonoscopy. Prep didn't arrive in time so doing over-the-counter (which is what I did last time). The ONLY part that I get worried about is the car ride in the morning. Cheeks clenched and fingers crossed. 

That means today is how-can-I-distract-myself day. Lots of little things on the list. Walk at the park, picking up 4 library holds, transplanting a few indoor plants, errands, working on the embroidery kit, rock painting, pickling MORE jalapeƱos, and subscribing to Brit Box for the long overnight. Last colonoscopy I watched reruns of MASH. Going for something different this time :)

Doc found a problem last time (hence the 3 year colonoscopy) so I'll be happy to get this finished. Seems I have a couple of "cancer" hunting things going on and it's not fun. I'm hoping to get cleared from everything soon. 

Hope you had a good holiday weekend. Later gators.