No pickleball yesterday. My son has a cold and the morning weather was iffy. Probably best for my back, but bummed to miss out seeing my grandson.
I worked on planting a container garden for my youngest. He was suppose to collect everything yesterday, but wanted to wait another weekend. Things need to get growing so I setup the containers that were still with me. He has a couple at home to plant once he gets the seeds from me. I couldn't give him plants from the grow room because he was taking the long vacation with us and everything would've died -- trip to Pike's for a few things.
I made a last spring salad from the garden -- pulled the lettuce plants. I have a lot of basil and cilantro so I made an herb salad dressing (tastes very fresh -- not sure if that's in my mind or it's really this good lol).
Used the new paint pens -- they work well. Much better saturation on the rocks. I'm back to rock painting and it feels good to tap into that creativity again. I also am gearing up to make a couple of journals for fun -- I like to keep notes on things.
It's a Monday with a "normal" week ahead and I want to use this week to get back to FS mode. It's not that I'm completely slipping, it's more that I've had "special" things that are taking precedence. FS is the reason for the special things, but I'm slipping a little in the day-to-day.
Spanish, meditation and crafting are sorely missing in my days and I feel it. I feel off and what do I do when that happens?? You guessed it -- SNACK at night. That's going away this week. I need a bit of a big breath and a slow down and a return to some basics.
Also returning (fingers crossed) are some hikes this week. I hope my foot, knee and back hold after the fall on Sunday. Today will be the test -- 10 miles with some technical in the beginning. If all is well, I'm set for the hard hike on Wednesday and maybe a hike on Friday too.
We're having a group over for a Sunday bbq for the holiday -- lots of planning and cooking to do for this too. Certainly not a slow week, but hopefully a full life, FS one.
Hubby is leaving for Asheville today. Stocking the LFL for me. I miss Asheville -- planning a solo trip in a few weeks.
Let's start this week off on a good foot (2 good feet, 2 good knees and a strong back). Later gators.
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