Saturday, May 25, 2024

Unexpected ...

Looks like I have updates in an unexpected direction.

Kids feel well. BBQ is proceeding with fingers crossed nothing between now and tomorrow. 

I FINISHED the court report!! Woo hoo. I got close enough that I decided to push through another hour and get it off the table. That felt so, so good. I might have edits on Tuesday, but that's no big deal.

I realized I'm growing indeterminant tomatoes. What does that mean?? They are gigantic. They're taking over my garden. Wild is one thing, but this is something else. Google and I have a meeting this morning to figure out what to do. They GROW feet every night -- no exaggeration. I checked the garden this morning and they've overrun all the neighbors. Poor cucumbers and peppers don't stand a chance. 

Big news -- I spoke too soon about no flowers on the peas. Yes! But, man, I'm worried about the Japanese beetles. They can destroy it all.

I'm using cilantro tomorrow (guacamole) and letting the rest go to flower (maybe I can get coriander seed out of it) -- I need to attract the bees. The wildflowers are behind this year -- my fault. Next year I'm planting some companion flowers in the spring garden.

And BOOKS. Here's the latest -- in reverse order for lord knows why. I'm next up on 2 library books so I'm picking fast reads from my home TBR.

Up next from my home TBR

My own book -- fast and fun.

Library -- DNF.
It was sappy and very predictable.
With a big TBR, I gave up.

We watched Dune 2 last night. Long, but I liked it. I should've reviewed the first movie though. It took forever for me to remember what was going on and you MUST watch the first to understand the second.

My sister recommended this shoe brand for good city walking shoes. They have cork support inside so they look flat, but are comfortable. I needed a canvas shoe so my feet don't get so hot on our next trip. I ordered in kelly green too because why not have a little fun. I feel like I'm having a color moment in my fashion choices. 

Lots and lots to do in the kitchen today. I'm actually not upset about it (although my back will be screaming by tonight). Podcasts here I come. Nothing I'm making is hard, just lots of steps.

First, final trips to the supermarkets. Wish me luck -- I'm going first thing. 

Hope you're set for a good 3 day weekend. Later gators.

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